import { clickGetBackToCanvas, getOutputTableHeaders } from '../composables/ndv'; import { clickZoomToFit, navigateToNewWorkflowPage, openNode, pasteWorkflow, saveWorkflowOnButtonClick, } from '../composables/workflow'; import SUB_WORKFLOW_INPUTS from '../fixtures/Test_Subworkflow-Inputs.json'; import { NDV, WorkflowsPage, WorkflowPage } from '../pages'; import { errorToast, successToast } from '../pages/notifications'; import { getVisiblePopper } from '../utils'; const ndv = new NDV(); const workflowsPage = new WorkflowsPage(); const workflow = new WorkflowPage(); const DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_NAME = 'My workflow'; const DEFAULT_SUBWORKFLOW_NAME_1 = 'My Sub-Workflow 1'; const DEFAULT_SUBWORKFLOW_NAME_2 = 'My Sub-Workflow 2'; type FieldRow = readonly string[]; const exampleFields = [ ['aNumber', 'Number'], ['aString', 'String'], ['aArray', 'Array'], ['aObject', 'Object'], ['aAny', 'Allow Any Type'], // bool last since it's not an inputField so we'll skip it for some cases ['aBool', 'Boolean'], ] as const; /** * Populate multiValue fixedCollections. Only supports fixedCollections for which all fields can be defined via keyboard typing * * @param items - 2D array of items to populate, i.e. [["myField1", "String"], [""] * @param collectionName - name of the fixedCollection to populate * @param offset - amount of 'parameter-input's before the fixedCollection under test * @returns */ function populateFixedCollection( items: readonly FieldRow[], collectionName: string, offset: number, ) { if (items.length === 0) return; const n = items[0].length; for (const [i, params] of items.entries()) { ndv.actions.addItemToFixedCollection(collectionName); for (const [j, param] of params.entries()) { ndv.getters .fixedCollectionParameter(collectionName) .getByTestId('parameter-input') .eq(offset + i * n + j) .type(`${param}{downArrow}{enter}`); } } } function makeExample(type: TypeField) { switch (type) { case 'String': return '"example"'; case 'Number': return '42'; case 'Boolean': return 'true'; case 'Array': return '["example", 123, null]'; case 'Object': return '{{}"example": [123]}'; case 'Allow Any Type': return 'null'; } } type TypeField = 'Allow Any Type' | 'String' | 'Number' | 'Boolean' | 'Array' | 'Object'; function populateFields(items: ReadonlyArray) { populateFixedCollection(items, 'workflowInputs', 1); } function navigateWorkflowSelectionDropdown(index: number, expectedText: string) { ndv.getters.resourceLocator('workflowId').should('be.visible'); ndv.getters.resourceLocatorInput('workflowId').click(); getVisiblePopper().findChildByTestId('rlc-item').eq(0).should('exist'); getVisiblePopper() .findChildByTestId('rlc-item') .eq(index) .find('span') .should('have.text', expectedText) .click(); } function populateMapperFields(values: readonly string[], offset: number) { for (const [i, value] of values.entries()) { cy.getByTestId('parameter-input') .eq(offset + i) .type(value); // Click on a parent to dismiss the pop up hiding the field below. cy.getByTestId('parameter-input') .eq(offset + i) .parent() .parent() .click('topLeft'); } } // This function starts off in the Child Workflow Input Trigger, assuming we just defined the input fields // It then navigates back to the parent and validates output function validateAndReturnToParent(targetChild: string, offset: number, fields: string[]) { ndv.actions.execute(); // + 1 to account for formatting-only column getOutputTableHeaders().should('have.length', fields.length + 1); for (const [i, name] of fields.entries()) { getOutputTableHeaders().eq(i).should('have.text', name); } clickGetBackToCanvas(); saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); cy.visit(workflowsPage.url); workflowsPage.getters.workflowCardContent(DEFAULT_WORKFLOW_NAME).click(); openNode('Execute Workflow'); // Note that outside of e2e tests this will be pre-selected correctly. // Due to our workaround to remain in the same tab we need to select the correct tab manually navigateWorkflowSelectionDropdown(offset, targetChild); // This fails, pointing to `usePushConnection` `const triggerNode = subWorkflow?.nodes.find` being `undefined.find()`I