import curlconverter from 'curlconverter'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import type { IDataObject } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { jsonParse } from 'n8n-workflow'; interface CurlJson { url: string; raw_url?: string; method: string; contentType?: string; cookies?: { [key: string]: string; }; auth?: { user: string; password: string; }; headers?: { [key: string]: string; }; files?: { [key: string]: string; }; queries: { [key: string]: string; }; data?: { [key: string]: string; }; } interface Parameter { parameterType?: string; name: string; value: string; } export interface HttpNodeParameters { url?: string; method: string; sendBody?: boolean; authentication: string; contentType?: 'form-urlencoded' | 'multipart-form-data' | 'json' | 'raw' | 'binaryData'; rawContentType?: string; specifyBody?: 'json' | 'keypair'; bodyParameters?: { parameters: Parameter[]; }; jsonBody?: object; options: { allowUnauthorizedCerts?: boolean; proxy?: string; timeout?: number; redirect: { redirect: { followRedirects?: boolean; maxRedirects?: number; }; }; response: { response: { fullResponse?: boolean; responseFormat?: string; outputPropertyName?: string; }; }; }; sendHeaders?: boolean; headerParameters?: { parameters: Parameter[]; }; sendQuery?: boolean; queryParameters?: { parameters: Parameter[]; }; } type HttpNodeHeaders = Pick; type HttpNodeQueries = Pick; const enum ContentTypes { applicationJson = 'application/json', applicationFormUrlEncoded = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', applicationMultipart = 'multipart/form-data', } const SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES = [ ContentTypes.applicationJson, ContentTypes.applicationFormUrlEncoded, ContentTypes.applicationMultipart, ]; const CONTENT_TYPE_KEY = 'content-type'; const FOLLOW_REDIRECT_FLAGS = ['--location', '-L']; const MAX_REDIRECT_FLAG = '--max-redirs'; const PROXY_FLAGS = ['-x', '--proxy']; const INCLUDE_HEADERS_IN_OUTPUT_FLAGS = ['-i', '--include']; const REQUEST_FLAGS = ['-X', '--request']; const TIMEOUT_FLAGS = ['--connect-timeout']; const DOWNLOAD_FILE_FLAGS = ['-O', '-o']; const IGNORE_SSL_ISSUES_FLAGS = ['-k', '--insecure']; const curlToJson = (curlCommand: string): CurlJson => { return jsonParse(curlconverter.toJsonString(curlCommand)); }; const isContentType = (headers: CurlJson['headers'], contentType: ContentTypes): boolean => { return get(headers, CONTENT_TYPE_KEY) === contentType; }; const isJsonRequest = (curlJson: CurlJson): boolean => { if (isContentType(curlJson.headers, ContentTypes.applicationJson)) return true; if ( { const bodyKey = Object.keys([0]; try { JSON.parse(bodyKey); return true; } catch { return false; } } return false; }; const isFormUrlEncodedRequest = (curlJson: CurlJson): boolean => { if (isContentType(curlJson.headers, ContentTypes.applicationFormUrlEncoded)) return true; if ( && !curlJson.files) return true; return false; }; const isMultipartRequest = (curlJson: CurlJson): boolean => { if (isContentType(curlJson.headers, ContentTypes.applicationMultipart)) return true; // only multipart/form-data request include files if (curlJson.files) return true; return false; }; const isBinaryRequest = (curlJson: CurlJson): boolean => { if (curlJson?.headers?.[CONTENT_TYPE_KEY]) { const contentType = curlJson?.headers?.[CONTENT_TYPE_KEY]; return ['image', 'video', 'audio'].some((d) => contentType.includes(d)); } return false; }; const sanatizeCurlCommand = (curlCommand: string) => curlCommand .replace(/\r\n/g, ' ') .replace(/\n/g, ' ') .replace(/\\/g, ' ') .replace(/[ ]{2,}/g, ' '); const toKeyValueArray = ([key, value]: string[]) => ({ name: key, value }); const extractHeaders = (headers: CurlJson['headers'] = {}): HttpNodeHeaders => { const emptyHeaders = !Object.keys(headers).length; const onlyContentTypeHeaderDefined = Object.keys(headers).length === 1 && headers[CONTENT_TYPE_KEY] !