import { Container } from 'typedi'; import { In } from '@n8n/typeorm'; import config from '@/config'; import type { ListQuery } from '@/requests'; import type { User } from '@db/entities/User'; import { SharedCredentialsRepository } from '@db/repositories/sharedCredentials.repository'; import { ProjectRepository } from '@db/repositories/project.repository'; import type { Project } from '@db/entities/Project'; import { ProjectService } from '@/services/project.service'; import { UserManagementMailer } from '@/UserManagement/email'; import { randomCredentialPayload } from '../shared/random'; import * as testDb from '../shared/testDb'; import type { SaveCredentialFunction } from '../shared/types'; import * as utils from '../shared/utils'; import { affixRoleToSaveCredential, getCredentialSharings, shareCredentialWithProjects, shareCredentialWithUsers, } from '../shared/db/credentials'; import { createAdmin, createManyUsers, createOwner, createUser, createUserShell, } from '../shared/db/users'; import type { SuperAgentTest } from '../shared/types'; import { mockInstance } from '../../shared/mocking'; import { createTeamProject, linkUserToProject } from '../shared/db/projects'; import { createWorkflow, shareWorkflowWithUsers } from '@test-integration/db/workflows'; const testServer = utils.setupTestServer({ endpointGroups: ['credentials'], enabledFeatures: ['feat:sharing'], quotas: { 'quota:maxTeamProjects': -1, }, }); let owner: User; let admin: User; let ownerPersonalProject: Project; let member: User; let memberPersonalProject: Project; let anotherMember: User; let anotherMemberPersonalProject: Project; let authOwnerAgent: SuperAgentTest; let authMemberAgent: SuperAgentTest; let authAnotherMemberAgent: SuperAgentTest; let saveCredential: SaveCredentialFunction; const mailer = mockInstance(UserManagementMailer); let projectService: ProjectService; let projectRepository: ProjectRepository; beforeEach(async () => { await testDb.truncate(['SharedCredentials', 'Credentials', 'Project', 'ProjectRelation']); projectRepository = Container.get(ProjectRepository); projectService = Container.get(ProjectService); owner = await createOwner(); admin = await createAdmin(); ownerPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(; member = await createUser({ role: 'global:member' }); memberPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(; anotherMember = await createUser({ role: 'global:member' }); anotherMemberPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); authOwnerAgent = testServer.authAgentFor(owner); authMemberAgent = testServer.authAgentFor(member); authAnotherMemberAgent = testServer.authAgentFor(anotherMember); saveCredential = affixRoleToSaveCredential('credential:owner'); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe('POST /credentials', () => { test('project viewers cannot create credentials', async () => { const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, teamProject, 'project:viewer'); const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .post('/credentials') .send({ ...randomCredentialPayload(), projectId: }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400); expect(response.body.message).toBe( "You don't have the permissions to save the credential in this project.", ); }); }); // ---------------------------------------- // GET /credentials - fetch all credentials // ---------------------------------------- describe('GET /credentials', () => { test('should return all creds for owner', async () => { const [member1, member2, member3] = await createManyUsers(3, { role: 'global:member', }); const member1PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const member2PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const member3PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member1 }); const sharedWith = [member1PersonalProject, member2PersonalProject, member3PersonalProject]; await shareCredentialWithProjects(savedCredential, sharedWith); const response = await authOwnerAgent.get('/credentials'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; // owner retrieved owner cred and member cred const ownerCredential: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith = (e: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith) => e.homeProject?.id ===, ); const memberCredential: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith = (e: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith) => e.homeProject?.id ===, ); validateMainCredentialData(ownerCredential); expect(; validateMainCredentialData(memberCredential); expect(; expect(ownerCredential.homeProject).toMatchObject({ id:, type: 'personal', name: owner.createPersonalProjectName(), }); expect(Array.isArray(ownerCredential.sharedWithProjects)).toBe(true); expect(ownerCredential.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(3); // Fix order issue (MySQL might return items in any order) const ownerCredentialsSharedWithOrdered = [...ownerCredential.sharedWithProjects].sort( (a, b) => ( < ? -1 : 1), ); const orderedSharedWith = [...sharedWith].sort((a, b) => ( < ? -1 : 1)); ownerCredentialsSharedWithOrdered.forEach((sharee, idx) => { expect(sharee).toMatchObject({ id: orderedSharedWith[idx].id, type: orderedSharedWith[idx].type, }); }); expect(memberCredential.homeProject).toMatchObject({ id:, type: member1PersonalProject.type, name: member1.createPersonalProjectName(), }); expect(Array.isArray(memberCredential.sharedWithProjects)).toBe(true); expect(memberCredential.