ndv.actions.execute(); getOutputTableHeaders().should('have.length', fields.length + 1); for (const [i, name] of fields.entries()) { getOutputTableHeaders().eq(i).should('have.text', name); } // todo: verify the fields appear and show the correct types // todo: fill in the input fields (and mock previous node data in the json fixture to match) // todo: validate the actual output data } function setWorkflowInputFieldValue(index: number, value: string) { ndv.actions.addItemToFixedCollection('workflowInputs'); ndv.actions.typeIntoFixedCollectionItem('workflowInputs', index, value); } describe('Sub-workflow creation and typed usage', () => { beforeEach(() => { navigateToNewWorkflowPage(); pasteWorkflow(SUB_WORKFLOW_INPUTS); saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); clickZoomToFit(); openNode('Execute Workflow'); // Prevent sub-workflow from opening in new window cy.window().then((win) => { cy.stub(win, 'open').callsFake((url) => { cy.visit(url); }); }); navigateWorkflowSelectionDropdown(0, 'Create a new sub-workflow'); // ************************** // NAVIGATE TO CHILD WORKFLOW // ************************** openNode('Workflow Input Trigger'); }); it('works with type-checked values', () => { populateFields(exampleFields); validateAndReturnToParent( DEFAULT_SUBWORKFLOW_NAME_1, 1, => f[0]), ); const values = [ '-1', // number fields don't support `=` switch to expression, so let's test the Fixed case with it ...exampleFields.slice(1).map((x) => `={{}{{} $json.a${x[0]}`), // }} are added automatically ]; // this matches with the pinned data provided in the fixture populateMapperFields(values, 2); ndv.actions.execute(); // todo: // - validate output lines up // - change input to need casts // - run // - confirm error // - switch `attemptToConvertTypes` flag // - confirm success and changed output // - change input to be invalid despite cast // - run // - confirm error // - switch type option flags // - run // - confirm success // - turn off attempt to cast flag // - confirm a value was not cast }); it('works with Fields input source into JSON input source', () => { ndv.getters.nodeOutputHint().should('exist'); populateFields(exampleFields); validateAndReturnToParent( DEFAULT_SUBWORKFLOW_NAME_1, 1, => f[0]), ); cy.window().then((win) => { cy.stub(win, 'open').callsFake((url) => { cy.visit(url); }); }); navigateWorkflowSelectionDropdown(0, 'Create a new sub-workflow'); openNode('Workflow Input Trigger'); cy.getByTestId('parameter-input').eq(0).click(); // Todo: Check if there's a better way to interact with option dropdowns // This PR would add this child testId getVisiblePopper() .getByTestId('parameter-input') .eq(0) .type('Using JSON Example{downArrow}{enter}'); const exampleJson = '{{}' + => `"${x[0]}": ${makeExample(x[1])}`).join(',') + '}'; cy.getByTestId('parameter-input-jsonExample') .find('.cm-line') .eq(0) .type(`{selectAll}{backspace}${exampleJson}{enter}`); // first one doesn't work for some reason, might need to wait for something? ndv.actions.execute(); validateAndReturnToParent( DEFAULT_SUBWORKFLOW_NAME_2, 2, => f[0]), ); // test for either InputSource mode and options combinations: // + we're showing the notice in the output panel // + we start with no fields // + Test Step works and we create the fields // + create field of each type (string, number, boolean, object, array, any) // + exit ndv // + save // + go back to parent workflow // - verify fields appear [needs Ivan's PR] // - link fields [needs Ivan's PR] // + run parent // - verify output with `null` defaults exists // }); it('should show node issue when no fields are defined in manual mode', () => { ndv.getters.nodeExecuteButton().should('be.disabled'); ndv.actions.close(); // Executing the workflow should show an error toast workflow.actions.executeWorkflow(); errorToast().should('contain', 'The workflow has issues'); openNode('Workflow Input Trigger'); // Add a field to the workflowInputs fixedCollection setWorkflowInputFieldValue(0, 'test'); // Executing the workflow should not show error now ndv.actions.close(); workflow.actions.executeWorkflow(); successToast().should('contain', 'Workflow executed successfully'); }); });