/* eslint-disable n8n-nodes-base/filesystem-wrong-node-filename */ import { IExecuteFunctions, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, INodeExecutionData, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { promisify, } from 'util'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import * as ics from 'ics'; const createEvent = promisify(ics.createEvent); export class ICalendar implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'iCalendar', name: 'iCal', icon: 'fa:calendar', group: ['input'], version: 1, subtitle: '={{$parameter["operation"]}}', description: 'Create iCalendar file', defaults: { name: 'iCalendar', color: '#408000', }, inputs: ['main'], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [], properties: [ { displayName: 'Operation', name: 'operation', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, options: [ { name: 'Create Event File', value: 'createEventFile', }, ], default: 'createEventFile', }, { displayName: 'Event Title', name: 'title', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Start', name: 'start', type: 'dateTime', default: '', required: true, description: 'Date and time at which the event begins. (For all-day events, the time will be ignored.).', }, { displayName: 'End', name: 'end', type: 'dateTime', default: '', required: true, description: 'Date and time at which the event ends. (For all-day events, the time will be ignored.).', }, { displayName: 'All Day', name: 'allDay', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'Whether the event lasts all day or not', }, { displayName: 'Binary Property', name: 'binaryPropertyName', type: 'string', default: 'data', required: true, description: 'The field that your iCalendar file will be available under in the output', }, { displayName: 'Additional Fields', name: 'additionalFields', type: 'collection', placeholder: 'Add Field', default: {}, displayOptions: { show: { operation: [ 'createEventFile', ], }, }, options: [ { displayName: 'Attendees', name: 'attendeesUi', type: 'fixedCollection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: true, }, placeholder: 'Add Attendee', default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Attendees', name: 'attendeeValues', values: [ { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', required: true, default: '', }, { displayName: 'Email', name: 'email', type: 'string', placeholder: 'name@email.com', required: true, default: '', }, { displayName: 'RSVP', name: 'rsvp', type: 'boolean', default: false, description: 'Whether the attendee has to confirm attendance or not', }, ], }, ], }, { displayName: 'Busy Status', name: 'busyStatus', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Busy', value: 'BUSY', }, { name: 'Tentative', value: 'TENTATIVE', }, ], default: '', description: 'Used to specify busy status for Microsoft applications, like Outlook', }, { displayName: 'Calendar Name', name: 'calName', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Specifies the calendar (not event) name. Used by Apple iCal and Microsoft Outlook (spec).', }, { displayName: 'Description', name: 'description', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'File Name', name: 'fileName', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The name of the file to be generated. Default value is event.ics.', }, { displayName: 'Geolocation', name: 'geolocationUi', type: 'fixedCollection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: false, }, placeholder: 'Add Geolocation', default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Geolocation', name: 'geolocationValues', values: [ { displayName: 'Latitude', name: 'lat', type: 'string', default: '', }, { displayName: 'Longitude', name: 'lon', type: 'string', default: '', }, ], }, ], }, { displayName: 'Location', name: 'location', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'The intended venue', }, { displayName: 'Recurrence Rule', name: 'recurrenceRule', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'A rule to define the repeat pattern of the event (RRULE). (Rule generator).', }, { displayName: 'Organizer', name: 'organizerUi', type: 'fixedCollection', typeOptions: { multipleValues: false, }, placeholder: 'Add Organizer', default: {}, options: [ { displayName: 'Organizer', name: 'organizerValues', values: [ { displayName: 'Name', name: 'name', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, }, { displayName: 'Email', name: 'email', type: 'string', placeholder: 'name@email.com', default: '', required: true, }, ], }, ], }, { displayName: 'Sequence', name: 'sequence', type: 'number', default: 0, description: 'When sending an update for an event (with the same uid), defines the revision sequence number', }, { displayName: 'Status', name: 'status', type: 'options', options: [ { name: 'Confirmed', value: 'CONFIRMED', }, { name: 'Cancelled', value: 'CANCELLED', }, { name: 'Tentative', value: 'TENTATIVE', }, ], default: 'CONFIRMED', }, { displayName: 'UID', name: 'uid', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'Universally unique ID for the event (will be auto-generated if not specified here). Should be globally unique.', }, { displayName: 'URL', name: 'url', type: 'string', default: '', description: 'URL associated with event', }, ], }, ], }; async execute(this: IExecuteFunctions): Promise { const items = this.getInputData(); const length = items.length; const returnData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', 0) as string; if (operation === 'createEventFile') { for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const title = this.getNodeParameter('title', i) as string; const allDay = this.getNodeParameter('allDay', i) as boolean; const start = this.getNodeParameter('start', i) as string; let end = this.getNodeParameter('end', i) as string; end = (allDay) ? moment(end).utc().add(1, 'day').format() as string : end; const binaryPropertyName = this.getNodeParameter('binaryPropertyName', i) as string; const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', i) as IDataObject; let fileName = 'event.ics'; const eventStart = moment(start).toArray().splice(0, (allDay) ? 3 : 6) as ics.DateArray; eventStart[1]++; const eventEnd = moment(end).toArray().splice(0, (allDay) ? 3 : 6) as ics.DateArray; eventEnd[1]++; if (additionalFields.fileName) { fileName = additionalFields.fileName as string; } const data: ics.EventAttributes = { title, start: eventStart, end: eventEnd, startInputType: 'utc', endInputType: 'utc', }; if (additionalFields.geolocationUi) { data.geo = (additionalFields.geolocationUi as IDataObject).geolocationValues as ics.GeoCoordinates; delete additionalFields.geolocationUi; } if (additionalFields.organizerUi) { data.organizer = (additionalFields.organizerUi as IDataObject).organizerValues as ics.Person; delete additionalFields.organizerUi; } if (additionalFields.attendeesUi) { data.attendees = (additionalFields.attendeesUi as IDataObject).attendeeValues as ics.Attendee[]; delete additionalFields.attendeesUi; } Object.assign(data, additionalFields); const buffer = Buffer.from(await createEvent(data) as string); const binaryData = await this.helpers.prepareBinaryData(buffer, fileName, 'text/calendar'); returnData.push( { json: {}, binary: { [binaryPropertyName]: binaryData, }, pairedItem: { item: i, }, }, ); } } return [returnData]; } }