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(0); }); test('should return only relevant creds for member', async () => { const [member1, member2] = await createManyUsers(2, { role: 'global:member', }); const member1PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const member2PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member2 }); const savedMemberCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member1, }); await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedMemberCredential, [member2]); const response = await testServer.authAgentFor(member1).get('/credentials'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; // member retrieved only member cred const [member1Credential]: [ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith] =; validateMainCredentialData(member1Credential); expect(; expect(member1Credential.homeProject).toMatchObject({ id:, name: member1.createPersonalProjectName(), type: member1PersonalProject.type, }); expect(member1Credential.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(1); expect(member1Credential.sharedWithProjects[0]).toMatchObject({ id:, name: member2.createPersonalProjectName(), type: member2PersonalProject.type, }); }); test('should show credentials that the user has access to through a team project they are part of', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const project1 = await projectService.createTeamProject('Team Project', member); await projectService.addUser(,, 'project:editor'); // anotherMember should see this one const credential1 = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: project1 }); const project2 = await projectService.createTeamProject('Team Project', member); // anotherMember should NOT see this one await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: project2 }); // // ACT // const response = await testServer.authAgentFor(anotherMember).get('/credentials'); // // ASSERT // expect(; expect([0].id).toBe(; }); }); describe('GET /credentials/for-workflow', () => { describe('for team projects', () => { test.each([ ['workflowId', 'member', () => member], ['projectId', 'member', () => member], ['workflowId', 'owner', () => owner], ['projectId', 'owner', () => owner], ])( 'it will only return the credentials in that project if "%s" is used as the query parameter and the actor is a "%s"', async (_, queryParam, actorGetter) => { const actor = actorGetter(); // Credential in personal project that should not be returned await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: actor }); const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(actor, teamProject, 'project:viewer'); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: teamProject, }); const savedWorkflow = await createWorkflow({}, teamProject); { const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(actor) .get('/credentials/for-workflow') .query( queryParam === 'workflowId' ? { workflowId: } : { projectId: }, ); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); } }, ); }); describe('for personal projects', () => { test.each(['projectId', 'workflowId'])( 'it returns only personal credentials for a members, if "%s" is used as the query parameter', async (queryParam) => { const savedWorkflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(savedWorkflow, [anotherMember]); // should be returned respectively const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const anotherSavedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: anotherMember, }); // should not be returned await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: teamProject }); // member should only see their credential { const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .get('/credentials/for-workflow') .query( queryParam === 'workflowId' ? { workflowId: } : { projectId: }, ); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); } // another member should only see their credential { const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(anotherMember) .get('/credentials/for-workflow') .query( queryParam === 'workflowId' ? { workflowId: } : { projectId: }, ); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); } }, ); test('if the actor is a global owner and the workflow has not been shared with them, it returns all credentials of all projects the workflow is part of', async () => { const memberWorkflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(memberWorkflow, [owner]); // should be returned const memberCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const ownerCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); // should not be returned await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: anotherMember }); const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: teamProject }); const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(owner) .get('/credentials/for-workflow') .query({ workflowId: }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); }); test('if the actor is a global owner and the workflow has been shared with them, it returns all credentials of all projects the workflow is part of', async () => { const memberWorkflow = await createWorkflow({}, member); await shareWorkflowWithUsers(memberWorkflow, [anotherMember]); // should be returned const memberCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const anotherMemberCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: anotherMember, }); // should not be returned await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: teamProject }); const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(owner) .get('/credentials/for-workflow') .query({ workflowId: }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); }); test('if the projectId is passed by a global owner it will return all credentials in that project', async () => { // should be returned const memberCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); // should not be returned