import type { JsonObject, IDataObject, IExecuteFunctions, IExecuteSingleFunctions, IHttpRequestMethods, IHttpRequestOptions, ILoadOptionsFunctions, IRequestOptions, INodeExecutionData, IN8nHttpFullResponse, INodePropertyOptions, INodeListSearchResult, INodeListSearchItems, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { parseStringPromise } from 'xml2js'; export async function microsoftApiRequest( this: IExecuteFunctions | IExecuteSingleFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, body: IDataObject = {}, qs?: IDataObject, headers?: IDataObject, url?: string, ): Promise { const options: IHttpRequestOptions = { method, url: url ?? `${endpoint}`, json: true, headers, body, qs, }; return await this, 'microsoftEntraOAuth2Api', options, ); } export async function microsoftApiPaginateRequest( this: IExecuteFunctions | IExecuteSingleFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, body: IDataObject = {}, qs?: IDataObject, headers?: IDataObject, url?: string, itemIndex: number = 0, ): Promise { // Todo: IHttpRequestOptions doesn't have uri property which is required for requestWithAuthenticationPaginated const options: IRequestOptions = { method, uri: url ?? `${endpoint}`, json: true, headers, body, qs, }; const pages = await this, options, itemIndex, { continue: '={{ !!$response.body?.["@odata.nextLink"] }}', request: { url: '={{ $response.body?.["@odata.nextLink"] ?? $request.url }}', }, requestInterval: 0, }, 'microsoftEntraOAuth2Api', ); let results: IDataObject[] = []; for (const page of pages) { const items = page.body.value as IDataObject[]; if (items) { results = results.concat(items); } } return results; } export async function handleErrorPostReceive( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, data: INodeExecutionData[], response: IN8nHttpFullResponse, ): Promise { if (String(response.statusCode).startsWith('4') || String(response.statusCode).startsWith('5')) { const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource') as string; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation') as string; const { code: errorCode, message: errorMessage, details: errorDetails, } = (response.body as IDataObject)?.error as { code: string; message: string; innerError?: { code: string; 'request-id'?: string; date?: string; }; details?: Array<{ code: string; message: string; }>; }; // Operation specific errors if (resource === 'group') { if (operation === 'create') { } else if (operation === 'delete') { if (errorCode === 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: "The required group doesn't match any existing one", description: "Double-check the value in the parameter 'Group to Delete' and try again", }); } } else if (operation === 'get') { if (errorCode === 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: "The required group doesn't match any existing one", description: "Double-check the value in the parameter 'Group to Get' and try again", }); } } else if (operation === 'getAll') { } else if (operation === 'update') { if ( errorCode === 'BadRequest' && errorMessage === 'Empty Payload. JSON content expected.' ) { // Ignore empty payload error. Currently n8n deletes the empty body object from the request. return data; } if (errorCode === 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: "The required group doesn't match any existing one", description: "Double-check the value in the parameter 'Group to Update' and try again", }); } } } else if (resource === 'user') { if (operation === 'addGroup') { if ( errorCode === 'Request_BadRequest' && errorMessage === "One or more added object references already exist for the following modified properties: 'members'." ) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: 'The user is already in the group', description: 'The specified user cannot be added to the group because they are already a member', }); } else if (errorCode === 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { const group = this.getNodeParameter('group.value') as string; if (errorMessage.includes(group)) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: "The required group doesn't match any existing one", description: "Double-check the value in the parameter 'Group' and try again", }); } else { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: "The required user doesn't match any existing one", description: "Double-check the value in the parameter 'User to Add' and try again", }); } } } else if (operation === 'create') { } else if (operation === 'delete') { if (errorCode === 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: "The required user doesn't match any existing one", description: "Double-check the value in the parameter 'User to Delete' and try again", }); } } else if (operation === 'get') { if (errorCode === 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: "The required user doesn't match any existing one", description: "Double-check the value in the parameter 'User to Get' and try again", }); } } else if (operation === 'getAll') { } else if (operation === 'removeGroup') { if (errorCode === 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: 'The user is not in the group', description: 'The specified user cannot be removed from the group because they are not a member of the group', }); } else if ( errorCode === 'Request_UnsupportedQuery' && errorMessage === "Unsupported referenced-object resource identifier for link property 'members'." ) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: 'The user ID is invalid', description: 'The ID should be in the format e.g. 02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315', }); } } else if (operation === 'update') { if ( errorCode === 'BadRequest' && errorMessage === 'Empty Payload. JSON content expected.' ) { // Ignore empty payload error. Currently n8n deletes the empty body object from the request. return data; } if (errorCode === 'Request_ResourceNotFound') { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: "The required user doesn't match any existing one", description: "Double-check the value in the parameter 'User to Update' and try again", }); } } } // Generic errors if ( errorCode === 'Request_BadRequest' && errorMessage.startsWith('Invalid object identifier') ) { const group = this.getNodeParameter('group.value', '') as string; const parameterResource = resource === 'group' || errorMessage.includes(group) ? 'group' : 'user'; throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: `The ${parameterResource} ID is invalid`, description: 'The ID should be in the format e.g. 02bd9fd6-8f93-4758-87c3-1fb73740a315', }); } if (errorDetails?.some((x) => x.code === 'ObjectConflict' || x.code === 'ConflictingObjects')) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject, { message: `The ${resource} already exists`, description: errorMessage, }); } throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject); } return data; } export async function getGroupProperties( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, ): Promise { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const response = await, 'GET', '/$metadata#groups'); const metadata = await parseStringPromise(response as string, { explicitArray: false, }); /* eslint-disable */ const entities = metadata['edmx:Edmx']['edmx:DataServices']['Schema'] .find((x: any) => x['$']['Namespace'] === 'microsoft.graph') ['EntityType'].filter((x: any) => ['entity', 'directoryObject', 'group'].includes(x['$']['Name']), ); let properties = entities .flatMap((x: any) => x['Property']) .map((x: any) => x['$']['Name']) as string[]; /* eslint-enable */ properties = properties.filter( (x) => !['id', 'isArchived', 'hasMembersWithLicenseErrors'].includes(x), ); properties = properties.sort(); for (const property of properties) { returnData.push({ name: property, value: property, }); } return returnData; } export async function getUserProperties( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, ): Promise { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const response = await, 'GET', '/$metadata#users'); const metadata = await parseStringPromise(response as string, { explicitArray: false, }); /* eslint-disable */ const entities = metadata['edmx:Edmx']['edmx:DataServices']['Schema'] .find((x: any) => x['$']['Namespace'] === 'microsoft.graph') ['EntityType'].filter((x: any) => ['entity', 'directoryObject', 'user'].includes(x['$']['Name']), ); let properties = entities .flatMap((x: any) => x['Property']) .map((x: any) => x['$']['Name']) as string[]; /* eslint-enable */ // signInActivity requires AuditLog.Read.All // mailboxSettings MailboxSettings.Read properties = properties.filter( (x) => !['id', 'deviceEnrollmentLimit', 'mailboxSettings', 'print', 'signInActivity'].includes(x), ); properties = properties.sort(); for (const property of properties) { returnData.push({ name: property, value: property, }); } return returnData; } export async function getGroups( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, filter?: string, paginationToken?: string, ): Promise { let response: any; if (paginationToken) { response = await this, 'GET', '/groups', {}, undefined, undefined, paginationToken, ); } else { const qs: IDataObject = { $select: 'id,displayName', }; const headers: IDataObject = {}; if (filter) { headers.ConsistencyLevel = 'eventual'; qs.$search = `"displayName:${filter}"`; } response = await, 'GET', '/groups', {}, qs, headers); } const groups: Array<{ id: string; displayName: string; }> = response.value; const results: INodeListSearchItems[] = groups .map((g) => ({ name: g.displayName, value:, })) .sort((a, b) =>, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }), ); return { results, paginationToken: response['@odata.nextLink'] }; } export async function getUsers( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, filter?: string, paginationToken?: string, ): Promise { let response: any; if (paginationToken) { response = await this, 'GET', '/users', {}, undefined, undefined, paginationToken, ); } else { const qs: IDataObject = { $select: 'id,displayName', }; const headers: IDataObject = {}; if (filter) { qs.$filter = `startsWith(displayName, '${filter}') OR startsWith(userPrincipalName, '${filter}')`; } response = await, 'GET', '/users', {}, qs, headers); } const users: Array<{ id: string; displayName: string; }> = response.value; const results: INodeListSearchItems[] = users .map((u) => ({ name: u.displayName, value:, })) .sort((a, b) =>, undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }), ); return { results, paginationToken: response['@odata.nextLink'] }; }