import * as express from 'express'; import { dirname as pathDirname, join as pathJoin, } from 'path'; import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import * as history from 'connect-history-api-fallback'; import * as requestPromise from 'request-promise-native'; import { version as versionCli } from '../package.json'; import { ActiveExecutions, ActiveWorkflowRunner, CredentialTypes, Db, IActivationError, ICustomRequest, ICredentialsDb, ICredentialsDecryptedDb, ICredentialsDecryptedResponse, ICredentialsResponse, IExecutionDeleteFilter, IExecutionFlatted, IExecutionFlattedDb, IExecutionFlattedResponse, IExecutionPushResponse, IExecutionsListResponse, IExecutionsStopData, IExecutionsSummary, IN8nUISettings, IWorkflowBase, IWorkflowShortResponse, IWorkflowResponse, IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess, NodeTypes, Push, ResponseHelper, TestWebhooks, WorkflowCredentials, WebhookHelpers, WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, WorkflowHelpers, WorkflowRunner, GenericHelpers, } from './'; import { Credentials, LoadNodeParameterOptions, UserSettings, } from 'n8n-core'; import { ICredentialType, IDataObject, INodeCredentials, INodeTypeDescription, INodePropertyOptions, IRunData, Workflow, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { FindManyOptions, FindOneOptions, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual, Not, } from 'typeorm'; import * as basicAuth from 'basic-auth'; import * as compression from 'compression'; import * as config from '../config'; // @ts-ignore import * as timezones from 'google-timezones-json'; import * as parseUrl from 'parseurl'; import { version } from '@oclif/command/lib/flags'; class App { app: express.Application; activeWorkflowRunner: ActiveWorkflowRunner.ActiveWorkflowRunner; testWebhooks: TestWebhooks.TestWebhooks; endpointWebhook: string; endpointWebhookTest: string; saveDataErrorExecution: string; saveDataSuccessExecution: string; saveManualExecutions: boolean; timezone: string; activeExecutionsInstance: ActiveExecutions.ActiveExecutions; push: Push.Push; constructor() { = express(); this.endpointWebhook = config.get('endpoints.webhook') as string; this.endpointWebhookTest = config.get('endpoints.webhookTest') as string; this.saveDataErrorExecution = config.get('executions.saveDataOnError') as string; this.saveDataSuccessExecution = config.get('executions.saveDataOnSuccess') as string; this.saveManualExecutions = config.get('executions.saveDataManualExecutions') as boolean; this.timezone = config.get('generic.timezone') as string; this.activeWorkflowRunner = ActiveWorkflowRunner.getInstance(); this.testWebhooks = TestWebhooks.getInstance(); this.push = Push.getInstance(); this.activeExecutionsInstance = ActiveExecutions.getInstance(); } /** * Returns the current epoch time * * @returns {number} * @memberof App */ getCurrentDate(): Date { return new Date(); } async config(): Promise { // Check for basic auth credentials if activated const basicAuthActive = config.get('') as boolean; if (basicAuthActive === true) { const basicAuthUser = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('security.basicAuth.user') as string; if (basicAuthUser === '') { throw new Error('Basic auth is activated but no user got defined. Please set one!'); } const basicAuthPassword = await GenericHelpers.getConfigValue('security.basicAuth.password') as string; if (basicAuthPassword === '') { throw new Error('Basic auth is activated but no password got defined. Please set one!'); } const authIgnoreRegex = new RegExp(`^\/(rest|healthz|${this.endpointWebhook}|${this.endpointWebhookTest})\/.*$`); express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { if (req.url.match(authIgnoreRegex)) { return next(); } const realm = 'n8n - Editor UI'; const basicAuthData = basicAuth(req); if (basicAuthData === undefined) { // Authorization data is missing return ResponseHelper.basicAuthAuthorizationError(res, realm, 'Authorization is required!'); } if ( !== basicAuthUser || basicAuthData.pass !== basicAuthPassword) { // Provided authentication data is wrong return ResponseHelper.basicAuthAuthorizationError(res, realm, 'Authorization data is wrong!'); } next(); }); } // Get push connections express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { if (req.url.indexOf('/rest/push') === 0) { // TODO: Later also has to add some kind of authentication token if (req.query.sessionId === undefined) { next(new Error('The query parameter "sessionId" is missing!')); return; } this.push.add(req.query.sessionId, req, res); return; } next(); }); // Compress the response data; // Make sure that each request has the "parsedUrl" parameter express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { (req as ICustomRequest).parsedUrl = parseUrl(req); next(); }); // Support application/json type post data{ limit: "16mb" })); // Make sure that Vue history mode works properly{ rewrites: [ { from: new RegExp(`^\/(rest|healthz|css|js|${this.endpointWebhook}|${this.endpointWebhookTest})\/?.