import { h, computed } from 'vue'; import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; import { useI18n } from '@/composables/useI18n'; import { useMessage } from '@/composables/useMessage'; import { useToast } from '@/composables/useToast'; import { DEBUG_PAYWALL_MODAL_KEY, EnterpriseEditionFeature, MODAL_CONFIRM, VIEWS, } from '@/constants'; import type { INodeUi } from '@/Interface'; import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/'; import { useSettingsStore } from '@/stores/'; import { useUIStore } from '@/stores/'; import { useTelemetry } from './useTelemetry'; import { useRootStore } from '@/stores/'; import { isFullExecutionResponse } from '@/utils/typeGuards'; export const useExecutionDebugging = () => { const telemetry = useTelemetry(); const router = useRouter(); const i18n = useI18n(); const message = useMessage(); const toast = useToast(); const workflowsStore = useWorkflowsStore(); const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const uiStore = useUIStore(); const isDebugEnabled = computed( () => settingsStore.isEnterpriseFeatureEnabled[EnterpriseEditionFeature.DebugInEditor], ); const applyExecutionData = async (executionId: string): Promise => { const execution = await workflowsStore.getExecution(executionId); const workflow = workflowsStore.getCurrentWorkflow(); const workflowNodes = workflowsStore.getNodes(); if (!execution?.data?.resultData) { return; } const { runData } =; const executionNodeNames = Object.keys(runData); const missingNodeNames = executionNodeNames.filter( (name) => !workflowNodes.some((node) => === name), ); // Using the pinned data of the workflow to check if the node is pinned // because workflowsStore.getCurrentWorkflow() returns a cached workflow without the updated pinned data const workflowPinnedNodeNames = Object.keys(workflowsStore.workflow.pinData ?? {}); const matchingPinnedNodeNames = executionNodeNames.filter((name) => workflowPinnedNodeNames.includes(name), ); if (matchingPinnedNodeNames.length > 0) { const confirmMessage = h('p', [ i18n.baseText('nodeView.confirmMessage.debug.message'), h( 'ul', { class: 'mt-l ml-l' }, => h('li', name)), ), ]); const overWritePinnedDataConfirm = await message.confirm( confirmMessage, i18n.baseText('nodeView.confirmMessage.debug.headline'), { type: 'warning', confirmButtonText: i18n.baseText('nodeView.confirmMessage.debug.confirmButtonText'), cancelButtonText: i18n.baseText('nodeView.confirmMessage.debug.cancelButtonText'), dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true, customClass: 'matching-pinned-nodes-confirmation', }, ); if (overWritePinnedDataConfirm === MODAL_CONFIRM) { matchingPinnedNodeNames.forEach((name) => { const node = workflowsStore.getNodeByName(name); if (node) { workflowsStore.unpinData({ node }); } }); } else { await router.push({ name: VIEWS.EXECUTION_PREVIEW, params: { name:, executionId }, }); return; } } // Set execution data workflowsStore.setWorkflowExecutionData(execution); // Pin data of all nodes which do not have a parent node const pinnableNodes = workflowNodes.filter( (node: INodeUi) => !workflow.getParentNodes(, ); let pinnings = 0; pinnableNodes.forEach((node: INodeUi) => { const nodeData = runData[]?.[0].data?.main[0]; if (nodeData) { pinnings++; workflowsStore.pinData({ node, data: nodeData, }); } }); toast.showToast({ title: i18n.baseText('nodeView.showMessage.debug.title'), message: i18n.baseText('nodeView.showMessage.debug.content'), type: 'info', }); if (missingNodeNames.length) { toast.showToast({ title: i18n.baseText('nodeView.showMessage.debug.missingNodes.title'), message: i18n.baseText('nodeView.showMessage.debug.missingNodes.content', { interpolate: { nodeNames: missingNodeNames.join(', ') }, }), type: 'warning', }); } telemetry.track('User clicked debug execution button', { instance_id: useRootStore().instanceId, exec_status: isFullExecutionResponse(execution) ? execution.status : '', override_pinned_data: pinnableNodes.length === pinnings, all_exec_data_imported: missingNodeNames.length === 0, }); }; const handleDebugLinkClick = (event: Event): void => { if (!isDebugEnabled.value) { uiStore.openModalWithData({ name: DEBUG_PAYWALL_MODAL_KEY, data: { title: i18n.baseText(uiStore.contextBasedTranslationKeys.feature.unavailable.title), footerButtonAction: () => { uiStore.closeModal(DEBUG_PAYWALL_MODAL_KEY); void uiStore.goToUpgrade('debug', 'upgrade-debug'); }, }, }); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } workflowsStore.isInDebugMode = false; }; return { applyExecutionData, handleDebugLinkClick, }; };