import type { ProjectRole } from '@n8n/api-types'; import { Service } from '@n8n/di'; import { combineScopes, type Resource, type Scope } from '@n8n/permissions'; import { ApplicationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { CredentialsEntity } from '@/databases/entities/credentials-entity'; import type { ProjectRelation } from '@/databases/entities/project-relation'; import type { CredentialSharingRole, SharedCredentials, } from '@/databases/entities/shared-credentials'; import type { SharedWorkflow, WorkflowSharingRole } from '@/databases/entities/shared-workflow'; import type { GlobalRole, User } from '@/databases/entities/user'; import { License } from '@/license'; import { GLOBAL_ADMIN_SCOPES, GLOBAL_MEMBER_SCOPES, GLOBAL_OWNER_SCOPES, } from '@/'; import { PERSONAL_PROJECT_OWNER_SCOPES, PROJECT_EDITOR_SCOPES, PROJECT_VIEWER_SCOPES, REGULAR_PROJECT_ADMIN_SCOPES, } from '@/'; import { CREDENTIALS_SHARING_OWNER_SCOPES, CREDENTIALS_SHARING_USER_SCOPES, WORKFLOW_SHARING_EDITOR_SCOPES, WORKFLOW_SHARING_OWNER_SCOPES, } from '@/'; import type { ListQuery } from '@/requests'; export type RoleNamespace = 'global' | 'project' | 'credential' | 'workflow'; const GLOBAL_SCOPE_MAP: Record = { 'global:owner': GLOBAL_OWNER_SCOPES, 'global:admin': GLOBAL_ADMIN_SCOPES, 'global:member': GLOBAL_MEMBER_SCOPES, }; const PROJECT_SCOPE_MAP: Record = { 'project:admin': REGULAR_PROJECT_ADMIN_SCOPES, 'project:personalOwner': PERSONAL_PROJECT_OWNER_SCOPES, 'project:editor': PROJECT_EDITOR_SCOPES, 'project:viewer': PROJECT_VIEWER_SCOPES, }; const CREDENTIALS_SHARING_SCOPE_MAP: Record = { 'credential:owner': CREDENTIALS_SHARING_OWNER_SCOPES, 'credential:user': CREDENTIALS_SHARING_USER_SCOPES, }; const WORKFLOW_SHARING_SCOPE_MAP: Record = { 'workflow:owner': WORKFLOW_SHARING_OWNER_SCOPES, 'workflow:editor': WORKFLOW_SHARING_EDITOR_SCOPES, }; interface AllMaps { global: Record; project: Record; credential: Record; workflow: Record; } const ALL_MAPS: AllMaps = { global: GLOBAL_SCOPE_MAP, project: PROJECT_SCOPE_MAP, credential: CREDENTIALS_SHARING_SCOPE_MAP, workflow: WORKFLOW_SHARING_SCOPE_MAP, } as const; const COMBINED_MAP = Object.fromEntries( Object.values(ALL_MAPS).flatMap((o: Record) => Object.entries(o)), ) as Record; export interface RoleMap { global: GlobalRole[]; project: ProjectRole[]; credential: CredentialSharingRole[]; workflow: WorkflowSharingRole[]; } export type AllRoleTypes = GlobalRole | ProjectRole | WorkflowSharingRole | CredentialSharingRole; const ROLE_NAMES: Record< GlobalRole | ProjectRole | WorkflowSharingRole | CredentialSharingRole, string > = { 'global:owner': 'Owner', 'global:admin': 'Admin', 'global:member': 'Member', 'project:personalOwner': 'Project Owner', 'project:admin': 'Project Admin', 'project:editor': 'Project Editor', 'project:viewer': 'Project Viewer', 'credential:user': 'Credential User', 'credential:owner': 'Credential Owner', 'workflow:owner': 'Workflow Owner', 'workflow:editor': 'Workflow Editor', }; export type ScopesField = { scopes: Scope[] }; @Service() export class RoleService { constructor(private readonly license: License) {} rolesWithScope(namespace: 'global', scopes: Scope | Scope[]): GlobalRole[]; rolesWithScope(namespace: 'project', scopes: Scope | Scope[]): ProjectRole[]; rolesWithScope(namespace: 'credential', scopes: Scope | Scope[]): CredentialSharingRole[]; rolesWithScope(namespace: 'workflow', scopes: Scope | Scope[]): WorkflowSharingRole[]; rolesWithScope(namespace: RoleNamespace, scopes: Scope | Scope[]) { if (!Array.isArray(scopes)) { scopes = [scopes]; } return