*$`), to: (context) => { return context.parsedUrl!.pathname!.toString(); } } ] })); //support application/x-www-form-urlencoded post data{ extended: false })); express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { // Allow access also from frontend when developing res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'http://localhost:8080'); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE'); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, sessionid'); next(); }); express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => { if (Db.collections.Workflow === null) { const error = new ResponseHelper.ResponseError('Database is not ready!', undefined, 503); return ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse(res, error); } next(); }); // ---------------------------------------- // Healthcheck // ---------------------------------------- // Creates a new workflow'/healthz', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { return { status: 'ok', }; })); // ---------------------------------------- // Workflow // ---------------------------------------- // Creates a new workflow'/rest/workflows', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const newWorkflowData = req.body; =; newWorkflowData.createdAt = this.getCurrentDate(); newWorkflowData.updatedAt = this.getCurrentDate(); = undefined; // Save the workflow in DB const result = await Db.collections.Workflow!.save(newWorkflowData); // Convert to response format in which the id is a string (result as IWorkflowBase as IWorkflowResponse).id =; return result as IWorkflowBase as IWorkflowResponse; })); // Reads and returns workflow data from an URL'/rest/workflows/from-url', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { if (req.query.url === undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`The parameter "url" is missing!`, undefined, 400); } if (!req.query.url.match(/^http[s]?:\/\/.*\.json$/i)) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`The parameter "url" is not valid! It does not seem to be a URL pointing to a n8n workflow JSON file.`, undefined, 400); } const data = await requestPromise.get(req.query.url); let workflowData: IWorkflowResponse | undefined; try { workflowData = JSON.parse(data); } catch (error) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`The URL does not point to valid JSON file!`, undefined, 400); } // Do a very basic check if it is really a n8n-workflow-json if (workflowData === undefined || workflowData.nodes === undefined || !Array.isArray(workflowData.nodes) || workflowData.connections === undefined || typeof workflowData.connections !== 'object' || Array.isArray(workflowData.connections)) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`The data in the file does not seem to be a n8n workflow JSON file!`, undefined, 400); } return workflowData; })); // Returns workflows'/rest/workflows', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const findQuery = {} as FindManyOptions; if (req.query.filter) { findQuery.where = JSON.parse(req.query.filter); } // Return only the fields we need = ['id', 'name', 'active', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt']; const results = await Db.collections.Workflow!.find(findQuery); for (const entry of results) { (entry as unknown as IWorkflowShortResponse).id =; } return results as unknown as IWorkflowShortResponse[]; })); // Returns a specific workflow'/rest/workflows/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const result = await Db.collections.Workflow!.findOne(; if (result === undefined) { return undefined; } // Convert to response format in which the id is a string (result as IWorkflowBase as IWorkflowResponse).id =; return result as IWorkflowBase as IWorkflowResponse; })); // Updates an existing workflow'/rest/workflows/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const newWorkflowData = req.body; const id =; if (this.activeWorkflowRunner.isActive(id)) { // When workflow gets saved always remove it as the triggers could have been // changed and so the changes would not take effect await this.activeWorkflowRunner.remove(id); } if (newWorkflowData.settings) { if (newWorkflowData.settings.timezone === 'DEFAULT') { // Do not save the default timezone delete newWorkflowData.settings.timezone; } if (newWorkflowData.settings.saveDataErrorExecution === 'DEFAULT') { // Do not save when default got set delete newWorkflowData.settings.saveDataErrorExecution; } if (newWorkflowData.settings.saveDataSuccessExecution === 'DEFAULT') { // Do not save when default got set delete newWorkflowData.settings.saveDataSuccessExecution; } if (newWorkflowData.settings.saveManualExecutions === 'DEFAULT') { // Do not save when default got set delete newWorkflowData.settings.saveManualExecutions; } } newWorkflowData.updatedAt = this.getCurrentDate(); await Db.collections.Workflow!.update(id, newWorkflowData); // We sadly get nothing back from "update". Neither if it updated a record // nor the new value. So query now the hopefully updated entry. const responseData = await Db.collections.Workflow!.findOne(id); if (responseData === undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`Workflow with id "${id}" could not be found to be updated.