import flow from 'lodash/flow'; import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy'; import type { IExecuteFunctions, IHookFunctions, IDataObject, ILoadOptionsFunctions, JsonObject, IHttpRequestMethods, IRequestOptions, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeApiError, NodeOperationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { AllFields, CamelCaseResource, DateType, GetAllFilterOptions, IdType, LoadedFields, LoadedLayouts, LocationType, NameType, ProductDetails, ResourceItems, SnakeCaseResource, ZohoOAuth2ApiCredentials, } from './types'; export function throwOnErrorStatus( this: IExecuteFunctions | IHookFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, responseData: { data?: Array<{ status: string; message: string }>; }, ) { if (responseData?.data?.[0].status === 'error') { throw new NodeOperationError(this.getNode(), responseData as Error); } } export async function zohoApiRequest( this: IExecuteFunctions | IHookFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, body: IDataObject = {}, qs: IDataObject = {}, uri?: string, ) { const { oauthTokenData } = await this.getCredentials<ZohoOAuth2ApiCredentials>('zohoOAuth2Api'); const options: IRequestOptions = { body: { data: [body], }, method, qs, uri: uri || `${oauthTokenData.api_domain}/crm/v2${endpoint}`, json: true, }; if (!Object.keys(body).length) { delete options.body; } if (!Object.keys(qs).length) { delete options.qs; } try { const responseData = await this.helpers.requestOAuth2?.call(this, 'zohoOAuth2Api', options); if (responseData === undefined) return [];, responseData as IDataObject); return responseData; } catch (error) { const args = error.cause?.data ? { message: || 'The Zoho API returned an error.', description: JSON.stringify(, null, 2), } : undefined; throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject, args); } } /** * Make an authenticated API request to Zoho CRM API and return all items. */ export async function zohoApiRequestAllItems( this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, body: IDataObject = {}, qs: IDataObject = {}, ) { const returnData: IDataObject[] = []; let responseData; qs.per_page = 200; = 1; do { responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); if (Array.isArray(responseData) && !responseData.length) return returnData; returnData.push(...( as IDataObject[]));; } while ( !== undefined && === true); return returnData; } /** * Handle a Zoho CRM API listing by returning all items or up to a limit. */ export async function handleListing( this: IExecuteFunctions, method: IHttpRequestMethods, endpoint: string, body: IDataObject = {}, qs: IDataObject = {}, ) { const returnAll = this.getNodeParameter('returnAll', 0); if (returnAll) { return await, method, endpoint, body, qs); } const responseData = await, method, endpoint, body, qs); const limit = this.getNodeParameter('limit', 0); return responseData.slice(0, limit); } export function throwOnEmptyUpdate(this: IExecuteFunctions, resource: CamelCaseResource) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), `Please enter at least one field to update for the ${resource}.`, ); } export function throwOnMissingProducts( this: IExecuteFunctions, resource: CamelCaseResource, productDetails: ProductDetails, ) { if (!productDetails.length) { throw new NodeOperationError( this.getNode(), `Please enter at least one product for the ${resource}.`, ); } } // ---------------------------------------- // required field adjusters // ---------------------------------------- /** * Create a copy of an object without a specific property. */ const omit = (propertyToOmit: string, { [propertyToOmit]: _, ...remainingObject }) => remainingObject; /** * Place a product ID at a nested position in a product details field. */ export const adjustProductDetails = (productDetails: ProductDetails, operation?: string) => { return => { const adjustedProduct = { product: { id: }, quantity: p.quantity || 1, }; if (operation === 'upsert') { return { ...adjustedProduct, ...omit('id', p) }; } else { return { ...adjustedProduct, ...omit('product', p) }; } }); }; // ---------------------------------------- // additional field adjusters // ---------------------------------------- /** * Place a product ID at a nested position in a product details field. * * Only for updating products from Invoice, Purchase Order, Quote, and Sales Order. */ export const adjustProductDetailsOnUpdate = (allFields: AllFields) => { if (!allFields.Product_Details) return allFields; return => { return { ...omit('product', p), product: { id: }, quantity: p.quantity || 1, }; }); }; /** * Place a location field's contents at the top level of the payload. */ const adjustLocationFields = (locationType: LocationType) => (allFields: AllFields) => { const locationField = allFields[locationType]; if (!locationField) return allFields; return { ...omit(locationType, allFields), ...locationField.address_fields, }; }; const adjustAddressFields = adjustLocationFields('Address'); const adjustBillingAddressFields = adjustLocationFields('Billing_Address'); const adjustMailingAddressFields = adjustLocationFields('Mailing_Address'); const adjustShippingAddressFields = adjustLocationFields('Shipping_Address'); const adjustOtherAddressFields = adjustLocationFields('Other_Address'); /** * Remove