import Container from 'typedi'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { ApplicationError, WorkflowActivationError, type INode } from 'n8n-workflow'; import config from '@/config'; import type { Project } from '@/databases/entities/project'; import { ProjectRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/project.repository'; import type { User } from '@/databases/entities/user'; import { WorkflowHistoryRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/workflow-history.repository'; import { ActiveWorkflowManager } from '@/active-workflow-manager'; import { License } from '@/license'; import { UserManagementMailer } from '@/user-management/email'; import type { WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials } from '@/workflows/workflows.types'; import { mockInstance } from '../../shared/mocking'; import * as utils from '../shared/utils/'; import * as testDb from '../shared/test-db'; import type { SaveCredentialFunction } from '../shared/types'; import { makeWorkflow } from '../shared/utils/'; import { randomCredentialPayload } from '../shared/random'; import { affixRoleToSaveCredential, shareCredentialWithUsers } from '../shared/db/credentials'; import { createAdmin, createOwner, createUser, createUserShell } from '../shared/db/users'; import { createWorkflow, getWorkflowSharing, shareWorkflowWithUsers } from '../shared/db/workflows'; import { createTag } from '../shared/db/tags'; import type { SuperAgentTest } from '../shared/types'; import { createTeamProject, linkUserToProject } from '../shared/db/projects'; import { WorkflowRepository } from '@/databases/repositories/workflow.repository'; let owner: User; let admin: User; let ownerPersonalProject: Project; let member: User; let memberPersonalProject: Project; let anotherMember: User; let anotherMemberPersonalProject: Project; let authOwnerAgent: SuperAgentTest; let authMemberAgent: SuperAgentTest; let authAnotherMemberAgent: SuperAgentTest; let saveCredential: SaveCredentialFunction; let projectRepository: ProjectRepository; let workflowRepository: WorkflowRepository; const activeWorkflowManager = mockInstance(ActiveWorkflowManager); const sharingSpy = jest.spyOn(License.prototype, 'isSharingEnabled').mockReturnValue(true); const testServer = utils.setupTestServer({ endpointGroups: ['workflows'], enabledFeatures: ['feat:sharing', 'feat:advancedPermissions'], }); const license = testServer.license; const mailer = mockInstance(UserManagementMailer); beforeAll(async () => { projectRepository = Container.get(ProjectRepository); workflowRepository = Container.get(WorkflowRepository); owner = await createOwner(); admin = await createAdmin(); ownerPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(; member = await createUser({ role: 'global:member' }); memberPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(; anotherMember = await createUser({ role: 'global:member' }); anotherMemberPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); authOwnerAgent = testServer.authAgentFor(owner); authMemberAgent = testServer.authAgentFor(member); authAnotherMemberAgent = testServer.authAgentFor(anotherMember); saveCredential = affixRoleToSaveCredential('credential:owner'); await utils.initNodeTypes(); }); beforeEach(async () => { activeWorkflowManager.add.mockReset(); activeWorkflowManager.remove.mockReset(); await testDb.truncate(['Workflow', 'SharedWorkflow', 'WorkflowHistory', 'Tag']); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('router should switch based on flag', () => { let savedWorkflowId: string; beforeEach(async () => { const createWorkflowResponse = await'/workflows').send(makeWorkflow()); savedWorkflowId =; }); test('when sharing is disabled', async () => { sharingSpy.mockReturnValueOnce(false); await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${savedWorkflowId}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }) .expect(404); }); test('when sharing is enabled', async () => { await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${savedWorkflowId}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }) .expect(200); }); }); describe('PUT /workflows/:workflowId/share', () => { test('should save sharing with new users', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(2); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ newShareeIds: [], sharer: expect.objectContaining({ id: }), workflow: expect.objectContaining({ id: }), }), ); }); test('should succeed when sharing with invalid user-id', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [uuid()] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(1); }); test('should allow sharing with pending users', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const memberShell = await createUserShell('global:member'); const memberShellPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(2); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test('should allow sharing with multiple users', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [,] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(3); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test('should override sharing', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [,] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(3); const secondResponse = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(secondResponse.statusCode).toBe(200); const secondSharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(secondSharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(2); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); test('should allow sharing by the owner of the workflow', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); const response = await authMemberAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(2); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test('should allow sharing by the instance owner', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(2); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test('should not allow sharing by another shared member', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [anotherMember]); const response = await authAnotherMemberAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [,] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(2); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should not allow sharing with self by another non-shared member', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); const response = await authAnotherMemberAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(1); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should not allow sharing by another non-shared member', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); const tempUser = await createUser({ role: 'global:member' }); const tempUserPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const response = await authAnotherMemberAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); const sharedWorkflows = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(sharedWorkflows).toHaveLength(1); expect(mailer.notifyWorkflowShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should not call internal hooks listener for email sent if emailing is disabled', async () => { config.set('userManagement.emails.mode', ''); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); config.set('userManagement.emails.mode', 'smtp'); }); }); describe('GET /workflows/new', () => { [true, false].forEach((sharingEnabled) => { test(`should return an auto-incremented name, even when sharing is ${ sharingEnabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled' }`, async () => { sharingSpy.mockReturnValueOnce(sharingEnabled); await createWorkflow({ name: 'My workflow' }, owner); await createWorkflow({ name: 'My workflow 7' }, owner); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get('/workflows/new'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect('My workflow 8'); }); }); }); describe('GET /workflows/:workflowId', () => { test('should fail with invalid id due to route rule', async () => { const response = await authOwnerAgent.get('/workflows/potatoes'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404); }); test('should return 404 for non existing workflow', async () => { const response = await authOwnerAgent.get('/workflows/9001'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404); }); test('project viewers can view workflows', async () => { const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, teamProject, 'project:viewer'); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, teamProject); const response = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`).expect(200); const responseWorkflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(responseWorkflow.homeProject).toMatchObject({ id:, name:, type: 'team', }); expect(responseWorkflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should return a workflow with owner', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`).expect(200); const responseWorkflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(responseWorkflow.homeProject).toMatchObject({ id:, name: owner.createPersonalProjectName(), type: 'personal', }); expect(responseWorkflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(0); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any expect((responseWorkflow as any).shared).toBeUndefined(); }); test('should return tags', async () => { const tag = await createTag({ name: 'A' }); const workflow = await createWorkflow({ tags: [tag] }, owner); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`).expect(200); expect({ tags: [expect.objectContaining({ id:, name: })], }); }); test('should return shared workflow with user data', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [member]); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`).expect(200); const responseWorkflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(responseWorkflow.homeProject).toMatchObject({ id:, name: owner.createPersonalProjectName(), type: 'personal', }); expect(responseWorkflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(1); expect(responseWorkflow.sharedWithProjects[0]).toMatchObject({ id:, name: member.createPersonalProjectName(), type: 'personal', }); }); test('should return all sharees', async () => { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [member, anotherMember]); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`).expect(200); const responseWorkflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(responseWorkflow.homeProject).toMatchObject({ id:, name: owner.createPersonalProjectName(), type: 'personal', }); expect(responseWorkflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(2); }); test('should return workflow with credentials owned by user', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const workflowPayload = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false, withCredential: { id:, name: }, }); const workflow = await createWorkflow(workflowPayload, owner); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`).expect(200); const responseWorkflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(responseWorkflow.usedCredentials).toMatchObject([ { id:, name:, currentUserHasAccess: true, }, ]); expect(responseWorkflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(0); }); test.each([ ['owner', () => owner], ['admin', () => admin], ])( 'should return workflow with credentials saying %s does have access even when not shared', async (_description, getActor) => { const actor = getActor(); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const workflowPayload = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false, withCredential: { id:, name: }, }); const workflow = await createWorkflow(workflowPayload, actor); const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(actor) .get(`/workflows/${}`) .expect(200); const responseWorkflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(responseWorkflow.usedCredentials).toMatchObject([ { id:, name:, currentUserHasAccess: true, }, ]); expect(responseWorkflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(0); }, ); test('should