`, undefined, 400); } if ( === true) { // When the workflow is supposed to be active add it again try { await this.activeWorkflowRunner.add(id); } catch (error) { // If workflow could not be activated set it again to inactive = false; await Db.collections.Workflow!.update(id, newWorkflowData); // Also set it in the returned data = false; // Now return the original error for UI to display throw error; } } // Convert to response format in which the id is a string (responseData as IWorkflowBase as IWorkflowResponse).id =; return responseData as IWorkflowBase as IWorkflowResponse; })); // Deletes a specific workflow'/rest/workflows/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const id =; if (this.activeWorkflowRunner.isActive(id)) { // Before deleting a workflow deactivate it await this.activeWorkflowRunner.remove(id); } await Db.collections.Workflow!.delete(id); return true; }));'/rest/workflows/run', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const workflowData = req.body.workflowData; const runData: IRunData | undefined = req.body.runData; const startNodes: string[] | undefined = req.body.startNodes; const destinationNode: string | undefined = req.body.destinationNode; const executionMode = 'manual'; const sessionId = GenericHelpers.getSessionId(req); // Check if workflow is saved as webhooks can only be tested with saved workflows. // If that is the case check if any webhooks calls are present we have to wait for and // if that is the case wait till we receive it. if (WorkflowHelpers.isWorkflowIdValid( === true && (runData === undefined || startNodes === undefined || startNodes.length === 0 || destinationNode === undefined)) { // Webhooks can only be tested with saved workflows const credentials = await WorkflowCredentials(workflowData.nodes); const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase(executionMode, credentials); const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); const workflowInstance = new Workflow(, workflowData.nodes, workflowData.connections, false, nodeTypes, undefined, workflowData.settings); const needsWebhook = await this.testWebhooks.needsWebhookData(workflowData, workflowInstance, additionalData, executionMode, sessionId, destinationNode); if (needsWebhook === true) { return { waitingForWebhook: true, }; } } // For manual testing always set to not active = false; const credentials = await WorkflowCredentials(workflowData.nodes); // Start the workflow const data: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess = { credentials, destinationNode, executionMode, runData, sessionId, startNodes, workflowData, }; const workflowRunner = new WorkflowRunner(); const executionId = await; return { executionId, }; })); // Returns parameter values which normally get loaded from an external API or // get generated dynamically'/rest/node-parameter-options', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const nodeType = req.query.nodeType; let credentials: INodeCredentials | undefined = undefined; if (req.query.credentials !== undefined) { credentials = JSON.parse(req.query.credentials); } const methodName = req.query.methodName; const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); const executionMode = 'manual'; const loadDataInstance = new LoadNodeParameterOptions(nodeType, nodeTypes, credentials); const workflowData = loadDataInstance.getWorkflowData() as IWorkflowBase; const workflowCredentials = await WorkflowCredentials(workflowData.nodes); const additionalData = await WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData.getBase(executionMode, workflowCredentials); return loadDataInstance.getOptions(methodName, additionalData); })); // Returns all the node-types'/rest/node-types', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const returnData: INodeTypeDescription[] = []; const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); const allNodes = nodeTypes.getAll(); allNodes.forEach((nodeData) => { returnData.push(nodeData.description); }); return returnData; })); // ---------------------------------------- // Node-Types // ---------------------------------------- // Returns the node icon'/rest/node-icon/:nodeType', async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const nodeTypeName = req.params.nodeType; const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); const nodeType = nodeTypes.getByName(nodeTypeName); if (nodeType === undefined) { res.status(404).send('The nodeType is not known.'); return; } if (nodeType.description.icon === undefined) { res.status(404).send('No icon found for node.'); return; } if (!nodeType.description.icon.startsWith('file:')) { res.status(404).send('Node does not have a file icon.'); return; } const filepath = nodeType.description.icon.substr(5); res.sendFile(filepath); }); // ---------------------------------------- // Active Workflows // ---------------------------------------- // Returns the active workflow ids'/rest/active', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { return this.activeWorkflowRunner.getActiveWorkflows(); })); // Returns if the workflow with the given id had any activation errors'/rest/active/error/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const id =; return this.activeWorkflowRunner.getActivationError(id); })); // ---------------------------------------- // Credentials // ---------------------------------------- // Deletes