import { IExecuteFunctions } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodePropertyOptions, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, NodeOperationError, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { linkedInApiRequest } from './GenericFunctions'; import { postFields, postOperations, } from './PostDescription'; export class LinkedIn implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'LinkedIn', name: 'linkedIn', icon: 'file:linkedin.png', group: ['input'], version: 1, description: 'Consume LinkedIn API', defaults: { name: 'LinkedIn', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'linkedInOAuth2Api', required: true, }, ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Resource', name: 'resource', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Post', value: 'post', }, ], default: 'post', description: 'The resource to consume', }, //POST ...postOperations, ...postFields, ], }; methods = { loadOptions: { // Get Person URN which has to be used with other LinkedIn API Requests // async getPersonUrn(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const person = await, 'GET', '/me', {}); returnData.push({ name: `${person.localizedFirstName} ${person.localizedLastName}`, value: }); return returnData; }, }, }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const items = this.getInputData(); const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string; let body = {}; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { try { if (resource === 'post') { if (operation === 'create') { const text = this.getNodeParameter('text', i) as string; const shareMediaCategory = this.getNodeParameter('shareMediaCategory', i) as string; const postAs = this.getNodeParameter('postAs', i) as string; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; let authorUrn = ''; let visibility = 'PUBLIC'; if (postAs === 'person') { const personUrn = this.getNodeParameter('person', i) as string; // Only if posting as a person can user decide if post visible by public or connections visibility = additionalFields.visibility as string || 'PUBLIC'; authorUrn = `urn:li:person:${personUrn}`; } else { const organizationUrn = this.getNodeParameter('organization', i) as string; authorUrn = `urn:li:organization:${organizationUrn}`; } let description = ''; let title = ''; let originalUrl = ''; if (shareMediaCategory === 'IMAGE') { if (additionalFields.description) { description = additionalFields.description as string; } if (additionalFields.title) { title = additionalFields.title as string; } // Send a REQUEST to prepare a register of a media image file const registerRequest = { registerUploadRequest: { recipes: [ 'urn:li:digitalmediaRecipe:feedshare-image', ], owner: authorUrn, serviceRelationships: [ { relationshipType: 'OWNER', identifier: 'urn:li:userGeneratedContent', }, ], }, }; const registerObject = await, 'POST', '/assets?action=registerUpload', registerRequest); // Response provides a specific upload URL that is used to upload the binary image file const uploadUrl = registerObject.value.uploadMechanism['com.linkedin.digitalmedia.uploading.MediaUploadHttpRequest'].uploadUrl as string; const asset = registerObject.value.asset as string; // Prepare binary file upload const item = items[i]; if (item.binary === undefined) { throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), 'No binary data exists on item!'); } const propertyNameUpload = this.getNodeParameter('binaryPropertyName', i) as string; if (item.binary[propertyNameUpload] === undefined) { throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), `No binary data property "${propertyNameUpload}" does not exists on item!`); } // Buffer binary data const buffer = await this.helpers.getBinaryDataBuffer(i, propertyNameUpload); // Upload image await, 'POST', uploadUrl, buffer, true); body = { author: authorUrn, lifecycleState: 'PUBLISHED', specificContent: { 'com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent': { shareCommentary: { text, }, shareMediaCategory: 'IMAGE', media: [ { status: 'READY', description: { text: description, }, media: asset, title: { text: title, }, }, ], }, }, visibility: { 'com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility': visibility, }, }; } else if (shareMediaCategory === 'ARTICLE') { const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; if (additionalFields.description) { description = additionalFields.description as string; } if (additionalFields.title) { title = additionalFields.title as string; } if (additionalFields.originalUrl) { originalUrl = additionalFields.originalUrl as string; } body = { author: `${authorUrn}`, lifecycleState: 'PUBLISHED', specificContent: { 'com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent': { shareCommentary: { text, }, shareMediaCategory, media: [ { status: 'READY', description: { text: description, }, originalUrl, title: { text: title, }, }, ], }, }, visibility: { 'com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility': visibility, }, }; } else { body = { author: authorUrn, lifecycleState: 'PUBLISHED', specificContent: { 'com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent': { shareCommentary: { text, }, shareMediaCategory, }, }, visibility: { 'com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility': visibility, }, }; } const endpoint = '/ugcPosts'; responseData = await, 'POST', endpoint, body); } } if (Array.isArray(responseData)) { returnData.push.apply(returnData, responseData as IDataObject[]); } else { returnData.push(responseData as IDataObject); } } catch (error) { if (this.continueOnFail()) { returnData.push({ error: error.message }); continue; } throw error; } } return [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(returnData)]; } }