return workflow with credentials for all users with or without access', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const workflowPayload = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false, withCredential: { id:, name: }, }); const workflow = await createWorkflow(workflowPayload, member); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [anotherMember]); const responseMember1 = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`).expect(200); const member1Workflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(member1Workflow.usedCredentials).toMatchObject([ { id:, name:, currentUserHasAccess: true, // one user has access }, ]); expect(member1Workflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(1); const responseMember2 = await authAnotherMemberAgent .get(`/workflows/${}`) .expect(200); const member2Workflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(member2Workflow.usedCredentials).toMatchObject([ { id:, name:, currentUserHasAccess: false, // the other one doesn't }, ]); expect(member2Workflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(1); }); test('should return workflow with credentials for all users with access', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); // Both users have access to the credential (none is owner) await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [anotherMember]); const workflowPayload = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false, withCredential: { id:, name: }, }); const workflow = await createWorkflow(workflowPayload, member); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [anotherMember]); const responseMember1 = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`).expect(200); const member1Workflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(member1Workflow.usedCredentials).toMatchObject([ { id:, name:, currentUserHasAccess: true, }, ]); expect(member1Workflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(1); const responseMember2 = await authAnotherMemberAgent .get(`/workflows/${}`) .expect(200); const member2Workflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(responseMember2.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(member2Workflow.usedCredentials).toMatchObject([ { id:, name:, currentUserHasAccess: true, }, ]); expect(member2Workflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(1); }); test('should return workflow credentials home project and shared with projects', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); // Both users have access to the credential (none is owner) await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [anotherMember]); const workflowPayload = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false, withCredential: { id:, name: }, }); const workflow = await createWorkflow(workflowPayload, member); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [anotherMember]); const responseMember1 = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${}`).expect(200); const member1Workflow: WorkflowWithSharingsMetaDataAndCredentials =; expect(member1Workflow.usedCredentials).toMatchObject([ { id:, name:, currentUserHasAccess: true, homeProject: { id:, }, sharedWithProjects: [{ id: }], }, ]); expect(member1Workflow.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe('POST /workflows', () => { test('project viewers cannot create workflows', async () => { const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, teamProject, 'project:viewer'); const response = await authMemberAgent .post('/workflows') .send({ ...makeWorkflow(), projectId: }); expect(response.body).toMatchObject({ code: 400, message: "You don't have the permissions to save the workflow in this project.", }); }); it('Should create a workflow that uses no credential', async () => { const workflow = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false }); const response = await'/workflows').send(workflow); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); }); it('Should save a new workflow with credentials', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const workflow = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false, withCredential: { id:, name: }, }); const response = await'/workflows').send(workflow); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); }); it('Should not allow saving a workflow using credential you have no access', async () => { // Credential belongs to owner, member cannot use it. const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const workflow = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false, withCredential: { id:, name: }, }); const response = await'/workflows').send(workflow); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); expect(response.body.message).toBe( 'The workflow you are trying to save contains credentials that are not shared with you', ); }); it('Should allow owner to save a workflow using credential owned by others', async () => { // Credential belongs to owner, member cannot use it. const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const workflow = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false, withCredential: { id:, name: }, }); const response = await'/workflows').send(workflow); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); }); it('Should allow saving a workflow using a credential owned by others and shared with you', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [anotherMember]); const workflow = makeWorkflow({ withPinData: false, withCredential: { id:, name: }, }); const response = await'/workflows').send(workflow); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); }); test('Should create workflow history version when licensed', async () => { license.enable('feat:workflowHistory'); const payload = { name: 'testing', nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, position: [240, 300], }, ], connections: {}, staticData: null, settings: { saveExecutionProgress: true, saveManualExecutions: true, saveDataErrorExecution: 