import { IHookFunctions, IWebhookFunctions, } from 'n8n-core'; import { IDataObject, INodeTypeDescription, INodeType, IWebhookResponseData, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { asanaApiRequest, } from './GenericFunctions'; import { createHmac } from 'crypto'; export class AsanaTrigger implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Asana Trigger', name: 'asanaTrigger', icon: 'file:asana.png', group: ['trigger'], version: 1, description: 'Starts the workflow when Asana events occure.', defaults: { name: 'Asana-Trigger', color: '#559922', }, inputs: [], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'asanaApi', required: true, } ], webhooks: [ { name: 'default', httpMethod: 'POST', responseMode: 'onReceived', path: 'webhook', }, ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Resource', name: 'resource', type: 'string', default: '', required: true, description: 'The resource ID to subscribe to. The resource can be a task or project.', }, { displayName: 'Workspace', name: 'workspace', type: 'string', default: '', required: false, description: 'The workspace ID the resource is registered under. This is only required if you want to allow overriding existing webhooks.', }, ], }; // @ts-ignore (because of request) webhookMethods = { default: { async checkExists(this: IHookFunctions): Promise { const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); if (webhookData.webhookId === undefined) { // No webhook id is set so no webhook can exist return false; } // Webhook got created before so check if it still exists const endpoint = `webhooks/${webhookData.webhookId}`; try { await, 'GET', endpoint, {}); } catch (e) { if (e.statusCode === 404) { // Webhook does not exist delete webhookData.webhookId; return false; } // Some error occured throw e; } // If it did not error then the webhook exists return true; }, async create(this: IHookFunctions): Promise { const webhookUrl = this.getNodeWebhookUrl('default') as string; if (webhookUrl.includes('%20')) { throw new Error('The name of the Asana Trigger Node is not allowed to contain any spaces!'); } const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource') as string; const workspace = this.getNodeParameter('workspace') as string; const endpoint = `webhooks`; const body = { resource, target: webhookUrl, }; let responseData; try { responseData = await, 'POST', endpoint, body); } catch(error) { // delete webhook if it already exists if (error.statusCode === 403) { const webhookData = await, 'GET', endpoint, {}, { workspace }); const webhook = any) => { // tslint:disable-line:no-any return === webhookUrl && webhook.resource.gid === resource; }); await, 'DELETE', `${endpoint}/${webhook.gid}`, {}); responseData = await, 'POST', endpoint, body); } else { throw error; } } if ( === undefined || === undefined) { // Required data is missing so was not successful return false; } const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); webhookData.webhookId = as string; return true; }, async delete(this: IHookFunctions): Promise { const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); if (webhookData.webhookId !== undefined) { const endpoint = `webhooks/${webhookData.webhookId}`; const body = {}; try { await, 'DELETE', endpoint, body); } catch (e) { return false; } // Remove from the static workflow data so that it is clear // that no webhooks are registred anymore delete webhookData.webhookId; delete webhookData.webhookEvents; } return true; }, }, }; async webhook(this: IWebhookFunctions): Promise { const bodyData = this.getBodyData() as IDataObject; const headerData = this.getHeaderData() as IDataObject; const req = this.getRequestObject(); const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node') as IDataObject; if (headerData['x-hook-secret'] !== undefined) { // Is a create webhook confirmation request webhookData.hookSecret = headerData['x-hook-secret']; const res = this.getResponseObject(); res.set('X-Hook-Secret', webhookData.hookSecret as string); res.status(200).end(); return { noWebhookResponse: true, }; } // Is regular webhook call // Check if it contains any events if ( === undefined || !Array.isArray( || === 0) { // Does not contain any event data so nothing to process so no reason to // start the workflow return {}; } // Check if the request is valid // (if the signature matches to data and hookSecret) const computedSignature = createHmac("sha256", webhookData.hookSecret as string).update(JSON.stringify(req.body)).digest("hex"); if (headerData['x-hook-signature'] !== computedSignature) { // Signature is not valid so ignore call return {}; } return { workflowData: [ this.helpers.returnJsonArray(req.body) ], }; } }