await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: anotherMember }); await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: teamProject }); const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(owner) .get('/credentials/for-workflow') .query({ projectId: }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); }); test.each(['workflowId', 'projectId'] as const)( 'if the global owner owns the workflow it will return all credentials of all personal projects, when using "%s" as the query parameter', async (queryParam) => { const ownerWorkflow = await createWorkflow({}, owner); // should be returned const memberCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const anotherMemberCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: anotherMember, }); const ownerCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); // should not be returned const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: teamProject }); const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(owner) .get('/credentials/for-workflow') .query( queryParam === 'workflowId' ? { workflowId: } : { projectId: }, ); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); expect( expect.objectContaining({ id:, scopes: expect.arrayContaining(['credential:read']), }), ); }, ); }); }); // ---------------------------------------- // GET /credentials/:id - fetch a certain credential // ---------------------------------------- describe('GET /credentials/:id', () => { test('project viewers can view credentials', async () => { const teamProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, teamProject, 'project:viewer'); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: teamProject, }); const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .get(`/credentials/${}`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect({ id:, shared: [{ projectId:, role: 'credential:owner' }], homeProject: { id:, }, sharedWithProjects: [], scopes: ['credential:read'], }); expect(; }); test('should retrieve owned cred for owner', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const firstResponse = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/credentials/${}`); expect(firstResponse.statusCode).toBe(200); const firstCredential: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith =; validateMainCredentialData(firstCredential); expect(; expect(firstCredential.homeProject).toMatchObject({ id:, name: owner.createPersonalProjectName(), type: ownerPersonalProject.type, }); expect(firstCredential.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(0); const secondResponse = await authOwnerAgent .get(`/credentials/${}`) .query({ includeData: true }); expect(secondResponse.statusCode).toBe(200); const { data: secondCredential } = secondResponse.body; validateMainCredentialData(secondCredential); expect(; }); test('should retrieve non-owned cred for owner', async () => { const [member1, member2] = await createManyUsers(2, { role: 'global:member', }); const member1PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const member2PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member1 }); await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [member2]); const response1 = await authOwnerAgent.get(`/credentials/${}`).expect(200); const credential: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith =; validateMainCredentialData(credential); expect(; expect(credential).toMatchObject({ homeProject: { id:, name: member1.createPersonalProjectName(), type: member1PersonalProject.type, }, sharedWithProjects: [ { id:, name: member2.createPersonalProjectName(), type: member2PersonalProject.type, }, ], }); const response2 = await authOwnerAgent .get(`/credentials/${}`) .query({ includeData: true }) .expect(200); const credential2: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith =; validateMainCredentialData(credential); expect(; // Instance owners should be capable of editing all credentials expect(credential2.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(1); }); test('should retrieve owned cred for member', async () => { const [member1, member2, member3] = await createManyUsers(3, { role: 'global:member', }); const member1PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const member2PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const member3PersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const authMemberAgent = testServer.authAgentFor(member1); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member1 }); await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [member2, member3]); const firstResponse = await authMemberAgent .get(`/credentials/${}`) .expect(200); const firstCredential: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith =; validateMainCredentialData(firstCredential); expect(; expect(firstCredential).toMatchObject({ homeProject: { id:, name: member1.createPersonalProjectName(), type: 'personal', }, sharedWithProjects: expect.arrayContaining([ { id:, name: member2.createPersonalProjectName(), type: member2PersonalProject.type, }, { id:, name: member3.createPersonalProjectName(), type: member3PersonalProject.type, }, ]), }); const secondResponse = await authMemberAgent .get(`/credentials/${}`) .query({ includeData: true }) .expect(200); const secondCredential: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith =; validateMainCredentialData(secondCredential); expect(; expect(secondCredential.sharedWithProjects).toHaveLength(2); }); test('should not retrieve non-owned cred for member', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .get(`/credentials/${}`); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); expect(; // owner's cred not returned }); test('should return 404 if cred not