Object.keys(ALL_MAPS[namespace]).filter((k) => { return scopes.every((s) => // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access ((ALL_MAPS[namespace] as any)[k] as Scope[]).includes(s), ); }); } getRoles(): RoleMap { return Object.fromEntries( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument Object.entries(ALL_MAPS).map((e) => [e[0], Object.keys(e[1])]), ) as unknown as RoleMap; } getRoleName(role: AllRoleTypes): string { return ROLE_NAMES[role]; } getRoleScopes( role: GlobalRole | ProjectRole | WorkflowSharingRole | CredentialSharingRole, filters?: Resource[], ): Scope[] { let scopes = COMBINED_MAP[role]; if (filters) { scopes = scopes.filter((s) => filters.includes(s.split(':')[0] as Resource)); } return scopes; } /** * Find all distinct scopes in a set of project roles. */ getScopesBy(projectRoles: Set) { return [...projectRoles].reduce>((acc, projectRole) => { for (const scope of PROJECT_SCOPE_MAP[projectRole] ?? []) { acc.add(scope); } return acc; }, new Set()); } addScopes( rawWorkflow: ListQuery.Workflow.WithSharing | ListQuery.Workflow.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith, user: User, userProjectRelations: ProjectRelation[], ): ListQuery.Workflow.WithScopes; addScopes( rawCredential: CredentialsEntity, user: User, userProjectRelations: ProjectRelation[], ): CredentialsEntity & ScopesField; addScopes( rawCredential: | ListQuery.Credentials.WithSharing | ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith, user: User, userProjectRelations: ProjectRelation[], ): ListQuery.Credentials.WithScopes; addScopes( rawEntity: | CredentialsEntity | ListQuery.Workflow.WithSharing | ListQuery.Credentials.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith | ListQuery.Credentials.WithSharing | ListQuery.Workflow.WithOwnedByAndSharedWith, user: User, userProjectRelations: ProjectRelation[], ): | (CredentialsEntity & ScopesField) | ListQuery.Workflow.WithScopes | ListQuery.Credentials.WithScopes { const shared = rawEntity.shared; const entity = rawEntity as ListQuery.Workflow.WithScopes | ListQuery.Credentials.WithScopes; Object.assign(entity, { scopes: [], }); if (shared === undefined) { return entity; } if (!('active' in entity) && !('type' in entity)) { throw new ApplicationError('Cannot detect if entity is a workflow or credential.'); } entity.scopes = this.combineResourceScopes( 'active' in entity ? 'workflow' : 'credential', user, shared, userProjectRelations, ); return entity; } combineResourceScopes( type: 'workflow' | 'credential', user: User, shared: SharedCredentials[] | SharedWorkflow[], userProjectRelations: ProjectRelation[], ): Scope[] { const globalScopes = this.getRoleScopes(user.role, [type]); const scopesSet: Set = new Set(globalScopes); for (const sharedEntity of shared) { const pr = userProjectRelations.find( (p) => p.projectId === (sharedEntity.projectId ??, ); let projectScopes: Scope[] = []; if (pr) { projectScopes = this.getRoleScopes(pr.role); } const resourceMask = this.getRoleScopes(sharedEntity.role); const mergedScopes = combineScopes( { global: globalScopes, project: projectScopes, }, { sharing: resourceMask }, ); mergedScopes.forEach((s) => scopesSet.add(s)); } return [...scopesSet].sort(); } isRoleLicensed(role: AllRoleTypes) { switch (role) { case 'project:admin': return this.license.isProjectRoleAdminLicensed(); case 'project:editor': return this.license.isProjectRoleEditorLicensed(); case 'project:viewer': return this.license.isProjectRoleViewerLicensed(); case 'global:admin': return this.license.isAdvancedPermissionsLicensed(); default: return true; } } }