import { INSTANCE_ADMIN } from '../constants'; import { clearNotifications } from '../pages/notifications'; import { getNpsSurvey, getNpsSurveyClose, getNpsSurveyEmail, getNpsSurveyRatings, } from '../pages/npsSurvey'; import { WorkflowPage } from '../pages/workflow'; const workflowPage = new WorkflowPage(); const NOW =; const ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; const THREE_DAYS = ONE_DAY * 3; const SEVEN_DAYS = ONE_DAY * 7; const ABOUT_SIX_MONTHS = ONE_DAY * 30 * 6 + ONE_DAY; describe('NpsSurvey', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.resetDatabase(); cy.signin(INSTANCE_ADMIN); }); it('shows nps survey to recently activated user and can submit email ', () => { cy.intercept('/rest/settings', { middleware: true }, (req) => { req.on('response', (res) => { if ( { = { enabled: true, config: { key: 'test', url: '', }, }; } }); }); cy.intercept('/rest/login', { middleware: true }, (req) => { req.on('response', (res) => { if ( { = || {}; = true; = NOW - THREE_DAYS - 1000; } }); }); workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); getNpsSurvey().should('be.visible'); getNpsSurveyRatings().find('button').should('have.length', 11); getNpsSurveyRatings().find('button').first().click(); getNpsSurveyEmail().find('input').type(''); getNpsSurveyEmail().find('button').click(); // test that modal does not show up again until 6 months later workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW + ONE_DAY); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); getNpsSurvey().should(''); // 6 months later workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW + ABOUT_SIX_MONTHS); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); getNpsSurvey().should('be.visible'); }); it('allows user to ignore survey 3 times before stopping to show until 6 months later', () => { cy.intercept('/rest/settings', { middleware: true }, (req) => { req.on('response', (res) => { if ( { = { enabled: true, config: { key: 'test', url: '', }, }; } }); }); cy.intercept('/rest/login', { middleware: true }, (req) => { req.on('response', (res) => { if ( { = || {}; = true; = NOW - THREE_DAYS - 1000; } }); }); // can ignore survey and it won't show up again workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); clearNotifications(); getNpsSurvey().should('be.visible'); getNpsSurveyClose().click(); getNpsSurvey().should(''); workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW + ONE_DAY); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); getNpsSurvey().should(''); // shows up seven days later to ignore again workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW + SEVEN_DAYS + 10000); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); clearNotifications(); getNpsSurvey().should('be.visible'); getNpsSurveyClose().click(); getNpsSurvey().should(''); workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW + SEVEN_DAYS + 10000); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); getNpsSurvey().should(''); // shows up after at least seven days later to ignore again workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW + (SEVEN_DAYS + 10000) * 2 + ONE_DAY); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); clearNotifications(); getNpsSurvey().should('be.visible'); getNpsSurveyClose().click(); getNpsSurvey().should(''); workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW + (SEVEN_DAYS + 10000) * 2 + ONE_DAY * 2); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); getNpsSurvey().should(''); // does not show up again after at least 7 days workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW + (SEVEN_DAYS + 10000) * 3 + ONE_DAY * 3); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); getNpsSurvey().should(''); // shows up 6 months later workflowPage.actions.visit(true, NOW + (SEVEN_DAYS + 10000) * 3 + ABOUT_SIX_MONTHS); workflowPage.actions.saveWorkflowOnButtonClick(); getNpsSurvey().should('be.visible'); }); });