import { CredentialsModal, MessageBox } from './modals'; import * as formStep from '../composables/setup-template-form-step'; export type TemplateTestData = { id: number; fixture: string; }; export const testData = { simpleTemplate: { id: 1205, fixture: 'Test_Template_1.json', }, templateWithoutCredentials: { id: 1344, fixture: 'Test_Template_2.json', }, }; const credentialsModal = new CredentialsModal(); const messageBox = new MessageBox(); export const getters = { continueButton: () => cy.getByTestId('continue-button'), skipLink: () => cy.get('a:contains("Skip")'), title: (title: string) => cy.get(`h1:contains(${title})`), infoCallout: () => cy.getByTestId('info-callout'), }; export const enableTemplateCredentialSetupFeatureFlag = () => { cy.window().then((win) => { win.featureFlags.override('017_template_credential_setup_v2', true); }); }; export const visitTemplateCredentialSetupPage = (templateId: number) => { cy.visit(`/templates/${templateId}/setup`); formStep.getFormStep().eq(0).should('be.visible'); enableTemplateCredentialSetupFeatureFlag(); }; /** * Fills in dummy credentials for the given app name. */ export const fillInDummyCredentialsForApp = (appName: string) => { formStep.getCreateAppCredentialsButton(appName).click(); credentialsModal.getters.editCredentialModal().find('input:first()').type('test');; credentialsModal.actions.close(); }; /** * Fills in dummy credentials for the given app name. Assumes * that a confirmation message box will be shown, which will be * handled. */ export const fillInDummyCredentialsForAppWithConfirm = (appName: string) => { fillInDummyCredentialsForApp(appName); messageBox.actions.cancel(); }; /** * Finishes the credential setup by clicking the continue button. */ export const finishCredentialSetup = () => { cy.intercept('POST', '/rest/workflows').as('createWorkflow'); getters.continueButton().should('be.enabled'); getters.continueButton().click(); cy.wait('@createWorkflow'); };