import { Request } from 'express'; import { Service } from 'typedi'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import config from '@/config'; import type { Role } from '@db/entities/Role'; import { RoleRepository, SettingsRepository, UserRepository } from '@db/repositories'; import { ActiveWorkflowRunner } from '@/ActiveWorkflowRunner'; import { hashPassword } from '@/UserManagement/UserManagementHelper'; import { eventBus } from '@/eventbus/MessageEventBus/MessageEventBus'; import { License } from '@/License'; import { LICENSE_FEATURES, inE2ETests } from '@/constants'; import { NoAuthRequired, Patch, Post, RestController } from '@/decorators'; import type { UserSetupPayload } from '@/requests'; import type { BooleanLicenseFeature } from '@/Interfaces'; if (!inE2ETests) { console.error('E2E endpoints only allowed during E2E tests'); process.exit(1); } const tablesToTruncate = [ 'auth_identity', 'auth_provider_sync_history', 'event_destinations', 'shared_workflow', 'shared_credentials', 'webhook_entity', 'workflows_tags', 'credentials_entity', 'tag_entity', 'workflow_statistics', 'workflow_entity', 'execution_entity', 'settings', 'installed_packages', 'installed_nodes', 'user', 'role', 'variables', ]; type ResetRequest = Request< {}, {}, { owner: UserSetupPayload; members: UserSetupPayload[]; } >; @Service() @NoAuthRequired() @RestController('/e2e') export class E2EController { private enabledFeatures: Record = { [LICENSE_FEATURES.SHARING]: false, [LICENSE_FEATURES.LDAP]: false, [LICENSE_FEATURES.SAML]: false, [LICENSE_FEATURES.LOG_STREAMING]: false, [LICENSE_FEATURES.ADVANCED_EXECUTION_FILTERS]: false, [LICENSE_FEATURES.SOURCE_CONTROL]: false, [LICENSE_FEATURES.VARIABLES]: false, [LICENSE_FEATURES.API_DISABLED]: false, [LICENSE_FEATURES.WORKFLOW_HISTORY]: false, }; constructor( license: License, private roleRepo: RoleRepository, private settingsRepo: SettingsRepository, private userRepo: UserRepository, private workflowRunner: ActiveWorkflowRunner, ) { license.isFeatureEnabled = (feature: BooleanLicenseFeature) => this.enabledFeatures[feature] ?? false; } @Post('/reset') async reset(req: ResetRequest) { this.resetFeatures(); await this.resetLogStreaming(); await this.removeActiveWorkflows(); await this.truncateAll(); await this.setupUserManagement(req.body.owner, req.body.members); } @Patch('/feature') setFeature(req: Request<{}, {}, { feature: BooleanLicenseFeature; enabled: boolean }>) { const { enabled, feature } = req.body; this.enabledFeatures[feature] = enabled; } private resetFeatures() { for (const feature of Object.keys(this.enabledFeatures)) { this.enabledFeatures[feature as BooleanLicenseFeature] = false; } } private async removeActiveWorkflows() { this.workflowRunner.removeAllQueuedWorkflowActivations(); await this.workflowRunner.removeAll(); } private async resetLogStreaming() { for (const id in eventBus.destinations) { await eventBus.removeDestination(id); } } private async truncateAll() { for (const table of tablesToTruncate) { try { const { connection } = this.roleRepo.manager; await connection.query( `DELETE FROM ${table}; DELETE FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name=${table};`, ); } catch (error) { console.warn('Dropping Table for E2E Reset error: ', error); } } } private async setupUserManagement(owner: UserSetupPayload, members: UserSetupPayload[]) { const roles: Array<[Role['name'], Role['scope']]> = [ ['owner', 'global'], ['member', 'global'], ['owner', 'workflow'], ['owner', 'credential'], ['user', 'credential'], ['editor', 'workflow'], ]; const [{ id: globalOwnerRoleId }, { id: globalMemberRoleId }] = await[name, scope], index) => ({ name, scope, id: (index + 1).toString() })), ); const users = []; users.push({ id: uuid(), ...owner, password: await hashPassword(owner.password), globalRoleId: globalOwnerRoleId, }); for (const { password, ...payload } of members) { users.push( this.userRepo.create({ id: uuid(), ...payload, password: await hashPassword(password), globalRoleId: globalMemberRoleId, }), ); } console.log('users', users); await this.userRepo.insert(users); await this.settingsRepo.update( { key: 'userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp' }, { value: 'true' }, ); config.set('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp', true); } }