# n8n - Workflow Automation Tool ![n8n.io - Workflow Automation](https://n8n.io/n8n-logo.png) n8n is a tool which allows to easily and fast automate different taks. n8n.io - Screenshot Is still in beta so can not guarantee that everything works perfectly. Also is there currently not much documentation. That will hopefully change soon. ## Usage Information about how to install and use it can be found in the cli package [here](packages/cli/README.md) And information about how to run it in Docker [here](docker/images/n8n/README.md) ## Development Setup 1. Clone the repository 2. Go into repository folder 3. Run: `npm install` 4. Run: `npx lerna bootstrap --hoist` 5. Run: `npm run build` or `npx lerna exec npm run build` (if lerna is not installed) ## Start Execute: `npm run start` ## License [Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause](LICENSE.md)