import set from 'lodash/set'; import type { IDataObject, IExecuteSingleFunctions, IHttpRequestOptions, IN8nHttpFullResponse, INodeExecutionData, JsonObject, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { getUploadFormData } from './MediaFunctions'; interface WhatsAppApiError { error: { message: string; type: string; code: number; fbtrace_id: string; }; } export async function addTemplateComponents( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ) { const params = this.getNodeParameter('templateParameters') as IDataObject; if (!params?.parameter) { return requestOptions; } const components = [ { type: 'body', parameters: params.parameter, }, ]; if (!requestOptions.body) { requestOptions.body = {}; } set(requestOptions.body as IDataObject, 'template.components', components); return requestOptions; } export async function setType(this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions) { const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation') as string; const messageType = this.getNodeParameter('messageType', null) as string | null; let actualType = messageType; if (operation === 'sendTemplate') { actualType = 'template'; } if (requestOptions.body) { Object.assign(requestOptions.body, { type: actualType }); } return requestOptions; } export async function mediaUploadFromItem( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ) { const uploadData = await; const phoneNumberId = this.getNodeParameter('phoneNumberId') as string; const result = (await, 'whatsAppApi', { url: `/${phoneNumberId}/media`, baseURL: requestOptions.baseURL, method: 'POST', body: uploadData.formData, })) as IDataObject; const operation = this.getNodeParameter('messageType') as string; if (!requestOptions.body) { requestOptions.body = {}; } set(requestOptions.body as IDataObject, [operation, 'id'],; if (operation === 'document') { set(requestOptions.body as IDataObject, [operation, 'filename'], uploadData.fileName); } return requestOptions; } export async function templateInfo( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> { const template = this.getNodeParameter('template') as string; const [name, language] = template.split('|'); if (!requestOptions.body) { requestOptions.body = {}; } set(requestOptions.body as IDataObject, '', name); set(requestOptions.body as IDataObject, 'template.language.code', language); return requestOptions; } export async function componentsRequest( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> { const components = this.getNodeParameter('components') as IDataObject; const componentsRet: object[] = []; if (!components?.component) { return requestOptions; } for (const component of components.component as IDataObject[]) { const comp: IDataObject = { type: component.type, }; if (component.type === 'body') { comp.parameters = ( ((component.bodyParameters as IDataObject).parameter as IDataObject[]) || [] ).map((i: IDataObject) => { if (i.type === 'text') { return i; } else if (i.type === 'currency') { return { type: 'currency', currency: { code: i.code, fallback_value: i.fallback_value, amount_1000: (i.amount_1000 as number) * 1000, }, }; } else if (i.type === 'date_time') { return { type: 'date_time', date_time: { fallback_value: i.date_time, }, }; } }); } else if (component.type === 'button') { comp.index = component.index?.toString(); comp.sub_type = component.sub_type; comp.parameters = [(component.buttonParameters as IDataObject).parameter]; } else if (component.type === 'header') { comp.parameters = ( (component.headerParameters as IDataObject).parameter as IDataObject[] ).map((i: IDataObject) => { if (i.type === 'image') { return { type: 'image', image: { link: i.imageLink, }, }; } return i; }); } componentsRet.push(comp); } if (!requestOptions.body) { requestOptions.body = {}; } set(requestOptions.body as IDataObject, 'template.components', componentsRet); return requestOptions; } export async function cleanPhoneNumber( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, requestOptions: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> { let phoneNumber = this.getNodeParameter('recipientPhoneNumber') as string; phoneNumber = phoneNumber.replace(/[\-\(\)\+]/g, ''); if (!requestOptions.body) { requestOptions.body = {}; } set(requestOptions.body as IDataObject, 'to', phoneNumber); return requestOptions; } export async function sendErrorPostReceive( this: IExecuteSingleFunctions, data: INodeExecutionData[], response: IN8nHttpFullResponse, ): Promise<INodeExecutionData[]> { if (response.statusCode === 500) { throw new NodeApiError( this.getNode(), {}, { message: 'Sending failed', description: 'If you’re sending to a new test number, try sending a message to it from within the Meta developer portal first.', httpCode: '500', }, ); } else if (response.statusCode === 400) { const error = { ...(response.body as WhatsAppApiError).error }; error.message = error.message.replace(/^\(#\d+\) /, ''); const messageType = this.getNodeParameter('messageType', 'media'); if (error.message.endsWith('is not a valid whatsapp business account media attachment ID')) { throw new NodeApiError( this.getNode(), { error }, { message: `Invalid ${messageType} ID`, description: error.message, httpCode: '400', }, ); } else if (error.message.endsWith('is not a valid URI.')) { throw new NodeApiError( this.getNode(), { error }, { message: `Invalid ${messageType} URL`, description: error.message, httpCode: '400', }, ); } throw new NodeApiError( this.getNode(), { ...(response as unknown as JsonObject), body: { error } }, {}, ); } else if (response.statusCode > 399) { throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), response as unknown as JsonObject); } return data; }