import {
type IDataObject,
type INodeType,
type INodeTypeDescription,
type ITriggerFunctions,
type ITriggerResponse,
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import {
} from './PostgresTrigger.functions';
export class PostgresTrigger implements INodeType {
description: INodeTypeDescription = {
displayName: 'Postgres Trigger',
name: 'postgresTrigger',
icon: 'file:postgres.svg',
group: ['trigger'],
version: 1,
description: 'Listens to Postgres messages',
eventTriggerDescription: '',
defaults: {
name: 'Postgres Trigger',
triggerPanel: {
header: '',
executionsHelp: {
"While building your workflow, click the 'listen' button, then trigger a Postgres event. This will trigger an execution, which will show up in this editor.
Once you're happy with your workflow, activate it. Then every time a change is detected, the workflow will execute. These executions will show up in the executions list, but not in the editor.",
"While building your workflow, click the 'listen' button, then trigger a Postgres event. This will trigger an execution, which will show up in this editor.
Your workflow will also execute automatically, since it's activated. Every time a change is detected, this node will trigger an execution. These executions will show up in the executions list, but not in the editor.",
"Once you've finished building your workflow, activate it to have it also listen continuously (you just won't see those executions here).",
inputs: [],
outputs: [NodeConnectionType.Main],
credentials: [
name: 'postgres',
required: true,
properties: [
displayName: 'Listen For',
name: 'triggerMode',
type: 'options',
options: [
name: 'Table Row Change Events',
value: 'createTrigger',
description: 'Insert, update or delete',
name: 'Advanced',
value: 'listenTrigger',
description: 'Listen to existing Postgres channel',
default: 'createTrigger',
displayName: 'Schema Name',
name: 'schema',
type: 'resourceLocator',
default: { mode: 'list', value: 'public' },
required: true,
displayOptions: {
show: {
triggerMode: ['createTrigger'],
modes: [
displayName: 'From List',
name: 'list',
type: 'list',
placeholder: 'Select a schema',
typeOptions: {
searchListMethod: 'searchSchema',
searchFilterRequired: false,
displayName: 'Name',
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
placeholder: 'e.g. public',
displayName: 'Table Name',
name: 'tableName',
type: 'resourceLocator',
default: { mode: 'list', value: '' },
required: true,
displayOptions: {
show: {
triggerMode: ['createTrigger'],
modes: [
displayName: 'From List',
name: 'list',
type: 'list',
placeholder: 'Select a table',
typeOptions: {
searchListMethod: 'searchTables',
searchFilterRequired: false,
displayName: 'Name',
name: 'name',
type: 'string',
placeholder: 'e.g. table_name',
displayName: 'Channel Name',
name: 'channelName',
type: 'string',
default: '',
required: true,
placeholder: 'e.g. n8n_channel',
description: 'Name of the channel to listen to',
displayOptions: {
show: {
triggerMode: ['listenTrigger'],
displayName: 'Event to listen for',
name: 'firesOn',
type: 'options',
displayOptions: {
show: {
triggerMode: ['createTrigger'],
options: [
name: 'Insert',
value: 'INSERT',
name: 'Update',
value: 'UPDATE',
name: 'Delete',
value: 'DELETE',
default: 'INSERT',
displayName: 'Additional Fields',
name: 'additionalFields',
type: 'collection',
placeholder: 'Add Field',
default: {},
displayOptions: {
show: {
triggerMode: ['createTrigger'],
options: [
displayName: 'Channel Name',
name: 'channelName',
type: 'string',
placeholder: 'e.g. n8n_channel',
description: 'Name of the channel to listen to',
default: '',
displayName: 'Function Name',
name: 'functionName',
type: 'string',
description: 'Name of the function to create',
placeholder: 'e.g. n8n_trigger_function()',
default: '',
displayName: 'Replace if Exists',
name: 'replaceIfExists',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to replace an existing function and trigger with the same name',
default: false,
displayName: 'Trigger Name',
name: 'triggerName',
type: 'string',
description: 'Name of the trigger to create',
placeholder: 'e.g. n8n_trigger',
default: '',
displayName: 'Options',
name: 'options',
type: 'collection',
placeholder: 'Add option',
default: {},
options: [
displayName: 'Connection Timeout',
name: 'connectionTimeout',
type: 'number',
default: 30,
description: 'Number of seconds reserved for connecting to the database',
displayName: 'Delay Closing Idle Connection',
name: 'delayClosingIdleConnection',
type: 'number',
default: 0,
'Number of seconds to wait before idle connection would be eligible for closing',
typeOptions: {
minValue: 0,
methods = {
listSearch: {
async trigger(this: ITriggerFunctions): Promise {
const triggerMode = this.getNodeParameter('triggerMode', 0) as string;
const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', 0) as IDataObject;
// initialize and connect to database
const { db } = await;
const connection = await db.connect({ direct: true });
// prepare and set up listener
const onNotification = async (data: IDataObject) => {
if (data.payload) {
try {
data.payload = JSON.parse(data.payload as string) as IDataObject;
} catch (error) {}
// create trigger, function and channel or use existing channel
const pgNames = prepareNames(this.getNode().id, this.getMode(), additionalFields);
if (triggerMode === 'createTrigger') {
} else {
pgNames.channelName = this.getNodeParameter('channelName', '') as string;
// listen to channel
await connection.none(`LISTEN ${pgNames.channelName}`);
const cleanUpDb = async () => {
try {
try {
// check if the connection is healthy
await connection.query('SELECT 1');
} catch {
// connection already closed. Can't perform cleanup
// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-execute-block-wrong-error-thrown
throw new TriggerCloseError(this.getNode(), { level: 'warning' });
try {
await connection.none('UNLISTEN $1:name', [pgNames.channelName]);
if (triggerMode === 'createTrigger') {
const functionName = pgNames.functionName.includes('(')
? pgNames.functionName.split('(')[0]
: pgNames.functionName;
await connection.any('DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS $1:name CASCADE', [functionName]);
const schema = this.getNodeParameter('schema', undefined, {
extractValue: true,
}) as string;
const table = this.getNodeParameter('tableName', undefined, {
extractValue: true,
}) as string;
await connection.any('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS $1:name ON $2:name.$3:name CASCADE', [
} catch (error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line n8n-nodes-base/node-execute-block-wrong-error-thrown
throw new TriggerCloseError(this.getNode(), { cause: error as Error, level: 'error' });
} finally {
connection.client.removeListener('notification', onNotification);
if (!db.$pool.ending) await db.$pool.end();
connection.client.on('notification', onNotification);
// The "closeFunction" function gets called by n8n whenever
// the workflow gets deactivated and can so clean up.
const closeFunction = async () => {
await cleanUpDb();
const manualTriggerFunction = async () => {
await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const timeoutHandler = setTimeout(async () => {
new Error(
await (async () => {
await cleanUpDb();
return 'Aborted, no data received within 30secs. This 30sec timeout is only set for "manually triggered execution". Active Workflows will listen indefinitely.';
}, 60000);
connection.client.on('notification', async (data: IDataObject) => {
if (data.payload) {
try {
data.payload = JSON.parse(data.payload as string) as IDataObject;
} catch (error) {}
return {
manualTriggerFunction: this.getMode() === 'manual' ? manualTriggerFunction : undefined,