import { computed, ref } from 'vue'; import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import normalizeWheel from 'normalize-wheel'; import { useWorkflowsStore } from '@/stores/workflows'; import { useNodeTypesStore } from '@/stores/nodeTypes'; import { useUIStore } from '@/stores/ui'; import { useHistoryStore } from '@/stores/history'; import { INodeUi, XYPosition } from '@/Interface'; import { scaleBigger, scaleReset, scaleSmaller } from '@/utils'; import { START_NODE_TYPE } from '@/constants'; import type { BeforeStartEventParams, BrowserJsPlumbInstance, DragStopEventParams, } from '@jsplumb/browser-ui'; import { newInstance } from '@jsplumb/browser-ui'; import { N8nPlusEndpointHandler } from '@/plugins/endpoints/N8nPlusEndpointType'; import * as N8nPlusEndpointRenderer from '@/plugins/endpoints/N8nPlusEndpointRenderer'; import { N8nConnector } from '@/plugins/connectors/N8nCustomConnector'; import { EndpointFactory, Connectors, Connection } from '@jsplumb/core'; import { MoveNodeCommand } from '@/models/history'; import { DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_TRIGGER_BUTTON, getMidCanvasPosition, getNewNodePosition, getZoomToFit, PLACEHOLDER_TRIGGER_NODE_SIZE, CONNECTOR_FLOWCHART_TYPE, GRID_SIZE, CONNECTOR_PAINT_STYLE_DEFAULT, CONNECTOR_PAINT_STYLE_PRIMARY, CONNECTOR_ARROW_OVERLAYS, } from '@/utils/nodeViewUtils'; import { PointXY } from '@jsplumb/util'; export const useCanvasStore = defineStore('canvas', () => { const workflowStore = useWorkflowsStore(); const nodeTypesStore = useNodeTypesStore(); const uiStore = useUIStore(); const historyStore = useHistoryStore(); const jsPlumbInstanceRef = ref(); const isDragging = ref(false); const lastSelectedConnection = ref(null); const newNodeInsertPosition = ref(null); const nodes = computed(() => workflowStore.allNodes); const triggerNodes = computed(() => nodes.value.filter( (node) => node.type === START_NODE_TYPE || nodeTypesStore.isTriggerNode(node.type), ), ); const isDemo = ref(false); const nodeViewScale = ref(1); const canvasAddButtonPosition = ref([1, 1]); Connectors.register(N8nConnector.type, N8nConnector); N8nPlusEndpointRenderer.register(); EndpointFactory.registerHandler(N8nPlusEndpointHandler); const setRecenteredCanvasAddButtonPosition = (offset?: XYPosition) => { const position = getMidCanvasPosition(nodeViewScale.value, offset || [0, 0]); position[0] -= PLACEHOLDER_TRIGGER_NODE_SIZE / 2; position[1] -= PLACEHOLDER_TRIGGER_NODE_SIZE / 2; canvasAddButtonPosition.value = getNewNodePosition(nodes.value, position); }; const getPlaceholderTriggerNodeUI = (): INodeUi => { setRecenteredCanvasAddButtonPosition(); return { id: uuid(), ...DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_TRIGGER_BUTTON, position: canvasAddButtonPosition.value, }; }; const getNodesWithPlaceholderNode = (): INodeUi[] => triggerNodes.value.length > 0 ? nodes.value : [getPlaceholderTriggerNodeUI(), ...nodes.value]; const setZoomLevel = (zoomLevel: number, offset: XYPosition) => { nodeViewScale.value = zoomLevel; jsPlumbInstanceRef.value?.setZoom(zoomLevel); uiStore.nodeViewOffsetPosition = offset; }; const resetZoom = () => { const { scale, offset } = scaleReset({ scale: nodeViewScale.value, offset: uiStore.nodeViewOffsetPosition, }); setZoomLevel(scale, offset); }; const zoomIn = () => { const { scale, offset } = scaleBigger({ scale: nodeViewScale.value, offset: uiStore.nodeViewOffsetPosition, }); setZoomLevel(scale, offset); }; const zoomOut = () => { const { scale, offset } = scaleSmaller({ scale: nodeViewScale.value, offset: uiStore.nodeViewOffsetPosition, }); setZoomLevel(scale, offset); }; const zoomToFit = () => { const nodes = getNodesWithPlaceholderNode(); if (!nodes.length) { // some unknown workflow executions return; } const { zoomLevel, offset } = getZoomToFit(nodes, !isDemo.value); setZoomLevel(zoomLevel, offset); }; const wheelMoveWorkflow = (e: WheelEvent) => { const normalized = normalizeWheel(e); const