a specific credential'/rest/credentials/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const id =; await Db.collections.Credentials!.delete({ id }); return true; })); // Creates new credentials'/rest/credentials', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const incomingData = req.body; // Add the added date for node access permissions for (const nodeAccess of incomingData.nodesAccess) { = this.getCurrentDate(); } const encryptionKey = await UserSettings.getEncryptionKey(); if (encryptionKey === undefined) { throw new Error('No encryption key got found to encrypt the credentials!'); } // Check if credentials with the same name and type exist already const findQuery = { where: { name:, type: incomingData.type, }, } as FindOneOptions; const checkResult = await Db.collections.Credentials!.findOne(findQuery); if (checkResult !== undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`Credentials with the same type and name exist already.`, undefined, 400); } // Encrypt the data const credentials = new Credentials(, incomingData.type, incomingData.nodesAccess); credentials.setData(, encryptionKey); const newCredentialsData = credentials.getDataToSave() as ICredentialsDb; // Add special database related data newCredentialsData.createdAt = this.getCurrentDate(); newCredentialsData.updatedAt = this.getCurrentDate(); // TODO: also add user automatically depending on who is logged in, if anybody is logged in // Save the credentials in DB const result = await Db.collections.Credentials!.save(newCredentialsData); // Convert to response format in which the id is a string (result as unknown as ICredentialsResponse).id =; return result as unknown as ICredentialsResponse; })); // Updates existing credentials'/rest/credentials/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const incomingData = req.body; const id =; // Add the date for newly added node access permissions for (const nodeAccess of incomingData.nodesAccess) { if (! { = this.getCurrentDate(); } } // Check if credentials with the same name and type exist already const findQuery = { where: { id: Not(id), name:, type: incomingData.type, }, } as FindOneOptions; const checkResult = await Db.collections.Credentials!.findOne(findQuery); if (checkResult !== undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`Credentials with the same type and name exist already.`, undefined, 400); } const encryptionKey = await UserSettings.getEncryptionKey(); if (encryptionKey === undefined) { throw new Error('No encryption key got found to encrypt the credentials!'); } // Encrypt the data const credentials = new Credentials(, incomingData.type, incomingData.nodesAccess); credentials.setData(, encryptionKey); const newCredentialsData = credentials.getDataToSave() as unknown as ICredentialsDb; // Add special database related data newCredentialsData.updatedAt = this.getCurrentDate(); // Update the credentials in DB await Db.collections.Credentials!.update(id, newCredentialsData); // We sadly get nothing back from "update". Neither if it updated a record // nor the new value. So query now the hopefully updated entry. const responseData = await Db.collections.Credentials!.findOne(id); if (responseData === undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`Credentials with id "${id}" could not be found to be updated.`, undefined, 400); } // Remove the encrypted data as it is not needed in the frontend = ''; // Convert to response format in which the id is a string (responseData as unknown as ICredentialsResponse).id =; return responseData as unknown as ICredentialsResponse; })); // Returns specific credentials'/rest/credentials/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const findQuery = {} as FindManyOptions; // Make sure the variable has an expected value if (req.query.includeData === 'true') { req.query.includeData = true; } else { req.query.includeData = false; } if (req.query.includeData !== true) { // Return only the fields we need = ['id', 'name', 'type', 'nodesAccess', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt']; } const result = await Db.collections.Credentials!.findOne(; if (result === undefined) { return result; } let encryptionKey = undefined; if (req.query.includeData === true) { encryptionKey = await UserSettings.getEncryptionKey(); if (encryptionKey === undefined) { throw new Error('No encryption key got found to decrypt the credentials!'); } const credentials = new Credentials(, result.type, result.nodesAccess,; (result as ICredentialsDecryptedDb).data = credentials.getData(encryptionKey!); } (result as ICredentialsDecryptedResponse).id =; return result as ICredentialsDecryptedResponse; })); // Returns all the saved credentials'/rest/credentials', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const findQuery = {} as FindManyOptions; if (req.query.filter) { findQuery.where = JSON.parse(req.query.filter); if ((findQuery.where! as IDataObject).id !