import { IAuthenticateGeneric, ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ICredentialType, ICredentialTypes, IHttpRequestOptions, INode, INodeProperties, INodesAndCredentials, Workflow, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { CredentialsHelper } from '@/CredentialsHelper'; import { CredentialTypes } from '@/CredentialTypes'; import { Container } from 'typedi'; import { NodeTypes } from '@/NodeTypes'; import { LoadNodesAndCredentials } from '@/LoadNodesAndCredentials'; describe('CredentialsHelper', () => { const TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'test'; const mockNodesAndCredentials: INodesAndCredentials = { loaded: { nodes: { 'test.set': { sourcePath: '', type: { description: { displayName: 'Set', name: 'set', group: ['input'], version: 1, description: 'Sets a value', defaults: { name: 'Set', color: '#0000FF', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], properties: [ { displayName: 'Value1', name: 'value1', type: 'string', default: 'default-value1', }, { displayName: 'Value2', name: 'value2', type: 'string', default: 'default-value2', }, ], }, }, }, }, credentials: {}, }, known: { nodes: {}, credentials: {} }, credentialTypes: {} as ICredentialTypes, }; Container.set(LoadNodesAndCredentials, mockNodesAndCredentials); const nodeTypes = Container.get(NodeTypes); describe('authenticate', () => { const tests: Array<{ description: string; input: { credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject; credentialType: ICredentialType; }; output: IHttpRequestOptions; }> = [ { description: 'basicAuth, default property names', input: { credentials: { user: 'user1', password: 'password1', }, credentialType: new (class TestApi implements ICredentialType { name = 'testApi'; displayName = 'Test API'; properties: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'User', name: 'user', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Password', name: 'password', type: 'string', default: '', }, ]; authenticate: IAuthenticateGeneric = { type: 'generic', properties: { auth: { username: '={{$credentials.user}}', password: '={{$credentials.password}}', }, }, }; })(), }, output: { url: '', headers: {}, auth: { username: 'user1', password: 'password1' }, qs: {}, }, }, { description: 'headerAuth', input: { credentials: { accessToken: 'test', }, credentialType: new (class TestApi implements ICredentialType { name = 'testApi'; displayName = 'Test API'; properties: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'Access Token', name: 'accessToken', type: 'string', default: '', }, ]; authenticate: IAuthenticateGeneric = { type: 'generic', properties: { headers: { Authorization: '=Bearer {{$credentials.accessToken}}', }, }, }; })(), }, output: { url: '', headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer test' }, qs: {} }, }, { description: 'headerAuth, key and value expressions', input: { credentials: { accessToken: 'test', }, credentialType: new (class TestApi implements ICredentialType { name = 'testApi'; displayName = 'Test API'; properties: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'Access Token', name: 'accessToken', type: 'string', default: '', }, ]; authenticate: IAuthenticateGeneric = { type: 'generic', properties: { headers: { '={{$credentials.accessToken}}': '=Bearer {{$credentials.accessToken}}', }, }, }; })(), }, output: { url: '', headers: { test: 'Bearer test' }, qs: {} }, }, { description: 'queryAuth', input: { credentials: { accessToken: 'test', }, credentialType: new (class TestApi implements ICredentialType { name = 'testApi'; displayName = 'Test API'; properties: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'Access Token', name: 'accessToken', type: 'string', default: '', }, ]; authenticate = { type: 'generic', properties: { qs: { accessToken: '={{$credentials.accessToken}}', }, }, } as IAuthenticateGeneric; })(), }, output: { url: '', headers: {}, qs: { accessToken: 'test' } }, }, { description: 'custom authentication', input: { credentials: { accessToken: 'test', user: 'testUser', }, credentialType: new (class TestApi implements ICredentialType { name = 'testApi'; displayName = 'Test API'; properties: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'My Token', name: 'myToken', type: 'string', default: '', }, ]; async authenticate( credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { requestOptions.headers!['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${credentials.accessToken}`; requestOptions.qs!['user'] = credentials.user; return requestOptions; } })(), }, output: { url: '', headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer test' }, qs: { user: 'testUser' }, }, }, ]; const node: INode = { id: 'uuid-1', parameters: {}, name: 'test', type: 'test.set', typeVersion: 1, position: [0, 0], }; const incomingRequestOptions = { url: '', headers: {}, qs: {}, }; const workflow = new Workflow({ nodes: [node], connections: {}, active: false, nodeTypes, }); const timezone = 'America/New_York'; for (const testData of tests) { test(testData.description, async () => { mockNodesAndCredentials.loaded.credentials = { []: { type: testData.input.credentialType, sourcePath: '', }, }; const credentialTypes = Container.get(CredentialTypes); const credentialsHelper = new CredentialsHelper( TEST_ENCRYPTION_KEY, credentialTypes, nodeTypes, ); const result = await credentialsHelper.authenticate( testData.input.credentials,, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(incomingRequestOptions)), workflow, node, timezone, ); expect(result).toEqual(testData.output); }); } }); });