import type { FormFieldsParameter, IExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodeTypeDescription, IWebhookFunctions, NodeTypeAndVersion, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { WAIT_TIME_UNLIMITED, Node, updateDisplayOptions, NodeOperationError, FORM_NODE_TYPE, FORM_TRIGGER_NODE_TYPE, tryToParseJsonToFormFields, NodeConnectionType, WAIT_NODE_TYPE, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { formDescription, formFields, formTitle } from '../Form/common.descriptions'; import { prepareFormReturnItem, renderForm, resolveRawData } from '../Form/utils'; import { type CompletionPageConfig } from './interfaces'; const pageProperties = updateDisplayOptions( { show: { operation: ['page'], }, }, [ { displayName: 'Define Form', name: 'defineForm', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, options: [ { name: 'Using Fields Below', value: 'fields', }, { name: 'Using JSON', value: 'json', }, ], default: 'fields', }, { displayName: 'Form Fields', name: 'jsonOutput', type: 'json', typeOptions: { rows: 5, }, default: '[\n {\n "fieldLabel":"Name",\n "placeholder":"enter you name",\n "requiredField":true\n },\n {\n "fieldLabel":"Age",\n "fieldType":"number",\n "placeholder":"enter your age"\n },\n {\n "fieldLabel":"Email",\n "fieldType":"email",\n "requiredField":true\n }\n]', validateType: 'form-fields', ignoreValidationDuringExecution: true, hint: '<a href="h" target="_blank">See docs</a> for field syntax', displayOptions: { show: { defineForm: ['json'], }, }, }, { ...formFields, displayOptions: { show: { defineForm: ['fields'] } } }, { displayName: 'Options', name: 'options', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add option', default: {}, options: [ { ...formTitle, required: false }, formDescription, { displayName: 'Button Label', name: 'buttonLabel', type: 'string', default: 'Submit', }, ], }, ], ); const completionProperties = updateDisplayOptions( { show: { operation: ['completion'], }, }, [ { // eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-miscased displayName: 'On n8n Form Submission', name: 'respondWith', type: 'options', default: 'text', options: [ { name: 'Show Completion Screen', value: 'text', description: 'Show a response text to the user', }, { name: 'Redirect to URL', value: 'redirect', description: 'Redirect the user to a URL', }, ], }, { displayName: 'URL', name: 'redirectUrl', validateType: 'url', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { respondWith: ['redirect'], }, }, }, { displayName: 'Completion Title', name: 'completionTitle', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, displayOptions: { show: { respondWith: ['text'], }, }, }, { displayName: 'Completion Message', name: 'completionMessage', type: 'string', default: '', typeOptions: { rows: 2, }, displayOptions: { show: { respondWith: ['text'], }, }, }, { displayName: 'Options', name: 'options', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add option', default: {}, options: [{ ...formTitle, required: false, displayName: 'Completion Page Title' }], displayOptions: { show: { respondWith: ['text'], }, }, }, ], ); export class Form extends Node { nodeInputData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'n8n Form', name: 'form', icon: 'file:form.svg', group: ['input'], version: 1, description: 'Generate webforms in n8n and pass their responses to the workflow', defaults: { name: 'Form', }, inputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], outputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main], webhooks: [ { name: 'default', httpMethod: 'GET', responseMode: 'onReceived', path: '', restartWebhook: true, isFullPath: true, isForm: true, }, { name: 'default', httpMethod: 'POST', responseMode: 'onReceived', path: '', restartWebhook: true, isFullPath: true, isForm: true, }, ], properties: [ { // eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-param-display-name-miscased displayName: 'An n8n Form Trigger node must be set up before this node', name: 'triggerNotice', type: 'notice', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Page Type', name: 'operation', type: 'options', default: 'page', noDataExpression: true, options: [ { name: 'Next Form Page', value: 'page', }, { name: 'Form Ending', value: 'completion', }, ], }, ...pageProperties, ...completionProperties, ], }; async webhook(context: IWebhookFunctions) { const res = context.getResponseObject(); const operation = context.getNodeParameter('operation', '') as string; const parentNodes = context.getParentNodes(context.getNode().name); const trigger = parentNodes.find( (node) => node.type === 'n8n-nodes-base.formTrigger', ) as NodeTypeAndVersion; const mode = context.evaluateExpression(`{{ $('${trigger?.name}').first().json.formMode }}`) as | 'test' | 'production'; const defineForm = context.getNodeParameter('defineForm', false) as string; let fields: FormFieldsParameter = []; if (defineForm === 'json') { try { const jsonOutput = context.getNodeParameter('jsonOutput', '', { rawExpressions: true, }) as string; fields = tryToParseJsonToFormFields(resolveRawData(context, jsonOutput)); } catch (error) { throw new NodeOperationError(context.getNode(), error.message, { description: error.message, type: mode === 'test' ? 