found', async () => { const response = await authOwnerAgent.get('/credentials/789'); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(404); const responseAbc = await authOwnerAgent.get('/credentials/abc'); expect(responseAbc.statusCode).toBe(404); // because EE router has precedence, check if forwards this route const responseNew = await authOwnerAgent.get('/credentials/new'); expect(responseNew.statusCode).toBe(200); }); }); describe('PATCH /credentials/:id', () => { test('project viewer cannot update credentials', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const teamProject = await createTeamProject('', member); await linkUserToProject(member, teamProject, 'project:viewer'); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: teamProject, }); // // ACT // const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .patch(`/credentials/${}`) .send({ ...randomCredentialPayload() }); // // ASSERT // expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); expect(response.body.message).toBe('User is missing a scope required to perform this action'); }); }); // ---------------------------------------- // idempotent share/unshare // ---------------------------------------- describe('PUT /credentials/:id/share', () => { test('should share the credential with the provided userIds and unshare it for missing ones', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const [member1, member2, member3, member4, member5] = await createManyUsers(5, { role: 'global:member', }); // TODO: write helper for getting multiple personal projects by user id const shareWithProjectIds = ( await Promise.all([ projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ]) ).map((project) =>; await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [member4, member5]); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: shareWithProjectIds }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; const sharedCredentials = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).find({ where: { credentialsId: }, }); // check that sharings have been removed/added correctly expect(sharedCredentials.length).toBe(shareWithProjectIds.length + 1); // +1 for the owner sharedCredentials.forEach((sharedCredential) => { if (sharedCredential.projectId === { expect(sharedCredential.role).toBe('credential:owner'); return; } expect(shareWithProjectIds).toContain(sharedCredential.projectId); expect(sharedCredential.role).toBe('credential:user'); }); expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ newShareeIds: expect.arrayContaining([,,]), sharer: expect.objectContaining({ id: }), credentialsName:, }), ); }); test('should share the credential with the provided userIds', async () => { const [member1, member2, member3] = await createManyUsers(3, { role: 'global:member', }); const projectIds = ( await Promise.all([ projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ]) ).map((project) =>; // const memberIds = [,,]; const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: projectIds }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; // check that sharings got correctly set in DB const sharedCredentials = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).find({ where: { credentialsId:, projectId: In(projectIds) }, }); expect(sharedCredentials.length).toBe(projectIds.length); sharedCredentials.forEach((sharedCredential) => { expect(sharedCredential.role).toBe('credential:user'); }); // check that owner still exists const ownerSharedCredential = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).findOneOrFail({ where: { credentialsId:, projectId: }, }); expect(ownerSharedCredential.role).toBe('credential:owner'); expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test('should respond 403 for non-existing credentials', async () => { const response = await authOwnerAgent .put('/credentials/1234567/share') .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should respond 403 for non-owned credentials for shared members', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [anotherMember]); const response = await authAnotherMemberAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); const sharedCredentials = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).find({ where: { credentialsId: }, }); expect(sharedCredentials).toHaveLength(2); expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should respond 403 for non-owned credentials for non-shared members sharing with self', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const response = await authAnotherMemberAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); const sharedCredentials = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).find({ where: { credentialsId: }, }); expect(sharedCredentials).toHaveLength(1); expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should respond 403 for non-owned credentials for non-shared members sharing', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const tempUser = await createUser({ role: 'global:member' }); const tempUserPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const response = await authAnotherMemberAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(403); const sharedCredentials = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).find({ where: { credentialsId: }, }); expect(sharedCredentials).toHaveLength(1); expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should respond 200 for non-owned credentials for owners', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }) .expect(200); const sharedCredentials = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).find({ where: { credentialsId: }, }); expect(sharedCredentials).toHaveLength(2); expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test('should