import type { IExecutionPushResponse, IExecutionResponse, IStartRunData, IWorkflowDb, } from '@/Interface'; import type { IDataObject, IRunData, IRunExecutionData, ITaskData, IPinData, IWorkflowBase, Workflow, StartNodeData, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeHelpers, NodeConnectionType, TelemetryHelpers, FORM_TRIGGER_PATH_IDENTIFIER, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { useToast } from '@/composables/useToast'; import { useNodeHelpers } from '@/composables/useNodeHelpers'; import { FORM_TRIGGER_NODE_TYPE, WAIT_NODE_TYPE } from '@/constants'; import { useTitleChange } from '@/composables/useTitleChange'; import { useRootStore } from '@/stores/'; import { useUIStore } from '@/stores/'; import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/'; import { openPopUpWindow } from '@/utils/executionUtils'; import { useExternalHooks } from '@/composables/useExternalHooks'; import { useWorkflowHelpers } from '@/composables/useWorkflowHelpers'; import type { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; import { isEmpty } from '@/utils/typesUtils'; import { useI18n } from '@/composables/useI18n'; import { useTelemetry } from '@/composables/useTelemetry'; import { get } from 'lodash-es'; export function useRunWorkflow(options: { router: ReturnType }) { const nodeHelpers = useNodeHelpers(); const workflowHelpers = useWorkflowHelpers({ router: options.router }); const i18n = useI18n(); const telemetry = useTelemetry(); const toast = useToast(); const { titleSet } = useTitleChange(); const rootStore = useRootStore(); const uiStore = useUIStore(); const workflowsStore = useWorkflowsStore(); // Starts to execute a workflow on server async function runWorkflowApi(runData: IStartRunData): Promise { if (!rootStore.pushConnectionActive) { // Do not start if the connection to server is not active // because then it can not receive the data as it executes. throw new Error(i18n.baseText('workflowRun.noActiveConnectionToTheServer')); } workflowsStore.subWorkflowExecutionError = null; uiStore.addActiveAction('workflowRunning'); let response: IExecutionPushResponse; try { response = await workflowsStore.runWorkflow(runData); } catch (error) { uiStore.removeActiveAction('workflowRunning'); throw error; } if (response.executionId !== undefined) { workflowsStore.activeExecutionId = response.executionId; } if (response.waitingForWebhook === true) { workflowsStore.executionWaitingForWebhook = true; } return response; } async function runWorkflow(options: { destinationNode?: string; triggerNode?: string; nodeData?: ITaskData; source?: string; }): Promise { const workflow = workflowHelpers.getCurrentWorkflow(); if (uiStore.isActionActive('workflowRunning')) { return; } titleSet( as string, 'EXECUTING'); toast.clearAllStickyNotifications(); try { // Check first if the workflow has any issues before execute it nodeHelpers.refreshNodeIssues(); const issuesExist = workflowsStore.nodesIssuesExist; if (issuesExist) { // If issues exist get all of the issues of all nodes const workflowIssues = workflowHelpers.checkReadyForExecution( workflow, options.destinationNode, ); if (workflowIssues !== null) { const errorMessages = []; let nodeIssues: string[]; const trackNodeIssues: Array<{ node_type: string; error: string; }> = []; const trackErrorNodeTypes: string[] = []; for (const nodeName of Object.keys(workflowIssues)) { nodeIssues = NodeHelpers.nodeIssuesToString(workflowIssues[nodeName]); let issueNodeType = 'UNKNOWN'; const issueNode = workflowsStore.getNodeByName(nodeName); if (issueNode) { issueNodeType = issueNode.type; } trackErrorNodeTypes.push(issueNodeType); const trackNodeIssue = { node_type: issueNodeType, error: '', caused_by_credential: !!workflowIssues[nodeName].credentials, }; for (const nodeIssue of nodeIssues) { errorMessages.push( `${nodeName}: ${nodeIssue}`, ); trackNodeIssue.error = trackNodeIssue.error.concat(', ', nodeIssue); } trackNodeIssues.push(trackNodeIssue); } toast.showMessage({ title: i18n.baseText('workflowRun.showMessage.title'), message: errorMessages.join('
'), type: 'error', duration: 0, }); titleSet( as string, 'ERROR'); void useExternalHooks().run('workflowRun.runError', { errorMessages, nodeName: options.destinationNode, }); await workflowHelpers.getWorkflowDataToSave().then((workflowData) => { telemetry.track('Workflow execution preflight failed', { workflow_id:, workflow_name:, execution_type: options.destinationNode || options.triggerNode ? 'node' : 'workflow', node_graph_string: JSON.stringify( TelemetryHelpers.generateNodesGraph( workflowData as IWorkflowBase, workflowHelpers.getNodeTypes(), ).nodeGraph, ), error_node_types: JSON.stringify(trackErrorNodeTypes), errors: JSON.stringify(trackNodeIssues), }); }); return; } } // Get the direct parents of the node let directParentNodes: string[] = []; if (options.destinationNode !== undefined) { directParentNodes = workflow.getParentNodes( options.destinationNode, NodeConnectionType.Main, 1, ); } const runData = workflowsStore.getWorkflowRunData; if (workflowsStore.isNewWorkflow) { await workflowHelpers.saveCurrentWorkflow(); } const workflowData = await workflowHelpers.getWorkflowDataToSave(); const consolidatedData = consolidateRunDataAndStartNodes( directParentNodes, runData, workflowData.pinData, workflow, ); const { startNodeNames } = consolidatedData; let { runData: newRunData } = consolidatedData; let executedNode: string | undefined; if ( startNodeNames.length === 0 && 'destinationNode' in options && options.destinationNode !