import planData from '../fixtures/Plan_data_opt_in_trial.json'; import { MainSidebar, WorkflowPage, visitPublicApiPage, getPublicApiUpgradeCTA, WorkflowsPage, } from '../pages'; const NUMBER_OF_AI_CREDITS = 100; const mainSidebar = new MainSidebar(); const workflowPage = new WorkflowPage(); const workflowsPage = new WorkflowsPage(); describe('Cloud', () => { before(() => { const now = new Date(); const fiveDaysFromNow = new Date(now.getTime() + 5 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); planData.expirationDate = fiveDaysFromNow.toJSON(); }); beforeEach(() => { cy.overrideSettings({ deployment: { type: 'cloud' }, n8nMetadata: { userId: '1' }, aiCredits: { enabled: true, credits: NUMBER_OF_AI_CREDITS, }, }); cy.intercept('GET', '/rest/admin/cloud-plan', planData).as('getPlanData'); cy.intercept('GET', '/rest/cloud/proxy/user/me', {}).as('getCloudUserInfo'); cy.intercept('GET', new RegExp('/rest/projects*')).as('projects'); cy.intercept('GET', new RegExp('/rest/roles')).as('roles'); }); function visitWorkflowPage() { cy.visit(workflowPage.url); cy.wait('@getPlanData'); cy.wait('@projects'); cy.wait('@roles'); } describe('BannerStack', () => { it('should render trial banner for opt-in cloud user', () => { visitWorkflowPage(); cy.getByTestId('banner-stack').should('be.visible'); mainSidebar.actions.signout(); cy.getByTestId('banner-stack').should(''); }); }); describe('Admin Home', () => { it('Should show admin button', () => { visitWorkflowPage(); mainSidebar.getters.adminPanel().should('be.visible'); }); }); describe('Public API', () => { it('Should show upgrade CTA for Public API if user is trialing', () => { visitPublicApiPage(); cy.wait(['@loadSettings', '@projects', '@roles', '@getPlanData']); getPublicApiUpgradeCTA().should('be.visible'); }); }); describe('Easy AI workflow experiment', () => { it('should not show option to take you to the easy AI workflow if experiment is control', () => { window.localStorage.setItem( 'N8N_EXPERIMENT_OVERRIDES', JSON.stringify({ '026_easy_ai_workflow': 'control' }), ); cy.visit(workflowsPage.url); cy.getByTestId('easy-ai-workflow-card').should('not.exist'); }); it('should show option to take you to the easy AI workflow if experiment is variant', () => { window.localStorage.setItem( 'N8N_EXPERIMENT_OVERRIDES', JSON.stringify({ '026_easy_ai_workflow': 'variant' }), ); cy.visit(workflowsPage.url); cy.getByTestId('easy-ai-workflow-card').should('to.exist'); }); it('should show default instructions if free AI credits experiment is control', () => { window.localStorage.setItem( 'N8N_EXPERIMENT_OVERRIDES', JSON.stringify({ '027_free_openai_calls': 'control', '026_easy_ai_workflow': 'variant' }), ); cy.visit(workflowsPage.url); cy.getByTestId('easy-ai-workflow-card').click(); workflowPage.getters .stickies() .eq(0) .should(($el) => { expect($el).contains.text('Set up your OpenAI credentials in the OpenAI Model node'); }); }); it('should show updated instructions if free AI credits experiment is variant', () => { window.localStorage.setItem( 'N8N_EXPERIMENT_OVERRIDES', JSON.stringify({ '027_free_openai_calls': 'variant', '026_easy_ai_workflow': 'variant' }), ); cy.visit(workflowsPage.url); cy.getByTestId('easy-ai-workflow-card').click(); workflowPage.getters .stickies() .eq(0) .should(($el) => { expect($el).contains.text( `Claim your free ${NUMBER_OF_AI_CREDITS} OpenAI calls in the OpenAI model node`, ); }); }); }); });