not ignore pending sharee', async () => { const memberShell = await createUserShell('global:member'); const memberShellPersonalProject = await projectRepository.getPersonalProjectForUserOrFail(, ); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }) .expect(200); const sharedCredentials = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).find({ where: { credentialsId: }, }); expect(sharedCredentials).toHaveLength(2); expect( sharedCredentials.find((c) => c.projectId ===, ).not.toBeUndefined(); expect( sharedCredentials.find((c) => c.projectId ===, ).not.toBeUndefined(); }); test('should ignore non-existing sharee', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: ['bce38a11-5e45-4d1c-a9ee-36e4a20ab0fc'] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const sharedCredentials = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).find({ where: { credentialsId: }, }); expect(sharedCredentials).toHaveLength(1); expect(sharedCredentials[0].projectId).toBe(; expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test('should respond 400 if invalid payload is provided', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const responses = await Promise.all([ authOwnerAgent.put(`/credentials/${}/share`).send(), authOwnerAgent.put(`/credentials/${}/share`).send({ shareWithIds: [1] }), ]); responses.forEach((response) => expect(response.statusCode).toBe(400)); expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(0); }); test('should unshare the credential', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const [member1, member2] = await createManyUsers(2, { role: 'global:member', }); await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [member1, member2]); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); const sharedCredentials = await Container.get(SharedCredentialsRepository).find({ where: { credentialsId: }, }); expect(sharedCredentials).toHaveLength(1); expect(sharedCredentials[0].projectId).toBe(; expect(mailer.notifyCredentialsShared).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); test('should not call internal hooks listener for email sent if emailing is disabled', async () => { config.set('userManagement.emails.mode', ''); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: owner }); const [member1, member2] = await createManyUsers(2, { role: 'global:member', }); await shareCredentialWithUsers(savedCredential, [member1, member2]); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); config.set('userManagement.emails.mode', 'smtp'); }); test('member should be able to share from personal project to team project that member has access to', async () => { const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const testProject = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, testProject, 'project:editor'); const response = await authMemberAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; const shares = await getCredentialSharings(savedCredential); const testShare = shares.find((s) => s.projectId ===; expect(testShare).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(testShare?.role).toBe('credential:user'); }); test('member should be able to share from team project to personal project', async () => { const testProject = await createTeamProject(undefined, member); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: testProject, }); const response = await authMemberAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; const shares = await getCredentialSharings(savedCredential); const testShare = shares.find((s) => s.projectId ===; expect(testShare).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(testShare?.role).toBe('credential:user'); }); test('member should be able to share from team project to team project that member has access to', async () => { const testProject = await createTeamProject(undefined, member); const testProject2 = await createTeamProject(); await linkUserToProject(member, testProject2, 'project:editor'); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: testProject, }); const response = await authMemberAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; const shares = await getCredentialSharings(savedCredential); const testShare = shares.find((s) => s.projectId ===; expect(testShare).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(testShare?.role).toBe('credential:user'); }); test('admins should be able to share from any team project to any team project ', async () => { const testProject = await createTeamProject(); const testProject2 = await createTeamProject(); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: testProject, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; const shares = await getCredentialSharings(savedCredential); const testShare = shares.find((s) => s.projectId ===; expect(testShare).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(testShare?.role).toBe('credential:user'); }); test("admins should be able to share from any team project to any user's personal project ", async () => { const testProject = await createTeamProject(); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: testProject, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; const shares = await getCredentialSharings(savedCredential); const testShare = shares.find((s) => s.projectId ===; expect(testShare).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(testShare?.role).toBe('credential:user'); }); test('admins should be able to share from any personal project to any team project ', async () => { const testProject = await createTeamProject(); const savedCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member, }); const response = await authOwnerAgent .put(`/credentials/${}/share`) .send({ shareWithIds: [] }); expect(response.statusCode).toBe(200); expect(; const shares = await getCredentialSharings(savedCredential); const testShare = shares.find((s) => s.projectId ===; expect(testShare).