import nock from 'nock'; import { parse as parseUrl } from 'url'; import { initBinaryDataService, setup, equalityTest, workflowToTests, getWorkflowFilenames, } from '@test/nodes/Helpers'; describe('Test HTTP Request Node', () => { const workflows = getWorkflowFilenames(__dirname); const tests = workflowToTests(workflows); const baseUrl = ''; beforeAll(async () => { await initBinaryDataService(); nock.disableNetConnect(); function getPaginationReturnData(this: nock.ReplyFnContext, limit = 10, skip = 0) { const nextUrl = `${baseUrl}/users?skip=${skip + limit}&limit=${limit}`; const response = []; for (let i = skip; i < skip + limit; i++) { if (i > 14) { break; } response.push({ id: i, }); } if (!response.length) { return [ 404, response, { 'next-url': nextUrl, 'content-type': this.req.headers['content-type'] || 'application/json', }, ]; } return [ 200, response, { 'next-url': nextUrl, 'content-type': this.req.headers['content-type'] || 'application/json', }, ]; } //GET nock(baseUrl).get('/todos/1').reply(200, { id: 1, todo: 'Do something nice for someone I care about', completed: true, userId: 26, }); nock(baseUrl).get('/todos/1').reply(200, { id: 1, todo: 'Do something nice for someone I care about', completed: true, userId: 26, }); nock(baseUrl).matchHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer 12345').get('/todos/3').reply(200, { id: 3, todo: 'Watch a classic movie', completed: false, userId: 4, }); nock(baseUrl) .get('/todos?limit=2&skip=10') .reply(200, { todos: [ { id: 11, todo: "Text a friend I haven't talked to in a long time", completed: false, userId: 39, }, { id: 12, todo: 'Organize pantry', completed: true, userId: 39, }, ], total: 150, skip: 10, limit: 2, }); //POST nock(baseUrl) .post('/todos/add', { todo: 'Use DummyJSON in the project', completed: false, userId: '5', }) .reply(200, { id: 151, todo: 'Use DummyJSON in the project', completed: false, userId: '5', }); nock(baseUrl) .post('/todos/add2', { todo: 'Use DummyJSON in the project', completed: false, userId: 15, }) .reply(200, { id: 151, todo: 'Use DummyJSON in the project', completed: false, userId: 15, }); //PUT nock(baseUrl).put('/todos/10', { userId: '42' }).reply(200, { id: 10, todo: 'Have a football scrimmage with some friends', completed: false, userId: '42', }); //PATCH nock(baseUrl) .patch('/products/1', '{"title":"iPhone 12"}') .reply(200, { id: 1, title: 'iPhone 12', price: 549, stock: 94, rating: 4.69, images: [ '', '', '', '', '', ], thumbnail: '', description: 'An apple mobile which is nothing like apple', brand: 'Apple', category: 'smartphones', }); //DELETE nock(baseUrl).delete('/todos/1').reply(200, { id: 1, todo: 'Do something nice for someone I care about', completed: true, userId: 26, isDeleted: true, deletedOn: '2023-02-09T05:37:31.720Z', }); // Pagination - GET nock(baseUrl) .persist() .get('/users') .query(true) .reply(function (uri) { const data = parseUrl(uri, true); const limit = parseInt((data.query.limit as string) || '10', 10); const skip = parseInt((data.query.skip as string) || '0', 10); return, limit, skip); }); // Pagination - POST nock(baseUrl) .persist() .post('/users') .reply(function (_uri, body) { let skip = 0; let limit = 10; if (typeof body === 'string') { // Form data skip = parseInt(body.split('name="skip"')[1].split('---')[0] ?? '0', 10); limit = parseInt(body.split('name="limit"')[1].split('---')[0] ?? '0', 10); } else { skip = parseInt(body.skip ?? '0', 10); limit = parseInt(body.limit ?? '10', 10); } return, limit, skip); }); }); afterAll(() => { nock.restore(); }); const nodeTypes = setup(tests); for (const testData of tests) { test(testData.description, async () => await equalityTest(testData, nodeTypes)); } });