import { IExecuteFunctions } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { GoogleSheet, IGoogleAuthCredentials, ISheetUpdateData, } from './GoogleSheet'; export class GoogleSheets implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Google Sheets ', name: 'googleSheets', icon: 'file:googlesheets.png', group: ['input', 'output'], version: 1, description: 'Read, update and write data to Google Sheets', defaults: { name: 'Google Sheets', color: '#995533', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'googleApi', required: true, } ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Append', value: 'append', description: 'Appends the data to a Sheet', }, { name: 'Read', value: 'read', description: 'Reads data from a Sheet' }, { name: 'Update', value: 'update', description: 'Updates rows in a sheet' }, ], default: 'read', description: 'The operation to perform.', }, // ---------------------------------- // All // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Sheet ID', name: 'sheetId', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, description: 'The ID of the Google Sheet.', }, { displayName: 'Range', name: 'range', type: 'string', default: 'A:F', required: true, description: 'The columns to read and append data to.
If it contains multiple sheets it can also be
added like this: "MySheet!A:F"', }, // ---------------------------------- // Read // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'RAW Data', name: 'rawData', type: 'boolean', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'read' ], }, }, default: false, description: 'If the data should be returned RAW instead of parsed into keys according to their header.', }, { displayName: 'Data Property', name: 'dataProperty', type: 'string', default: 'data', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'read' ], rawData: [ true ], }, }, description: 'The name of the property into which to write the RAW data.', }, // ---------------------------------- // Update // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'RAW Data', name: 'rawData', type: 'boolean', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'update' ], }, }, default: false, description: 'If the data supplied is RAW instead of parsed into keys.', }, { displayName: 'Data Property', name: 'dataProperty', type: 'string', default: 'data', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'update' ], rawData: [ true ], }, }, description: 'The name of the property from which to read the RAW data.', }, // ---------------------------------- // Read & Update // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Data Start Row', name: 'dataStartRow', type: 'number', typeOptions: { minValue: 1, }, default: 1, displayOptions: { hide: { operation: [ 'append', 'update' ], rawData: [ true ], }, }, description: 'Index of the first row which contains
the actual data and not the keys. Starts with 0.', }, // ---------------------------------- // Mixed // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Key Row', name: 'keyRow', type: 'number', typeOptions: { minValue: 0, }, displayOptions: { hide: { rawData: [ true ], }, }, default: 0, description: 'Index of the row which contains the key. Starts with 0.', }, // ---------------------------------- // Update // ---------------------------------- { displayName: 'Key', name: 'key', type: 'string', default: 'id', displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'update' ], rawData: [ false ], }, }, description: 'The name of the key to identify which
data should be updated in the sheet.', }, ], }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const spreadsheetId = this.getNodeParameter('sheetId', 0) as string; const credentials = this.getCredentials('googleApi'); if (credentials === undefined) { throw new Error('No credentials got returned!'); } const googleCredentials = { email:, privateKey: credentials.privateKey, } as IGoogleAuthCredentials; const sheet = new GoogleSheet(spreadsheetId, googleCredentials); const range = this.getNodeParameter('range', 0) as string; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string; if (operation === 'append') { // ---------------------------------- // append // ---------------------------------- const keyRow = this.getNodeParameter('keyRow', 0) as number; const items = this.getInputData(); const setData: IDataObject[] = []; items.forEach((item) => { setData.push(item.json); }); // Convert data into array format const data = await sheet.appendSheetData(setData, range, keyRow); // TODO: Should add this data somewhere // TODO: Should have something like add metadata which does not get passed through return this.prepareOutputData(items); } else if (operation === 'read') { // ---------------------------------- // read // ---------------------------------- const rawData = this.getNodeParameter('rawData', 0) as boolean; const sheetData = await sheet.getData(range); let returnData: IDataObject[]; if (!sheetData) { returnData = []; } else if (rawData === true) { const dataProperty = this.getNodeParameter('dataProperty', 0) as string; returnData = [ { [dataProperty]: sheetData, } ]; } else { const dataStartRow = this.getNodeParameter('dataStartRow', 0) as number; const keyRow = this.getNodeParameter('keyRow', 0) as number; returnData = sheet.structureArrayDataByColumn(sheetData, keyRow, dataStartRow); } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } else if (operation === 'update') { // ---------------------------------- // update // ---------------------------------- const rawData = this.getNodeParameter('rawData', 0) as boolean; const items = this.getInputData(); if (rawData === true) { const dataProperty = this.getNodeParameter('dataProperty', 0) as string; const updateData: ISheetUpdateData[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { updateData.push({ range, values: items[i].json[dataProperty] as string[][], }); } const data = await sheet.batchUpdate(updateData); } else { const keyName = this.getNodeParameter('key', 0) as string; const keyRow = this.getNodeParameter('keyRow', 0) as number; const dataStartRow = this.getNodeParameter('dataStartRow', 0) as number; const setData: IDataObject[] = []; items.forEach((item) => { setData.push(item.json); }); const data = await sheet.updateSheetData(setData, keyName, range, keyRow, dataStartRow); } // TODO: Should add this data somewhere // TODO: Should have something like add metadata which does not get passed through return this.prepareOutputData(items); } return []; } }