== undefined) { // No idea if multiple where parameters make db search // slower but to be sure that that is not the case we // remove all unnecessary fields in case the id is defined. findQuery.where = { id: (findQuery.where! as IDataObject).id }; } } = ['id', 'name', 'type', 'nodesAccess', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt']; const results = await Db.collections.Credentials!.find(findQuery) as unknown as ICredentialsResponse[]; let encryptionKey = undefined; if (req.query.includeData === true) { encryptionKey = await UserSettings.getEncryptionKey(); if (encryptionKey === undefined) { throw new Error('No encryption key got found to decrypt the credentials!'); } } let result; for (result of results) { (result as ICredentialsDecryptedResponse).id =; } return results; })); // ---------------------------------------- // Credential-Types // ---------------------------------------- // Returns all the credential types which are defined in the loaded n8n-modules'/rest/credential-types', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const returnData: ICredentialType[] = []; const credentialTypes = CredentialTypes(); credentialTypes.getAll().forEach((credentialData) => { returnData.push(credentialData); }); return returnData; })); // ---------------------------------------- // Executions // ---------------------------------------- // Returns all finished executions'/rest/executions', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { let filter: any = {}; // tslint:disable-line:no-any if (req.query.filter) { filter = JSON.parse(req.query.filter); } let limit = 20; if (req.query.limit) { limit = parseInt(req.query.limit, 10); } const countFilter = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(filter)); if (req.query.lastStartedAt) { filter.startedAt = LessThan(req.query.lastStartedAt); } = ['id']; const resultsPromise = Db.collections.Execution!.find({ select: [ 'id', 'finished', 'mode', 'retryOf', 'retrySuccessId', 'startedAt', 'stoppedAt', 'workflowData', ], where: filter, order: { startedAt: "DESC", }, take: limit, }); const countPromise = Db.collections.Execution!.count(countFilter); const results: IExecutionFlattedDb[] = await resultsPromise; const count = await countPromise; const returnResults: IExecutionsSummary[] = []; for (const result of results) { returnResults.push({ id:!.toString(), finished: result.finished, mode: result.mode, retryOf: result.retryOf ? result.retryOf.toString() : undefined, retrySuccessId: result.retrySuccessId ? result.retrySuccessId.toString() : undefined, startedAt: result.startedAt, stoppedAt: result.stoppedAt, workflowId: result.workflowData!.id!.toString(), workflowName: result.workflowData!.name, }); } return { count, results: returnResults, }; })); // Returns a specific execution'/rest/executions/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const result = await Db.collections.Execution!.findOne(; if (result === undefined) { return undefined; } // Convert to response format in which the id is a string (result as IExecutionFlatted as IExecutionFlattedResponse).id =; return result as IExecutionFlatted as IExecutionFlattedResponse; })); // Retries a failed execution'/rest/executions/:id/retry', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { // Get the data to execute const fullExecutionDataFlatted = await Db.collections.Execution!.findOne(; if (fullExecutionDataFlatted === undefined) { throw new ResponseHelper.ResponseError(`The execution with the id "${}" does not exist.`, 404, 404); } const fullExecutionData = ResponseHelper.unflattenExecutionData(fullExecutionDataFlatted); if (fullExecutionData.finished === true) { throw new Error('The execution did succeed and can so not be retried.'); } const executionMode = 'retry'; const credentials = await WorkflowCredentials(fullExecutionData.workflowData.nodes); = false; // Start the workflow const data: IWorkflowExecutionDataProcess = { credentials, executionMode, executionData:, retryOf:, workflowData: fullExecutionData.workflowData, }; const workflowRunner = new WorkflowRunner(); const executionId = await; const executionData = await this.activeExecutionsInstance.getPostExecutePromise(executionId); if (executionData === undefined) { throw new Error('The retry did not start for an unknown reason.'); } return !!executionData.finished; })); // Delete Executions // INFORMATION: We use POST instead of DELETE to not run into any issues // with the query data getting to long'/rest/executions/delete', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const deleteData = req.body as IExecutionDeleteFilter; if (deleteData.deleteBefore !== undefined) { const filters = { startedAt: LessThanOrEqual(deleteData.deleteBefore), }; if (deleteData.filters !== undefined) { Object.assign(filters, deleteData.filters); } await Db.collections.Execution!.delete(filters); } else if (deleteData.ids !== undefined) { // Deletes all executions with the given ids await Db.collections.Execution!.delete(deleteData.ids); } else { throw new Error('Required body-data "ids" or "deleteBefore" is missing!'); } })); // ---------------------------------------- // Executing Workflows // ---------------------------------------- // Returns all the currently working executions'/rest/executions-current', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const executingWorkflows = this.activeExecutionsInstance.getActiveExecutions(); const returnData: IExecutionsSummary[] = []; let filter: any = {}; // tslint:disable-line:no-any if (req.query.filter) { filter = JSON.parse(req.query.filter); } for (const data of executingWorkflows) { if (filter.workflowId !