import { Service } from 'typedi'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { type INode, type INodeCredentialsDetails } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { Logger } from '@/Logger'; import * as Db from '@/Db'; import { CredentialsRepository } from '@db/repositories/credentials.repository'; import { TagRepository } from '@db/repositories/tag.repository'; import { SharedWorkflow } from '@db/entities/SharedWorkflow'; import { replaceInvalidCredentials } from '@/WorkflowHelpers'; import { Project } from '@db/entities/Project'; import { WorkflowEntity } from '@db/entities/WorkflowEntity'; import { WorkflowTagMapping } from '@db/entities/WorkflowTagMapping'; import type { TagEntity } from '@db/entities/TagEntity'; import type { ICredentialsDb } from '@/Interfaces'; @Service() export class ImportService { private dbCredentials: ICredentialsDb[] = []; private dbTags: TagEntity[] = []; constructor( private readonly logger: Logger, private readonly credentialsRepository: CredentialsRepository, private readonly tagRepository: TagRepository, ) {} async initRecords() { this.dbCredentials = await this.credentialsRepository.find(); this.dbTags = await this.tagRepository.find(); } async importWorkflows(workflows: WorkflowEntity[], projectId: string) { await this.initRecords(); for (const workflow of workflows) { workflow.nodes.forEach((node) => { this.toNewCredentialFormat(node); if (! = uuid(); }); const hasInvalidCreds = workflow.nodes.some((node) => !node.credentials?.id); if (hasInvalidCreds) await this.replaceInvalidCreds(workflow); } await Db.transaction(async (tx) => { for (const workflow of workflows) { if ( { = false;`Deactivating workflow "${}". Remember to activate later.`); } const exists = ? await tx.existsBy(WorkflowEntity, { id: }) : false; const upsertResult = await tx.upsert(WorkflowEntity, workflow, ['id']); const workflowId = as string; const personalProject = await tx.findOneByOrFail(Project, { id: projectId }); // Create relationship if the workflow was inserted instead of updated. if (!exists) { await tx.upsert( SharedWorkflow, { workflowId, projectId:, role: 'workflow:owner' }, ['workflowId', 'projectId'], ); } if (!workflow.tags?.length) continue; await this.tagRepository.setTags(tx, this.dbTags, workflow); for (const tag of workflow.tags) { await tx.upsert(WorkflowTagMapping, { tagId:, workflowId }, [ 'tagId', 'workflowId', ]); } } }); } async replaceInvalidCreds(workflow: WorkflowEntity) { try { await replaceInvalidCredentials(workflow); } catch (e) { const error = e instanceof Error ? e : new Error(`${e}`); this.logger.error('Failed to replace invalid credential', error); } } /** * Convert a node's credentials from old format `{ : }` * to new format: `{ : { id: string | null, name: } }` */ private toNewCredentialFormat(node: INode) { if (!node.credentials) return; for (const [type, name] of Object.entries(node.credentials)) { if (typeof name !== 'string') continue; const nodeCredential: INodeCredentialsDetails = { id: null, name }; const match = this.dbCredentials.find((c) => === name && c.type === type); if (match) =; node.credentials[type] = nodeCredential; } } }