import { IExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { getSandboxContext, Sandbox } from './Sandbox'; import { standardizeOutput } from './utils'; import type { CodeNodeMode } from './utils'; export class Code implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Code', name: 'code', icon: 'fa:code', group: ['transform'], version: 1, description: 'Run custom JavaScript code', defaults: { name: 'Code', color: '#FF9922', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], parameterPane: 'wide', properties: [ { displayName: 'Mode', name: 'mode', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, options: [ { name: 'Run Once for All Items', value: 'runOnceForAllItems', description: 'Run this code only once, no matter how many input items there are', }, { name: 'Run Once for Each Item', value: 'runOnceForEachItem', description: 'Run this code as many times as there are input items', }, ], default: 'runOnceForAllItems', }, { displayName: 'JavaScript', name: 'jsCode', typeOptions: { editor: 'codeNodeEditor', }, type: 'string', default: '', // set by component description: 'JavaScript code to execute.

Tip: You can use luxon vars like $today for dates and $jmespath for querying JSON structures. Learn more.', noDataExpression: true, }, { displayName: 'Type $ for a list of special vars/methods. Debug by using console.log() statements and viewing their output in the browser console.', name: 'notice', type: 'notice', default: '', }, ], }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions) { let items = this.getInputData(); const nodeMode = this.getNodeParameter('mode', 0) as CodeNodeMode; const workflowMode = this.getMode(); // ---------------------------------- // runOnceForAllItems // ---------------------------------- if (nodeMode === 'runOnceForAllItems') { const jsCodeAllItems = this.getNodeParameter('jsCode', 0) as string; const context =; context.items = context.$input.all(); const sandbox = new Sandbox(context, workflowMode, nodeMode); if (workflowMode === 'manual') { sandbox.on('console.log', this.sendMessageToUI); } try { items = await sandbox.runCode(jsCodeAllItems); } catch (error) { if (!this.continueOnFail()) return Promise.reject(error); items = [{ json: { error: error.message } }]; } for (const item of items) { standardizeOutput(item.json); } return this.prepareOutputData(items); } // ---------------------------------- // runOnceForEachItem // ---------------------------------- const returnData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; for (let index = 0; index < items.length; index++) { let item = items[index]; const jsCodeEachItem = this.getNodeParameter('jsCode', index) as string; const context =, index); context.item = context.$input.item; const sandbox = new Sandbox(context, workflowMode, nodeMode); if (workflowMode === 'manual') { sandbox.on('console.log', this.sendMessageToUI); } try { item = await sandbox.runCode(jsCodeEachItem, index); } catch (error) { if (!this.continueOnFail()) return Promise.reject(error); returnData.push({ json: { error: error.message } }); } if (item) { returnData.push({ json: standardizeOutput(item.json), pairedItem: { item: index }, ...(item.binary && { binary: item.binary }), }); } } return this.prepareOutputData(returnData); } }