#!/usr/bin/env node const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const { mkdirSync, mkdtempSync } = require('fs'); const { tmpdir } = require('os'); const { join } = require('path'); function runTests(options) { const testsDir = join(tmpdir(), 'n8n-e2e/'); mkdirSync(testsDir, { recursive: true }); const userFolder = mkdtempSync(testsDir); process.env.N8N_USER_FOLDER = userFolder; process.env.E2E_TESTS = 'true'; process.env.NODE_OPTIONS = '--dns-result-order=ipv4first'; process.env.VUE_APP_MAX_PINNED_DATA_SIZE = `${16 * 1024}`; if (options.customEnv) { Object.keys(options.customEnv).forEach((key) => { process.env[key] = options.customEnv[key]; }); } const cmd = `start-server-and-test ${options.startCommand} ${options.url} '${options.testCommand}'`; const testProcess = spawn(cmd, [], { stdio: 'inherit', shell: true }); // Listen for termination signals to properly kill the test process process.on('SIGINT', () => { testProcess.kill('SIGINT'); }); process.on('SIGTERM', () => { testProcess.kill('SIGTERM'); }); testProcess.on('exit', (code) => { process.exit(code); }); } const scenario = process.argv[2]; switch (scenario) { case 'ui': runTests({ startCommand: 'start', url: 'http://localhost:5678/favicon.ico', testCommand: 'cypress open', }); break; case 'dev': runTests({ startCommand: 'dev', url: 'http://localhost:8080/favicon.ico', testCommand: 'cypress open', customEnv: { CYPRESS_BASE_URL: 'http://localhost:8080', }, }); break; case 'all': runTests({ startCommand: 'start', url: 'http://localhost:5678/favicon.ico', testCommand: 'cypress run --headless', }); break; default: console.error('Unknown scenario'); process.exit(1); }