'all', saveDataSuccessExecution: 'all', executionTimeout: 3600, timezone: 'America/New_York', }, active: false, }; const response = await'/workflows').send(payload); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const { data: { id }, } = response.body; expect(id).toBeDefined(); expect( await Container.get(WorkflowHistoryRepository).count({ where: { workflowId: id } }), ).toBe(1); const historyVersion = await Container.get(WorkflowHistoryRepository).findOne({ where: { workflowId: id, }, }); expect(historyVersion).not.toBeNull(); expect(historyVersion!.connections).toEqual(payload.connections); expect(historyVersion!.nodes).toEqual(payload.nodes); }); test('Should not create workflow history version when not licensed', async () => { license.disable('feat:workflowHistory'); const payload = { name: 'testing', nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, position: [240, 300], }, ], connections: {}, staticData: null, settings: { saveExecutionProgress: true, saveManualExecutions: true, saveDataErrorExecution: 'all', saveDataSuccessExecution: 'all', executionTimeout: 3600, timezone: 'America/New_York', }, active: false, }; const response = await'/workflows').send(payload); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const { data: { id }, } = response.body; expect(id).toBeDefined(); expect( await Container.get(WorkflowHistoryRepository).count({ where: { workflowId: id } }), ).toBe(0); }); }); describe('PATCH /workflows/:workflowId', () => { test('project viewers cannot update workflows', async () => { const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, teamProject, 'project:viewer'); const workflow = await createWorkflow({ name: 'WF Name' }, teamProject); const response = await authMemberAgent .patch(`/workflows/${}`) .send({ ...workflow, name: 'New Name' }); expect(response.status).toBe(403); expect(response.body).toMatchObject({ message: 'User is missing a scope required to perform this action', }); }); describe('validate credential permissions to user', () => { it('Should succeed when saving unchanged workflow nodes', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const workflow = { name: 'test', active: false, connections: {}, nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', name: 'Start', parameters: {}, position: [-20, 260], type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, credentials: { default: { id:, name:, }, }, }, ], }; const createResponse = await'/workflows').send(workflow); const { id, versionId } =; const response = await authOwnerAgent.patch(`/workflows/${id}`).send({ name: 'new name', versionId, }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); }); it('Should allow owner to add node containing credential not shared with the owner', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const workflow = { name: 'test', active: false, connections: {}, nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', name: 'Start', parameters: {}, position: [-20, 260], type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, credentials: { default: { id:, name:, }, }, }, ], }; const createResponse = await'/workflows').send(workflow); const { id, versionId } =; const response = await authOwnerAgent.patch(`/workflows/${id}`).send({ versionId, nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', name: 'Start', parameters: {}, position: [-20, 260], type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, credentials: { default: { id:, name:, }, }, }, ], }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); }); it.each([ [ 'the owner and shared with the member', 'the owner', async function creteWorkflow() { const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [member]); return workflow; }, async function createCredential() { return await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); }, ], [ 'team 1', 'the member', async function creteWorkflow() { const team = await createTeamProject('Team 1', member); return await createWorkflow({}, team); }, async function createCredential() { return await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); }, ], [ 'team 1', 'team 2', async function creteWorkflow() { const team1 = await createTeamProject('Team 1', member); return await createWorkflow({}, team1); }, async function createCredential() { const team2 = await createTeamProject('Team 2', member); return await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: team2 }); }, ], [ 'the member', 'the owner', async function creteWorkflow() { return await createWorkflow({}, member); }, async function createCredential() { return await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); }, ], [ 'the member', 'team 2', async function creteWorkflow() { return await createWorkflow({}, member); }, async function createCredential() { const team2 = await createTeamProject('Team 2', member); return await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: team2 }); }, ], ])( 'Tamper proofing kicks in if the workflow is owned by %s, the credentials is owned by %s, and the member tries to use the credential in the workflow', async (_workflowText, _credentialText, createWorkflow, createCredential) => { // // ARRANGE // const workflow = await createWorkflow(); const credential = await createCredential(); // // ACT // const response = await authMemberAgent.patch(`/workflows/${}`).send({ versionId: workflow.versionId, nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-12345', name: 'Start', parameters: {}, position: [-20, 260], type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, credentials: { default: { id:, name:, }, }, }, ], }); // // ASSERT // expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); expect(response.body.message).toBe( "You don't have access to the credentials in the 'Start' node. Ask the owner to share them with you.", ); }, ); it('Should succeed but prevent modifying node attributes other than position, name and disabled', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const originalNodes: INode[] = [ { id: 'uuid-1234', name: 