== undefined; if (emptyHeaders || onlyContentTypeHeaderDefined) return { sendHeaders: false }; return { sendHeaders: true, headerParameters: { parameters: Object.entries(headers) .map(toKeyValueArray) .filter((parameter) => !== CONTENT_TYPE_KEY), }, }; }; const extractQueries = (queries: CurlJson['queries'] = {}): HttpNodeQueries => { const emptyQueries = !Object.keys(queries).length; if (emptyQueries) return { sendQuery: false }; return { sendQuery: true, queryParameters: { parameters: Object.entries(queries).map(toKeyValueArray), }, }; }; const extractJson = (body: CurlJson['data']) => jsonParse<{ [key: string]: string }>(Object.keys(body as IDataObject)[0]); const jsonBodyToNodeParameters = (body: CurlJson['data'] = {}): Parameter[] | [] => { const data = extractJson(body); return Object.entries(data).map(toKeyValueArray); }; const multipartToNodeParameters = ( body: CurlJson['data'] = {}, files: CurlJson['files'] = {}, ): Parameter[] | [] => { return [ ...Object.entries(body) .map(toKeyValueArray) .map((e) => ({ parameterType: 'formData', ...e })), ...Object.entries(files) .map(toKeyValueArray) .map((e) => ({ parameterType: 'formBinaryData', ...e })), ]; }; const keyValueBodyToNodeParameters = (body: CurlJson['data'] = {}): Parameter[] | [] => { return Object.entries(body).map(toKeyValueArray); }; const lowerCaseContentTypeKey = (obj: { [x: string]: string }): void => { const regex = new RegExp(CONTENT_TYPE_KEY, 'gi'); const contentTypeKey = Object.keys(obj).find((key) => { const group = Array.from(key.matchAll(regex)); if (group.length) return true; return false; }); if (!contentTypeKey) return; const value = obj[contentTypeKey]; delete obj[contentTypeKey]; obj[CONTENT_TYPE_KEY] = value; }; const encodeBasicAuthentication = (username: string, password: string) => Buffer.from(`${username}:${password}`).toString('base64'); const jsonHasNestedObjects = (json: { [key: string]: string | number | object }) => Object.values(json).some((e) => typeof e === 'object'); const extractGroup = (curlCommand: string, regex: RegExp) => curlCommand.matchAll(regex); const mapCookies = (cookies: CurlJson['cookies']): { cookie: string } | {} => { if (!cookies) return {}; const cookiesValues = Object.entries(cookies).reduce( (accumulator: string, entry: [string, string]) => { accumulator += `${entry[0]}=${entry[1]};`; return accumulator; }, '', ); if (!cookiesValues) return {}; return { cookie: cookiesValues, }; }; // eslint-disable-next-line complexity export const toHttpNodeParameters = (curlCommand: string): HttpNodeParameters => { const curlJson = curlToJson(curlCommand); if (!curlJson.headers) curlJson.headers = {}; lowerCaseContentTypeKey(curlJson.headers); // set basic authentication if (curlJson.auth) { const { user, password: pass } = curlJson.auth; Object.assign(curlJson.headers, { authorization: `Basic ${encodeBasicAuthentication(user, pass)}`, }); } const httpNodeParameters: HttpNodeParameters = { url: curlJson.url, authentication: 'none', method: curlJson.method.toUpperCase(), ...extractHeaders({ ...curlJson.headers, ...mapCookies(curlJson.cookies) }), ...extractQueries(curlJson.queries), options: { redirect: { redirect: {}, }, response: { response: {}, }, }, }; //attempt to get the curl flags not supported by the library const curl = sanatizeCurlCommand(curlCommand); //check for follow redirect flags if (FOLLOW_REDIRECT_FLAGS.some((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`))) { Object.assign(httpNodeParameters.options.redirect?.redirect, { followRedirects: true }); if (curl.includes(` ${MAX_REDIRECT_FLAG}`)) { const extractedValue = Array.from( extractGroup(curl, new RegExp(` ${MAX_REDIRECT_FLAG} (\\d+)`, 'g')), ); if (extractedValue.length) { const [_, maxRedirects] = extractedValue[0]; if (maxRedirects) { Object.assign(httpNodeParameters.options.redirect?.redirect, { maxRedirects }); } } } } //check for proxy flags if (PROXY_FLAGS.some((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`))) { const