'manual-form-test' : undefined, }); } } else { fields = context.getNodeParameter('formFields.values', []) as FormFieldsParameter; } const method = context.getRequestObject().method; if (operation === 'completion') { const staticData = context.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); const id = `${context.getExecutionId()}-${context.getNode().name}`; const config = staticData?.[id] as CompletionPageConfig; delete staticData[id]; if (config.redirectUrl) { res.send( `<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=${config.redirectUrl}"></head></html>`, ); return { noWebhookResponse: true }; } let title = config.pageTitle; if (!title) { title = context.evaluateExpression( `{{ $('${trigger?.name}').params.formTitle }}`, ) as string; } const appendAttribution = context.evaluateExpression( `{{ $('${trigger?.name}').params.options?.appendAttribution === false ? false : true }}`, ) as boolean; res.render('form-trigger-completion', { title: config.completionTitle, message: config.completionMessage, formTitle: title, appendAttribution, }); return { noWebhookResponse: true }; } if (method === 'GET') { const options = context.getNodeParameter('options', {}) as { formTitle: string; formDescription: string; buttonLabel: string; }; let title = options.formTitle; if (!title) { title = context.evaluateExpression( `{{ $('${trigger?.name}').params.formTitle }}`, ) as string; } let description = options.formDescription; if (!description) { description = context.evaluateExpression( `{{ $('${trigger?.name}').params.formDescription }}`, ) as string; } let buttonLabel = options.buttonLabel; if (!buttonLabel) { buttonLabel = (context.evaluateExpression( `{{ $('${trigger?.name}').params.options?.buttonLabel }}`, ) as string) || 'Submit'; } const responseMode = 'onReceived'; let redirectUrl; const connectedNodes = context.getChildNodes(context.getNode().name); const hasNextPage = connectedNodes.some( (node) => node.type === FORM_NODE_TYPE || node.type === WAIT_NODE_TYPE, ); if (hasNextPage) { redirectUrl = context.evaluateExpression('{{ $execution.resumeFormUrl }}') as string; } const appendAttribution = context.evaluateExpression( `{{ $('${trigger?.name}').params.options?.appendAttribution === false ? false : true }}`, ) as boolean; renderForm({ context, res, formTitle: title, formDescription: description, formFields: fields, responseMode, mode, redirectUrl, appendAttribution, buttonLabel, }); return { noWebhookResponse: true, }; } let useWorkflowTimezone = context.evaluateExpression( `{{ $('${trigger?.name}').params.options?.useWorkflowTimezone }}`, ) as boolean; if (useWorkflowTimezone === undefined && trigger?.typeVersion > 2) { useWorkflowTimezone = true; } const returnItem = await prepareFormReturnItem(context, fields, mode, useWorkflowTimezone); return { webhookResponse: { status: 200 }, workflowData: [[returnItem]], }; } async execute(context: IExecuteFunctions): Promise<INodeExecutionData[][]> { const operation = context.getNodeParameter('operation', 0); if (operation === 'completion') { this.nodeInputData = context.getInputData(); } const parentNodes = context.getParentNodes(context.getNode().name); const hasFormTrigger = parentNodes.some((node) => node.type === FORM_TRIGGER_NODE_TYPE); if (!hasFormTrigger) { throw new NodeOperationError( context.getNode(), 'Form Trigger node must be set before this node', ); } const childNodes = context.getChildNodes(context.getNode().name); const hasNextPage = childNodes.some((node) => node.type === FORM_NODE_TYPE); if (operation === 'completion' && hasNextPage) { throw new NodeOperationError( context.getNode(), 'Completion has to be the last Form node in the workflow', ); } if (operation !== 'completion') { const waitTill = new Date(WAIT_TIME_UNLIMITED); await context.putExecutionToWait(waitTill); } else { const staticData = context.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); const completionTitle = context.getNodeParameter('completionTitle', 0, '') as string; const completionMessage = context.getNodeParameter('completionMessage', 0, '') as string; const redirectUrl = context.getNodeParameter('redirectUrl', 0, '') as string; const options = context.getNodeParameter('options', 0, {}) as { formTitle: string }; const id = `${context.getExecutionId()}-${context.getNode().name}`; const config: CompletionPageConfig = { completionTitle, completionMessage, redirectUrl, pageTitle: options.formTitle, }; staticData[id] = config; } return [context.getInputData()]; } }