== undefined ) { executedNode = options.destinationNode; startNodeNames.push(options.destinationNode); } else if ('triggerNode' in options && 'nodeData' in options) { startNodeNames.push( ...workflow.getChildNodes(options.triggerNode as string, NodeConnectionType.Main, 1), ); newRunData = { [options.triggerNode as string]: [options.nodeData], } as IRunData; executedNode = options.triggerNode; } const startNodes: StartNodeData[] = => { // Find for each start node the source data let sourceData = get(runData, [name, 0, 'source', 0], null); if (sourceData === null) { const parentNodes = workflow.getParentNodes(name, NodeConnectionType.Main, 1); const executeData = workflowHelpers.executeData( parentNodes, name, NodeConnectionType.Main, 0, ); sourceData = get(executeData, ['source', NodeConnectionType.Main, 0], null); } return { name, sourceData, }; }); const startRunData: IStartRunData = { workflowData, runData: newRunData, pinData: workflowData.pinData, startNodes, }; if ('destinationNode' in options) { startRunData.destinationNode = options.destinationNode; } // Init the execution data to represent the start of the execution // that data which gets reused is already set and data of newly executed // nodes can be added as it gets pushed in const executionData: IExecutionResponse = { id: '__IN_PROGRESS__', finished: false, mode: 'manual', status: 'running', startedAt: new Date(), stoppedAt: undefined, workflowId:, executedNode, data: { resultData: { runData: newRunData || {}, pinData: workflowData.pinData, workflowData, }, } as IRunExecutionData, workflowData: { id: workflowsStore.workflowId, name:!, active:!, createdAt: 0, updatedAt: 0, ...workflowData, } as IWorkflowDb, }; workflowsStore.setWorkflowExecutionData(executionData); nodeHelpers.updateNodesExecutionIssues(); const runWorkflowApiResponse = await runWorkflowApi(startRunData); const pinData = workflowData.pinData ?? {}; for (const node of workflowData.nodes) { if (pinData[]) continue; if (![FORM_TRIGGER_NODE_TYPE, WAIT_NODE_TYPE].includes(node.type)) { continue; } if ( options.destinationNode && options.destinationNode !== && !directParentNodes.includes( ) { continue; } if ( === options.destinationNode || !node.disabled) { let testUrl = ''; if (node.type === FORM_TRIGGER_NODE_TYPE && node.typeVersion === 1) { const webhookPath = (node.parameters.path as string) || node.webhookId; testUrl = `${rootStore.getWebhookTestUrl}/${webhookPath}/${FORM_TRIGGER_PATH_IDENTIFIER}`; } if (node.type === FORM_TRIGGER_NODE_TYPE && node.typeVersion > 1) { const webhookPath = (node.parameters.path as string) || node.webhookId; testUrl = `${rootStore.getFormTestUrl}/${webhookPath}`; } if ( node.type === WAIT_NODE_TYPE && node.parameters.resume === 'form' && runWorkflowApiResponse.executionId ) { const workflowTriggerNodes = workflow.getTriggerNodes().map((node) =>; const showForm = options.destinationNode === || directParentNodes.includes( || workflowTriggerNodes.some((triggerNode) => workflowsStore.isNodeInOutgoingNodeConnections(triggerNode,, ); if (!showForm) continue; const { webhookSuffix } = (node.parameters.options || {}) as IDataObject; const suffix = webhookSuffix ? `/${webhookSuffix}` : ''; testUrl = `${rootStore.getFormWaitingUrl}/${runWorkflowApiResponse.executionId}${suffix}`; } if (testUrl) openPopUpWindow(testUrl); } } await useExternalHooks().run('workflowRun.runWorkflow', { nodeName: options.destinationNode, source: options.source, }); return runWorkflowApiResponse; } catch (error) { titleSet( as string, 'ERROR'); toast.showError(error, i18n.baseText('workflowRun.showError.title')); return undefined; } } function consolidateRunDataAndStartNodes( directParentNodes: string[], runData: IRunData | null, pinData: IPinData | undefined, workflow: Workflow, ): { runData: IRunData | undefined; startNodeNames: string[] } { const startNodeNames: string[] = []; let newRunData: IRunData | undefined; if (runData !== null && Object.keys(runData).length !== 0) { newRunData = {}; // Go over the direct parents of the node for (const directParentNode of directParentNodes) { // Go over the parents of that node so that we can get a start // node for each of the branches const parentNodes = workflow.getParentNodes(directParentNode, NodeConnectionType.Main); // Add also the enabled direct parent to be checked if (workflow.nodes[directParentNode].disabled) continue; parentNodes.push(directParentNode); for (const parentNode of parentNodes) { if (!runData[parentNode]?.length && !pinData?.[parentNode]?.length) { // When we hit a node which has no data we stop and set it // as a start node the execution from and then go on with other // direct input nodes startNodeNames.push(parentNode); break; } if (runData[parentNode]) { newRunData[parentNode] = runData[parentNode]?.slice(0, 1); } } } if (isEmpty(newRunData)) { // If there is no data for any of the parent nodes make sure // that run data is empty that it runs regularly newRunData = undefined; } } return { runData: newRunData, startNodeNames }; } return { consolidateRunDataAndStartNodes, runWorkflow, runWorkflowApi, }; }