'Start', parameters: { firstParam: 123, }, position: [-20, 260], type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, credentials: { default: { id:, name:, }, }, }, ]; const changedNodes: INode[] = [ { id: 'uuid-1234', name: 'End', parameters: { firstParam: 456, }, position: [-20, 555], type: '', typeVersion: 1, credentials: { default: { id: '200', name: 'fake credential', }, }, disabled: true, }, ]; const expectedNodes: INode[] = [ { id: 'uuid-1234', name: 'End', parameters: { firstParam: 123, }, position: [-20, 555], type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, credentials: { default: { id:, name:, }, }, disabled: true, }, ]; const workflow = { name: 'test', active: false, connections: {}, nodes: originalNodes, }; const createResponse = await'/workflows').send(workflow); const { id, versionId } =; await authMemberAgent .put(`/workflows/${id}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }) .expect(200); const response = await authAnotherMemberAgent.patch(`/workflows/${id}`).send({ versionId, nodes: changedNodes, }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; }); }); describe('validate interim updates', () => { it('should block owner updating workflow nodes on interim update by member', async () => { // owner creates and shares workflow const createResponse = await'/workflows').send(makeWorkflow()); const { id, versionId: ownerVersionId } =; await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${id}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); // member accesses and updates workflow name const memberGetResponse = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${id}`); const { versionId: memberVersionId } =; await authMemberAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ name: 'Update by member', versionId: memberVersionId }); // owner blocked from updating workflow nodes const updateAttemptResponse = await authOwnerAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ nodes: [], versionId: ownerVersionId }); expect(updateAttemptResponse.status).toBe(400); expect(updateAttemptResponse.body.code).toBe(100); }); it('should block member updating workflow nodes on interim update by owner', async () => { // owner creates, updates and shares workflow const createResponse = await'/workflows').send(makeWorkflow()); const { id, versionId: ownerFirstVersionId } =; const updateResponse = await authOwnerAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ name: 'Update by owner', versionId: ownerFirstVersionId }); const { versionId: ownerSecondVersionId } =; await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${id}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); // member accesses workflow const memberGetResponse = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${id}`); const { versionId: memberVersionId } =; // owner re-updates workflow await authOwnerAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ name: 'Owner update again', versionId: ownerSecondVersionId }); // member blocked from updating workflow const updateAttemptResponse = await authMemberAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ nodes: [], versionId: memberVersionId }); expect(updateAttemptResponse.status).toBe(400); expect(updateAttemptResponse.body.code).toBe(100); }); it('should block owner activation on interim activation by member', async () => { // owner creates and shares workflow const createResponse = await'/workflows').send(makeWorkflow()); const { id, versionId: ownerVersionId } =; await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${id}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); // member accesses and activates workflow const memberGetResponse = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${id}`); const { versionId: memberVersionId } =; await authMemberAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ active: true, versionId: memberVersionId, name: 'Update by member' }); // owner blocked from activating workflow const activationAttemptResponse = await authOwnerAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ active: true, versionId: ownerVersionId, name: 'Update by owner' }); expect(activationAttemptResponse.status).toBe(400); expect(activationAttemptResponse.body.code).toBe(100); }); it('should block member activation on interim activation by owner', async () => { // owner creates, updates and shares workflow const createResponse = await'/workflows').send(makeWorkflow()); const { id, versionId: ownerFirstVersionId } =; const updateResponse = await authOwnerAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ name: 'Update by owner', versionId: ownerFirstVersionId }); const { versionId: ownerSecondVersionId } =; await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${id}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); // member accesses workflow const memberGetResponse = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${id}`); const { versionId: memberVersionId } =; // owner activates workflow await authOwnerAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ active: true, versionId: ownerSecondVersionId, name: 'Owner update again' }); // member blocked from activating workflow const updateAttemptResponse = await authMemberAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ active: true, versionId: memberVersionId, name: 'Update by member' }); expect(updateAttemptResponse.status).toBe(400); expect(updateAttemptResponse.body.code).toBe(100); }); it('should block member updating workflow settings on interim update by owner', async () => { // owner creates and shares workflow const createResponse = await'/workflows').send(makeWorkflow()); const { id, versionId: ownerVersionId } =; await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${id}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); // member accesses workflow const memberGetResponse = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${id}`); const { versionId: memberVersionId } =; // owner updates workflow name await authOwnerAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ name: 'Another name', versionId: ownerVersionId }); // member blocked from updating workflow settings const updateAttemptResponse = await authMemberAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ settings: { saveManualExecutions: true }, versionId: memberVersionId }); expect(updateAttemptResponse.status).toBe(400); expect(updateAttemptResponse.body.code).toBe(100); }); it('should block member updating workflow name on interim update by owner', async () => { // owner creates and shares workflow const createResponse = await'/workflows').send(makeWorkflow()); const { id, versionId: ownerVersionId } =; await authOwnerAgent .put(`/workflows/${id}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); // member accesses workflow const memberGetResponse = await authMemberAgent.get(`/workflows/${id}`).expect(200); const { versionId: memberVersionId } =; // owner updates workflow settings await authOwnerAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ settings: { saveManualExecutions: true }, versionId: ownerVersionId }); // member blocked from updating workflow name const updateAttemptResponse = await authMemberAgent .patch(`/workflows/${id}`) .send({ settings: { saveManualExecutions: true }, versionId: memberVersionId }); expect(updateAttemptResponse.status).toBe(400); expect(updateAttemptResponse.body.code).toBe(100); }); }); describe('workflow history', () => { test('Should create workflow history version when licensed', async () => { license.enable('feat:workflowHistory'); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const payload = { name: 'name updated', versionId: workflow.versionId, nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, position: [240, 300], }, { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Cron', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.cron', typeVersion: 1, position: [400, 300], }, ], connections: {}, staticData: '{"id":1}', settings: { saveExecutionProgress: false, saveManualExecutions: false, saveDataErrorExecution: 'all', saveDataSuccessExecution: 'all', executionTimeout: 3600, timezone: 'America/New_York', }, }; const response = await authOwnerAgent.patch(`/workflows/${}`).send(payload); const { data: { id }, } = response.body; expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(id).toBe(; expect( await Container.get(WorkflowHistoryRepository).count({ where: { workflowId: id } }), ).toBe(1); const historyVersion = await Container.get(WorkflowHistoryRepository).findOne({ where: { workflowId: id, }, }); expect(historyVersion).not.toBeNull(); expect(historyVersion!.connections).toEqual(payload.connections); expect(historyVersion!.nodes).toEqual(payload.nodes); }); test('Should not create workflow history version when not licensed', async () => { license.disable('feat:workflowHistory'); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const payload = { name: 'name updated', versionId: workflow.versionId, nodes: [ { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Start', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.start', typeVersion: 1, position: [240, 300], }, { id: 'uuid-1234', parameters: {}, name: 'Cron', type: 'n8n-nodes-base.cron', typeVersion: 1, position: [400, 300], }, ], connections: {}, staticData: '{"id":1}', settings: { saveExecutionProgress: false, saveManualExecutions: false, saveDataErrorExecution: 'all', saveDataSuccessExecution: 'all', executionTimeout: 3600, timezone: 'America/New_York', }, }; const response = await authOwnerAgent.patch(`/workflows/${}`).send(payload); const { data: { id }, } = response.body; expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(id).toBe(; expect( await Container.get(WorkflowHistoryRepository).count({ where: { workflowId: id } }), ).toBe(0); }); }); describe('activate workflow', () => { test('should activate workflow without changing version ID', async () => { license.disable('feat:workflowHistory'); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); const payload = { versionId: workflow.versionId, active: true, }; const response = await authOwnerAgent.patch(`/workflows/${}`).send(payload); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(activeWorkflowManager.add).toBeCalled(); const { data: { id, versionId, active }, } = response.body; expect(id).toBe(; expect(versionId).toBe(workflow.versionId); expect(active).toBe(true); }); test('should deactivate workflow without changing version ID', async () => { license.disable('feat:workflowHistory'); const workflow = await createWorkflow({ active: true }, owner); const payload = { versionId: workflow.versionId, active: false, }; const response = await authOwnerAgent.patch(`/workflows/${}`).send(payload); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(activeWorkflowManager.add).not.toBeCalled(); expect(activeWorkflowManager.remove).toBeCalled(); const { data: { id, versionId, active }, } = response.body; expect(id).toBe(; expect(versionId).toBe(workflow.versionId); expect(active).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('PUT /:workflowId/transfer', () => { test('cannot transfer into the same project', async () => { const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project', member); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, destinationProject); await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(400); }); test('cannot transfer into a personal project', async () => { const sourceProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project', member); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, sourceProject); await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(400); }); test('cannot transfer somebody elses workflow', async () => { const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project', member); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, anotherMember); await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(403); }); test("cannot transfer if you're not a member of the destination project", async () => { const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project', anotherMember); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(404); }); test('project:editors cannot transfer workflows', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const sourceProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, sourceProject, 'project:editor'); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, sourceProject); const destinationProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, destinationProject, 'project:admin'); // // ACT & ASSERT // await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(403); }); test('transferring from a personal project to a team project severs all sharings', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); // these sharings should be deleted by the transfer await shareWorkflowWithUsers(workflow, [anotherMember, owner]); const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project', member); // // ACT // const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); // // ASSERT // expect(response.body).toEqual({}); const allSharings = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(allSharings).toHaveLength(1); expect(allSharings[0]).toMatchObject({ projectId:, workflowId:, role: 'workflow:owner', }); }); test('can transfer from team to another team project', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const sourceProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project 1', member); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, sourceProject); const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project 2', member); // // ACT // const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); // // ASSERT // expect(response.body).toEqual({}); const allSharings = await getWorkflowSharing(workflow); expect(allSharings).toHaveLength(1); expect(allSharings[0]).toMatchObject({ projectId:, workflowId:, role: 'workflow:owner', }); }); test.each([ ['owners', () => owner], ['admins', () => admin], ])( 'global %s can always transfer from any personal or team project into any team project', async (_name, actor) => { // // ARRANGE // const sourceProject = await createTeamProject('Source Project', member); const teamWorkflow = await createWorkflow({}, sourceProject); const personalWorkflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Destination Project', member); // // ACT // const response1 = await testServer .authAgentFor(actor()) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); const response2 = await testServer .authAgentFor(actor()) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); // // ASSERT // expect(response1.body).toEqual({}); expect(response2.body).toEqual({}); { const allSharings = await getWorkflowSharing(teamWorkflow); expect(allSharings).toHaveLength(1); expect(allSharings[0]).toMatchObject({ projectId:, workflowId:, role: 'workflow:owner', }); } { const allSharings = await getWorkflowSharing(personalWorkflow); expect(allSharings).toHaveLength(1); expect(allSharings[0]).toMatchObject({ projectId:, workflowId:, role: 'workflow:owner', }); } }, ); test.each([ ['owners', () => owner], ['admins', () => admin], ])('global %s cannot transfer into personal projects', async (_name, actor) => { // // ARRANGE // const sourceProject = await createTeamProject('Source Project', member); const teamWorkflow = await createWorkflow({}, sourceProject); const personalWorkflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); const destinationProject = anotherMemberPersonalProject; // // ACT & ASSERT // await testServer .authAgentFor(actor()) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(400); await testServer .authAgentFor(actor()) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(400); }); test('removes and re-adds the workflow from the active workflow manager during the transfer', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project', member); const workflow = await createWorkflow({ active: true }, member); // // ACT // const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); // // ASSERT // expect(response.body).toEqual({}); expect(activeWorkflowManager.remove).toHaveBeenCalledWith(; expect(activeWorkflowManager.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, 'update'); }); test('deactivates the workflow if it cannot be added to the active workflow manager again and returns the WorkflowActivationError as data', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project', member); const workflow = await createWorkflow({ active: true }, member); activeWorkflowManager.add.mockRejectedValue(new WorkflowActivationError('Failed')); // // ACT // const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); // // ASSERT // expect(response.body).toMatchObject({ data: { error: { message: 'Failed', name: 'WorkflowActivationError', }, }, }); expect(activeWorkflowManager.remove).toHaveBeenCalledWith(; expect(activeWorkflowManager.add).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, 'update'); const workflowFromDB = await workflowRepository.findOneByOrFail({ id: }); expect(workflowFromDB).toMatchObject({ active: false }); }); test('returns a 500 if the workflow cannot be activated due to an unknown error', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project', member); const workflow = await createWorkflow({ active: true }, member); activeWorkflowManager.add.mockRejectedValue(new ApplicationError('Oh no!')); // // ACT & ASSERT // await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/workflows/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(500); }); }); describe('POST /workflows/:workflowId/run', () => { test('project viewers cannot run workflows', async () => { const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, teamProject, 'project:viewer'); const workflow = await createWorkflow({}, teamProject); const response = await authMemberAgent .post(`/workflows/${}/run`) .send({ workflowData: workflow }); expect(response.status).toBe(403); expect(response.body).toMatchObject({ message: 'User is missing a scope required to perform this action', }); }); });