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(testShare?.role).toBe('credential:user'); }); }); describe('PUT /:credentialId/transfer', () => { test('cannot transfer into the same project', async () => { const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Destination Project', member); const credential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: destinationProject, }); await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(400); }); test('cannot transfer into a personal project', async () => { const credential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member, }); await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(400); }); test('cannot transfer somebody elses credential', async () => { const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Destination Project', member); const credential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: anotherMember, }); await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(403); }); test("cannot transfer if you're not a member of the destination project", async () => { const credential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member, }); const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project'); await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(404); }); test('project:editors cannot transfer credentials', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const sourceProject = await createTeamProject('Source Project'); await linkUserToProject(member, sourceProject, 'project:editor'); const credential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: sourceProject, }); const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Destination Project', member); // // ACT & ASSERT // await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(403); }); test('transferring from a personal project to a team project severs all sharings', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const credential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); // these sharings should be deleted by the transfer await shareCredentialWithUsers(credential, [anotherMember, owner]); const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Destination Project', member); // // ACT // const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); // // ASSERT // expect(response.body).toEqual({}); const allSharings = await getCredentialSharings(credential); expect(allSharings).toHaveLength(1); expect(allSharings[0]).toMatchObject({ projectId:, credentialsId:, role: 'credential:owner', }); }); test('can transfer from team to another team project', async () => { // // ARRANGE // const sourceProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project 1', member); const credential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: sourceProject, }); const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Team Project 2', member); // // ACT // const response = await testServer .authAgentFor(member) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); // // ASSERT // expect(response.body).toEqual({}); const allSharings = await getCredentialSharings(credential); expect(allSharings).toHaveLength(1); expect(allSharings[0]).toMatchObject({ projectId:, credentialsId:, role: 'credential:owner', }); }); test.each([ ['owners', () => owner], ['admins', () => admin], ])( '%s can always transfer from any personal or team project into any team project', async (_name, actor) => { // // ARRANGE // const sourceProject = await createTeamProject('Source Project', member); const teamCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: sourceProject, }); const personalCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const destinationProject = await createTeamProject('Destination Project', member); // // ACT // const response1 = await testServer .authAgentFor(actor()) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); const response2 = await testServer .authAgentFor(actor()) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(200); // // ASSERT // expect(response1.body).toEqual({}); expect(response2.body).toEqual({}); { const allSharings = await getCredentialSharings(teamCredential); expect(allSharings).toHaveLength(1); expect(allSharings[0]).toMatchObject({ projectId:, credentialsId:, role: 'credential:owner', }); } { const allSharings = await getCredentialSharings(personalCredential); expect(allSharings).toHaveLength(1); expect(allSharings[0]).toMatchObject({ projectId:, credentialsId:, role: 'credential:owner', }); } }, ); test.each([ ['owners', () => owner], ['admins', () => admin], ])('%s cannot transfer into personal projects', async (_name, actor) => { // // ARRANGE // const sourceProject = await createTeamProject('Source Project', member); const teamCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { project: sourceProject, }); const personalCredential = await saveCredential(randomCredentialPayload(), { user: member }); const destinationProject = anotherMemberPersonalProject; // // ACT & ASSERT // await testServer .authAgentFor(actor()) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(400); await testServer .authAgentFor(actor()) .put(`/credentials/${}/transfer`) .send({ destinationProjectId: }) .expect(400); }); }); function validateMainCredentialData(credential: ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith) { expect(typeof'string'); expect(typeof credential.type).toBe('string'); expect(credential.homeProject).toBeDefined(); expect(Array.isArray(credential.sharedWithProjects)).toBe(true); }