foundFlag = PROXY_FLAGS.find((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`)); if (foundFlag) { const extractedValue = Array.from( extractGroup(curl, new RegExp(` ${foundFlag} (\\S*)`, 'g')), ); if (extractedValue.length) { const [_, proxy] = extractedValue[0]; Object.assign(httpNodeParameters.options, { proxy }); } } } // check for "include header in output" flag if (INCLUDE_HEADERS_IN_OUTPUT_FLAGS.some((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`))) { Object.assign(httpNodeParameters.options?.response?.response, { fullResponse: true, responseFormat: 'autodetect', }); } // check for request flag if (REQUEST_FLAGS.some((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`))) { const foundFlag = REQUEST_FLAGS.find((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`)); if (foundFlag) { const extractedValue = Array.from( extractGroup(curl, new RegExp(` ${foundFlag} (\\w+)`, 'g')), ); if (extractedValue.length) { const [_, request] = extractedValue[0]; httpNodeParameters.method = request.toUpperCase(); } } } // check for timeout flag if (TIMEOUT_FLAGS.some((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`))) { const foundFlag = TIMEOUT_FLAGS.find((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`)); if (foundFlag) { const extractedValue = Array.from( extractGroup(curl, new RegExp(` ${foundFlag} (\\d+)`, 'g')), ); if (extractedValue.length) { const [_, timeout] = extractedValue[0]; Object.assign(httpNodeParameters.options, { timeout: parseInt(timeout, 10) * 1000, }); } } } // check for download flag if (DOWNLOAD_FILE_FLAGS.some((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`))) { const foundFlag = DOWNLOAD_FILE_FLAGS.find((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`)); if (foundFlag) { Object.assign(httpNodeParameters.options.response.response, { responseFormat: 'file', outputPropertyName: 'data', }); } } if (IGNORE_SSL_ISSUES_FLAGS.some((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`))) { const foundFlag = IGNORE_SSL_ISSUES_FLAGS.find((flag) => curl.includes(` ${flag}`)); if (foundFlag) { Object.assign(httpNodeParameters.options, { allowUnauthorizedCerts: true, }); } } const contentType = curlJson?.headers?.[CONTENT_TYPE_KEY] as ContentTypes; if (isBinaryRequest(curlJson)) { return Object.assign(httpNodeParameters, { contentType: 'binaryData', sendBody: true, }); } if (contentType && !SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES.includes(contentType)) { return Object.assign(httpNodeParameters, { sendBody: true, contentType: 'raw', rawContentType: contentType, body: Object.keys(curlJson?.data ?? {})[0], }); } if (isJsonRequest(curlJson)) { Object.assign(httpNodeParameters, { contentType: 'json', sendBody: true, }); if ( { const json = extractJson(; if (jsonHasNestedObjects(json)) { // json body Object.assign(httpNodeParameters, { specifyBody: 'json', jsonBody: JSON.stringify(json, null, 2), }); } else { // key-value body Object.assign(httpNodeParameters, { specifyBody: 'keypair', bodyParameters: { parameters: jsonBodyToNodeParameters(, }, }); } } } else if (isFormUrlEncodedRequest(curlJson)) { Object.assign(httpNodeParameters, { contentType: 'form-urlencoded', sendBody: true, specifyBody: 'keypair', bodyParameters: { parameters: keyValueBodyToNodeParameters(, }, }); } else if (isMultipartRequest(curlJson)) { Object.assign(httpNodeParameters, { contentType: 'multipart-form-data', sendBody: true, bodyParameters: { parameters: multipartToNodeParameters(, curlJson.files), }, }); } else { // could not figure the content type so do not set the body Object.assign(httpNodeParameters, { sendBody: false, }); } if (!Object.keys(httpNodeParameters.options?.redirect.redirect).length) { // @ts-ignore delete httpNodeParameters.options.redirect; } if (!Object.keys(httpNodeParameters.options.response.response).length) { // @ts-ignore delete httpNodeParameters.options.response; } return httpNodeParameters; };