#!/usr/bin/env node const path = require('path'); // Make sure that it also find the config folder when it // did get started from another folder that the root one. process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR = process.env.NODE_CONFIG_DIR || path.join(__dirname, 'config'); // Check if version should be displayed const versionFlags = ['-v', '-V', '--version']; if (versionFlags.includes(process.argv.slice(-1)[0])) { console.log(require('../package').version); process.exit(0); } if (process.argv.length === 2) { // When no command is given choose by default start process.argv.push('start'); } const nodeVersion = process.versions.node; const nodeVersionMajor = require('semver').major(nodeVersion); if (![16, 18].includes(nodeVersionMajor)) { console.log(` Your Node.js version (${nodeVersion}) is currently not supported by n8n. Please use Node.js v16 (recommended), or v18 instead! `); process.exit(1); } // Prevent oclif from loading ts-node and typescript process.env.OCLIF_TS_NODE = '0'; require('express-async-errors'); require('source-map-support').install(); require('reflect-metadata'); require('@oclif/command') .run() .then(require('@oclif/command/flush')) .catch(require('@oclif/errors/handle'));