from a date field the timestamp set by the datepicker. */ const adjustDateField = (dateType: DateType) => (allFields: AllFields) => { const dateField = allFields[dateType]; if (!dateField) return allFields; allFields[dateType] = dateField.split('T')[0]; return allFields; }; const adjustDateOfBirthField = adjustDateField('Date_of_Birth'); const adjustClosingDateField = adjustDateField('Closing_Date'); const adjustInvoiceDateField = adjustDateField('Invoice_Date'); const adjustDueDateField = adjustDateField('Due_Date'); const adjustPurchaseOrderDateField = adjustDateField('PO_Date'); const adjustValidTillField = adjustDateField('Valid_Till'); /** * Place an ID field's value nested inside the payload. */ const adjustIdField = (idType: IdType, nameProperty: NameType) => (allFields: AllFields) => { const idValue = allFields[idType]; if (!idValue) return allFields; return { ...omit(idType, allFields), [nameProperty]: { id: idValue }, }; }; const adjustAccountIdField = adjustIdField('accountId', 'Account_Name'); const adjustContactIdField = adjustIdField('contactId', 'Full_Name'); const adjustDealIdField = adjustIdField('dealId', 'Deal_Name'); const adjustCustomFields = (allFields: AllFields) => { const { customFields, } = allFields; if (!customFields?.customFields.length) return allFields; return customFields.customFields.reduce((acc, cur) => { acc[cur.fieldId] = cur.value; return acc; }, rest); }; // ---------------------------------------- // payload adjusters // ---------------------------------------- export const adjustAccountPayload = flow( adjustBillingAddressFields, adjustShippingAddressFields, adjustCustomFields, ); export const adjustContactPayload = flow( adjustMailingAddressFields, adjustOtherAddressFields, adjustDateOfBirthField, adjustCustomFields, ); export const adjustDealPayload = flow(adjustClosingDateField, adjustCustomFields); export const adjustInvoicePayload = flow( adjustBillingAddressFields, adjustShippingAddressFields, adjustInvoiceDateField, adjustDueDateField, adjustAccountIdField, adjustCustomFields, ); export const adjustInvoicePayloadOnUpdate = flow( adjustInvoicePayload, adjustProductDetailsOnUpdate, ); export const adjustLeadPayload = flow(adjustAddressFields, adjustCustomFields); export const adjustPurchaseOrderPayload = flow( adjustBillingAddressFields, adjustShippingAddressFields, adjustDueDateField, adjustPurchaseOrderDateField, adjustCustomFields, ); export const adjustQuotePayload = flow( adjustBillingAddressFields, adjustShippingAddressFields, adjustValidTillField, adjustCustomFields, ); export const adjustSalesOrderPayload = flow( adjustBillingAddressFields, adjustShippingAddressFields, adjustDueDateField, adjustAccountIdField, adjustContactIdField, adjustDealIdField, adjustCustomFields, ); export const adjustVendorPayload = flow(adjustAddressFields, adjustCustomFields); export const adjustProductPayload = adjustCustomFields; // ---------------------------------------- // helpers // ---------------------------------------- /** * Convert items in a Zoho CRM API response into n8n load options. */ export const toLoadOptions = (items: ResourceItems, nameProperty: NameType) => => ({ name: item[nameProperty], value: })); export function getModuleName(resource: string) { const map: { [key: string]: string } = { account: 'Accounts', contact: 'Contacts', deal: 'Deals', invoice: 'Invoices', lead: 'Leads', product: 'Products', purchaseOrder: 'Purchase_Orders', salesOrder: 'Sales_Orders', vendor: 'Vendors', quote: 'Quotes', }; return map[resource]; } /** * Retrieve all fields for a resource, sorted alphabetically. */ export async function getFields( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, resource: SnakeCaseResource, { onlyCustom } = { onlyCustom: false }, ) { const qs = { module: getModuleName(resource) }; let { fields } = (await this, 'GET', '/settings/fields', {}, qs, )) as LoadedFields; if (onlyCustom) { fields = fields.filter(({ custom_field }) => custom_field); } const options ={ field_label, api_name }) => ({ name: field_label, value: api_name, })); return sortBy(options, (o) =>; } export const capitalizeInitial = (str: string) => str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); function getSectionApiName(resource: string) { if (resource === 'purchaseOrder') return 'Purchase Order Information'; if (resource === 'salesOrder') return 'Sales Order Information'; return `${capitalizeInitial(resource)} Information`; } export async function getPicklistOptions( this: ILoadOptionsFunctions, resource: string, targetField: string, ) { const qs = { module: getModuleName(resource) }; const responseData = (await this, 'GET', '/settings/layouts', {}, qs, )) as LoadedLayouts; const pickListOptions = responseData.layouts[0].sections .find((section) => section.api_name === getSectionApiName(resource)) ?.fields.find((f) => f.api_name === targetField)?.pick_list_values; if (!pickListOptions) return []; return => ({ name: option.display_value, value: option.actual_value, })); } /** * Add filter options to a query string object. */ export const addGetAllFilterOptions = (qs: IDataObject, options: GetAllFilterOptions) => { if (Object.keys(options).length) { const { fields, } = options; Object.assign(qs, fields && { fields: fields.join(',') }, rest); } };