offsetPosition = uiStore.nodeViewOffsetPosition; const nodeViewOffsetPositionX = offsetPosition[0] - (e.shiftKey ? normalized.pixelY : normalized.pixelX); const nodeViewOffsetPositionY = offsetPosition[1] - (e.shiftKey ? normalized.pixelX : normalized.pixelY); uiStore.nodeViewOffsetPosition = [nodeViewOffsetPositionX, nodeViewOffsetPositionY]; }; const wheelScroll = (e: WheelEvent) => { //* Control + scroll zoom if (e.ctrlKey) { if (e.deltaY > 0) { zoomOut(); } else { zoomIn(); } e.preventDefault(); return; } wheelMoveWorkflow(e); }; function initInstance(container: Element) { // Make sure to clean-up previous instance if it exists if (jsPlumbInstanceRef.value) { jsPlumbInstanceRef.value.destroy(); jsPlumbInstanceRef.value.reset(); jsPlumbInstanceRef.value = undefined; } jsPlumbInstanceRef.value = newInstance({ container, connector: CONNECTOR_FLOWCHART_TYPE, resizeObserver: false, endpoint: { type: 'Dot', options: { radius: 5 }, }, paintStyle: CONNECTOR_PAINT_STYLE_DEFAULT, hoverPaintStyle: CONNECTOR_PAINT_STYLE_PRIMARY, connectionOverlays: CONNECTOR_ARROW_OVERLAYS, dragOptions: { cursor: 'pointer', grid: { w: GRID_SIZE, h: GRID_SIZE }, start: (params: BeforeStartEventParams) => { const draggedNode = params.drag.getDragElement(); const nodeName = draggedNode.getAttribute('data-name'); if (!nodeName) return; isDragging.value = true; const isSelected = uiStore.isNodeSelected(nodeName); if (params.e && !isSelected) { // Only the node which gets dragged directly gets an event, for all others it is // undefined. So check if the currently dragged node is selected and if not clear // the drag-selection. jsPlumbInstanceRef.value?.clearDragSelection(); uiStore.resetSelectedNodes(); } uiStore.addActiveAction('dragActive'); return true; }, stop: (params: DragStopEventParams) => { const draggedNode = params.drag.getDragElement(); const nodeName = draggedNode.getAttribute('data-name'); if (!nodeName) return; const nodeData = workflowStore.getNodeByName(nodeName); isDragging.value = false; if (uiStore.isActionActive('dragActive') && nodeData) { const moveNodes = uiStore.getSelectedNodes.slice(); const selectedNodeNames = INodeUi) =>; if (!selectedNodeNames.includes( { // If the current node is not in selected add it to the nodes which // got moved manually moveNodes.push(nodeData); } if (moveNodes.length > 1) { historyStore.startRecordingUndo(); } // This does for some reason just get called once for the node that got clicked // even though "start" and "drag" gets called for all. So lets do for now // some dirty DOM query to get the new positions till I have more time to // create a proper solution let newNodePosition: XYPosition; moveNodes.forEach((node: INodeUi) => { const element = document.getElementById(; if (element === null) { return; } newNodePosition = [ parseInt(!.slice(0, -2), 10), parseInt(!.slice(0, -2), 10), ]; const updateInformation = { name:, properties: { position: newNodePosition, }, }; const oldPosition = node.position; if (oldPosition[0] !== newNodePosition[0] || oldPosition[1] !== newNodePosition[1]) { historyStore.pushCommandToUndo( new MoveNodeCommand(, oldPosition, newNodePosition), ); workflowStore.updateNodeProperties(updateInformation); } }); if (moveNodes.length > 1) { historyStore.stopRecordingUndo(); } } }, filter: '.node-description, .node-description .node-name, .node-description .node-subtitle', }, }); jsPlumbInstanceRef.value?.setDragConstrainFunction((pos: PointXY) => { const isReadOnly = uiStore.isReadOnlyView; if (isReadOnly) { // Do not allow to move nodes in readOnly mode return null; } return pos; }); } const jsPlumbInstance = computed(() => jsPlumbInstanceRef.value as BrowserJsPlumbInstance); return { isDemo, nodeViewScale, canvasAddButtonPosition, lastSelectedConnection, newNodeInsertPosition, jsPlumbInstance, setRecenteredCanvasAddButtonPosition, getNodesWithPlaceholderNode, setZoomLevel, resetZoom, zoomIn, zoomOut, zoomToFit, wheelScroll, initInstance, }; });