ARG NODE_VERSION=20 # 1. Create an image to build n8n FROM --platform=linux/amd64 n8nio/base:${NODE_VERSION} AS builder # Build the application from source WORKDIR /src COPY . /src RUN --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm-store,target=/root/.local/share/pnpm/store --mount=type=cache,id=pnpm-metadata,target=/root/.cache/pnpm/metadata DOCKER_BUILD=true pnpm install --frozen-lockfile RUN pnpm build # Delete all dev dependencies RUN jq 'del(.pnpm.patchedDependencies)' package.json > package.json.tmp; mv package.json.tmp package.json RUN node .github/scripts/trim-fe-packageJson.js # Delete any source code, source-mapping, or typings RUN find . -type f -name "*.ts" -o -name "*" -o -name "*.vue" -o -name "tsconfig.json" -o -name "*.tsbuildinfo" | xargs rm -rf # Deploy the `n8n` package into /compiled RUN mkdir /compiled RUN NODE_ENV=production DOCKER_BUILD=true pnpm --filter=n8n --prod --no-optional deploy /compiled # 2. Start with a new clean image with just the code that is needed to run n8n FROM n8nio/base:${NODE_VERSION} ENV NODE_ENV=production ARG N8N_RELEASE_TYPE=dev ENV N8N_RELEASE_TYPE=${N8N_RELEASE_TYPE} WORKDIR /home/node COPY --from=builder /compiled /usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n COPY docker/images/n8n/ / # Setup the Task Runner Launcher ARG TARGETPLATFORM ARG LAUNCHER_VERSION=0.7.0-rc COPY docker/images/n8n/n8n-task-runners.json /etc/n8n-task-runners.json # Download, verify, then extract the launcher binary RUN \ if [[ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/amd64" ]]; then export ARCH_NAME="amd64"; \ elif [[ "$TARGETPLATFORM" = "linux/arm64" ]]; then export ARCH_NAME="arm64"; fi; \ mkdir /launcher-temp && \ cd /launcher-temp && \ wget${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/task-runner-launcher-${LAUNCHER_VERSION}-linux-${ARCH_NAME}.tar.gz && \ wget${LAUNCHER_VERSION}/task-runner-launcher-${LAUNCHER_VERSION}-linux-${ARCH_NAME}.tar.gz.sha256 && \ # The .sha256 does not contain the filename --> Form the correct checksum file echo "$(cat task-runner-launcher-${LAUNCHER_VERSION}-linux-${ARCH_NAME}.tar.gz.sha256) task-runner-launcher-${LAUNCHER_VERSION}-linux-${ARCH_NAME}.tar.gz" > checksum.sha256 && \ sha256sum -c checksum.sha256 && \ tar xvf task-runner-launcher-${LAUNCHER_VERSION}-linux-${ARCH_NAME}.tar.gz --directory=/usr/local/bin && \ cd - && \ rm -r /launcher-temp RUN \ cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n && \ npm rebuild sqlite3 && \ cd - && \ ln -s /usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n/bin/n8n /usr/local/bin/n8n && \ mkdir .n8n && \ chown node:node .n8n ENV SHELL /bin/sh USER node ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "/"]