== undefined && filter.workflowId !== data.workflowId) { continue; } returnData.push( { idActive:, workflowId: data.workflowId.toString(), mode: data.mode, retryOf: data.retryOf, startedAt: new Date(data.startedAt), } ); } return returnData; })); // Forces the execution to stop'/rest/executions-current/:id/stop', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const executionId =; // Stopt he execution and wait till it is done and we got the data const result = await this.activeExecutionsInstance.stopExecution(executionId); if (result === undefined) { throw new Error(`The execution id "${executionId}" could not be found.`); } const returnData: IExecutionsStopData = { mode: result.mode, startedAt: new Date(result.startedAt), stoppedAt: new Date(result.stoppedAt), finished: result.finished, }; return returnData; })); // Removes a test webhook'/rest/test-webhook/:id', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { const workflowId =; return this.testWebhooks.cancelTestWebhook(workflowId); })); // ---------------------------------------- // Options // ---------------------------------------- // Returns all the available timezones'/rest/options/timezones', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { return timezones; })); // ---------------------------------------- // Settings // ---------------------------------------- // Returns the settings which are needed in the UI'/rest/settings', ResponseHelper.send(async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response): Promise => { return { endpointWebhook: this.endpointWebhook, endpointWebhookTest: this.endpointWebhookTest, saveDataErrorExecution: this.saveDataErrorExecution, saveDataSuccessExecution: this.saveDataSuccessExecution, saveManualExecutions: this.saveManualExecutions, timezone: this.timezone, urlBaseWebhook: WebhookHelpers.getWebhookBaseUrl(), versionCli, }; })); // ---------------------------------------- // Webhooks // ---------------------------------------- // GET webhook requests`/${this.endpointWebhook}/*`, async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { // Cut away the "/webhook/" to get the registred part of the url const requestUrl = (req as ICustomRequest).parsedUrl!.pathname!.slice(this.endpointWebhook.length + 2); let response; try { response = await this.activeWorkflowRunner.executeWebhook('GET', requestUrl, req, res); } catch (error) { ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse(res, error); return ; } if (response.noWebhookResponse === true) { // Nothing else to do as the response got already sent return; } ResponseHelper.sendSuccessResponse(res,, true, response.responseCode); }); // POST webhook requests`/${this.endpointWebhook}/*`, async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { // Cut away the "/webhook/" to get the registred part of the url const requestUrl = (req as ICustomRequest).parsedUrl!.pathname!.slice(this.endpointWebhook.length + 2); let response; try { response = await this.activeWorkflowRunner.executeWebhook('POST', requestUrl, req, res); } catch (error) { ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse(res, error); return; } if (response.noWebhookResponse === true) { // Nothing else to do as the response got already sent return; } ResponseHelper.sendSuccessResponse(res,, true, response.responseCode); }); // GET webhook requests (test for UI)`/${this.endpointWebhookTest}/*`, async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { // Cut away the "/webhook-test/" to get the registred part of the url const requestUrl = (req as ICustomRequest).parsedUrl!.pathname!.slice(this.endpointWebhookTest.length + 2); let response; try { response = await this.testWebhooks.callTestWebhook('GET', requestUrl, req, res); } catch (error) { ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse(res, error); return; } if (response.noWebhookResponse === true) { // Nothing else to do as the response got already sent return; } ResponseHelper.sendSuccessResponse(res,, true, response.responseCode); }); // POST webhook requests (test for UI)`/${this.endpointWebhookTest}/*`, async (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => { // Cut away the "/webhook-test/" to get the registred part of the url const requestUrl = (req as ICustomRequest).parsedUrl!.pathname!.slice(this.endpointWebhookTest.length + 2); let response; try { response = await this.testWebhooks.callTestWebhook('POST', requestUrl, req, res); } catch (error) { ResponseHelper.sendErrorResponse(res, error); return; } if (response.noWebhookResponse === true) { // Nothing else to do as the response got already sent return; } ResponseHelper.sendSuccessResponse(res,, true, response.responseCode); }); // Serve the website const editorUiPath = require.resolve('n8n-editor-ui');'/', express.static(pathJoin(pathDirname(editorUiPath), 'dist'), { index: 'index.html' })); } } export async function start(): Promise { const PORT = config.get('port'); const app = new App(); await app.config();, () => { console.log('n8n ready on port ' + PORT); }); }