import Container from 'typedi'; import config from '@/config'; import { LoggerProxy } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { getLogger } from '@/Logger'; import { RedisService } from '@/services/redis.service'; const redisService = Container.get(RedisService); function setDefaultConfig() { config.set('executions.mode', 'queue'); } interface TestObject { test: string; test2: number; test3?: TestObject & { test4: TestObject }; } const testObject: TestObject = { test: 'test', test2: 123, test3: { test: 'test3', test2: 123, test4: { test: 'test4', test2: 123, }, }, }; const PUBSUB_CHANNEL = 'testchannel'; const LIST_CHANNEL = 'testlist'; const STREAM_CHANNEL = 'teststream'; describe('cacheService', () => { beforeAll(async () => { LoggerProxy.init(getLogger()); jest.mock('ioredis', () => { const Redis = require('ioredis-mock'); if (typeof Redis === 'object') { // the first mock is an ioredis shim because ioredis-mock depends on it // return { Command: { _transformer: { argument: {}, reply: {} } }, }; } // second mock for our code // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return function (...args: any) { return new Redis(args); }; }); setDefaultConfig(); }); test('should create pubsub publisher and subscriber with handler', async () => { const pub = await redisService.getPubSubPublisher(); const sub = await redisService.getPubSubSubscriber(); expect(pub).toBeDefined(); expect(sub).toBeDefined(); const mockHandler = jest.fn(); mockHandler.mockImplementation((channel: string, message: string) => {}); sub.addMessageHandler(PUBSUB_CHANNEL, mockHandler); await sub.subscribe(PUBSUB_CHANNEL); await pub.publish(PUBSUB_CHANNEL, 'test'); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(async () => { resolve(0); }, 50), ); expect(mockHandler).toHaveBeenCalled(); await sub.destroy(); await pub.destroy(); }); test('should create list sender and receiver', async () => { const sender = await redisService.getListSender(); const receiver = await redisService.getListReceiver(); expect(sender).toBeDefined(); expect(receiver).toBeDefined(); await sender.prepend(LIST_CHANNEL, 'middle'); await sender.prepend(LIST_CHANNEL, 'first'); await sender.append(LIST_CHANNEL, 'end'); let popResult = await receiver.popFromHead(LIST_CHANNEL); expect(popResult).toBe('first'); popResult = await receiver.popFromTail(LIST_CHANNEL); expect(popResult).toBe('end'); await sender.prepend(LIST_CHANNEL, 'somevalue'); popResult = await receiver.popFromTail(LIST_CHANNEL); expect(popResult).toBe('middle'); await sender.destroy(); await receiver.destroy(); }); // NOTE: This test is failing because the mock Redis client does not support streams apparently // eslint-disable-next-line n8n-local-rules/no-skipped-tests test.skip('should create stream producer and consumer', async () => { const consumer = await redisService.getStreamConsumer(); const producer = await redisService.getStreamProducer(); expect(consumer).toBeDefined(); expect(producer).toBeDefined(); const mockHandler = jest.fn(); mockHandler.mockImplementation((stream: string, id: string, message: string[]) => { console.log('Received message', stream, id, message); }); consumer.addMessageHandler('some handler', mockHandler); await consumer.setPollingInterval(STREAM_CHANNEL, 50); await consumer.listenToStream(STREAM_CHANNEL); let timeout; await new Promise((resolve) => { timeout = setTimeout(async () => { await producer.add(STREAM_CHANNEL, ['message', 'testMessage', 'event', 'testEveny']); resolve(0); }, 50); }); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(async () => { resolve(0); }, 100), ); clearInterval(timeout); consumer.stopListeningToStream(STREAM_CHANNEL); expect(mockHandler).toHaveBeenCalled(); await consumer.destroy(); await producer.destroy(); }); });