import { randomBytes } from 'crypto'; import { existsSync } from 'fs'; import express = require('express'); import * as superagent from 'superagent'; import * as request from 'supertest'; import { URL } from 'url'; import bodyParser = require('body-parser'); import * as util from 'util'; import { createTestAccount } from 'nodemailer'; import { INodeTypes, LoggerProxy } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { UserSettings } from 'n8n-core'; import config = require('../../../config'); import { AUTHLESS_ENDPOINTS, PUBLIC_API_REST_PATH_SEGMENT, REST_PATH_SEGMENT } from './constants'; import { AUTH_COOKIE_NAME } from '../../../src/constants'; import { addRoutes as authMiddleware } from '../../../src/UserManagement/routes'; import { Db, ExternalHooks, InternalHooksManager } from '../../../src'; import { meNamespace as meEndpoints } from '../../../src/UserManagement/routes/me'; import { usersNamespace as usersEndpoints } from '../../../src/UserManagement/routes/users'; import { authenticationMethods as authEndpoints } from '../../../src/UserManagement/routes/auth'; import { ownerNamespace as ownerEndpoints } from '../../../src/UserManagement/routes/owner'; import { passwordResetNamespace as passwordResetEndpoints } from '../../../src/UserManagement/routes/passwordReset'; import { issueJWT } from '../../../src/UserManagement/auth/jwt'; import { getLogger } from '../../../src/Logger'; import { credentialsController } from '../../../src/api/credentials.api'; import { publicApiController } from '../../../src/PublicApi/v1/'; import type { User } from '../../../src/databases/entities/User'; import { Telemetry } from '../../../src/telemetry'; import type { ApiPath, EndpointGroup, SmtpTestAccount } from './types'; import type { N8nApp } from '../../../src/UserManagement/Interfaces'; /** * Initialize a test server. * * @param applyAuth Whether to apply auth middleware to test server. * @param endpointGroups Groups of endpoints to apply to test server. */ export function initTestServer({ applyAuth, endpointGroups, }: { applyAuth: boolean; endpointGroups?: EndpointGroup[]; }) { const testServer = { app: express(), restEndpoint: REST_PATH_SEGMENT, publicApiEndpoint: PUBLIC_API_REST_PATH_SEGMENT, ...(endpointGroups?.includes('credentials') ? { externalHooks: ExternalHooks() } : {}), };;{ extended: true })); config.set('userManagement.jwtSecret', 'My JWT secret'); config.set('userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp', false); if (applyAuth) { authMiddleware.apply(testServer, [AUTHLESS_ENDPOINTS, REST_PATH_SEGMENT]); } if (!endpointGroups) return; const [routerEndpoints, functionEndpoints] = classifyEndpointGroups(endpointGroups); if (routerEndpoints.length) { const map: Record = { credentials: credentialsController, //publicApi: publicApiController, }; for (const group of routerEndpoints) { if (group === 'publicApi') {`/${testServer.publicApiEndpoint}`, map[group]); } else {`/${testServer.restEndpoint}/${group}`, map[group]); } } } if (functionEndpoints.length) { const map: Record void> = { me: meEndpoints, users: usersEndpoints, auth: authEndpoints, owner: ownerEndpoints, passwordReset: passwordResetEndpoints, }; for (const group of functionEndpoints) { map[group].apply(testServer); } } return; } export function initTestTelemetry() { const mockNodeTypes = { nodeTypes: {} } as INodeTypes; void InternalHooksManager.init('test-instance-id', 'test-version', mockNodeTypes); jest.spyOn(Telemetry.prototype, 'track').mockResolvedValue(); } /** * Classify endpoint groups into `routerEndpoints` (newest, using `express.Router`), * and `functionEndpoints` (legacy, namespaced inside a function). */ const classifyEndpointGroups = (endpointGroups: string[]) => { const routerEndpoints: string[] = []; const functionEndpoints: string[] = []; endpointGroups.forEach((group) => (group === 'credentials' || group === 'publicApi' ? routerEndpoints : functionEndpoints).push(group), ); return [routerEndpoints, functionEndpoints]; }; // ---------------------------------- // initializers // ---------------------------------- /** * Initialize a silent logger for test runs. */ export function initTestLogger() { config.set('logs.output', 'file'); // declutter console output LoggerProxy.init(getLogger()); } /** * Initialize a user settings config file if non-existent. */ export function initConfigFile() { const settingsPath = UserSettings.getUserSettingsPath(); if (!existsSync(settingsPath)) { const userSettings = { encryptionKey: randomBytes(24).toString('base64') }; UserSettings.writeUserSettings(userSettings, settingsPath); } } // ---------------------------------- // request agent // ---------------------------------- /** * Create a request agent, optionally with an auth cookie. */ export function createAgent(app: express.Application, options?: { apiPath?: ApiPath, auth: boolean; user: User }) { const agent = request.agent(app); if (options?.apiPath === undefined || options?.apiPath === 'internal') { agent.use(prefix(REST_PATH_SEGMENT)); if (options?.auth && options?.user) { const { token } = issueJWT(options.user); agent.jar.setCookie(`${AUTH_COOKIE_NAME}=${token}`); } } if (options?.apiPath === 'public') { agent.use(prefix(PUBLIC_API_REST_PATH_SEGMENT)); if (options?.auth && options?.user.apiKey) { agent.set({ 'X-N8N-API-KEY': options.user.apiKey }); } } return agent; } /** * Plugin to prefix a path segment into a request URL pathname. * * Example: → */ export function prefix(pathSegment: string) { return function (request: superagent.SuperAgentRequest) { const url = new URL(request.url); // enforce consistency at call sites if (url.pathname[0] !== '/') { throw new Error('Pathname must start with a forward slash'); } url.pathname = pathSegment + url.pathname; request.url = url.toString(); return request; }; } /** * Extract the value (token) of the auth cookie in a response. */ export function getAuthToken(response: request.Response, authCookieName = AUTH_COOKIE_NAME) { const cookies: string[] = response.headers['set-cookie']; if (!cookies) { throw new Error("No 'set-cookie' header found in response"); } const authCookie = cookies.find((c) => c.startsWith(`${authCookieName}=`)); if (!authCookie) return undefined; const match = authCookie.match(new RegExp(`(^| )${authCookieName}=(?[^;]+)`)); if (!match || !match.groups) return undefined; return match.groups.token; } // ---------------------------------- // settings // ---------------------------------- export async function isInstanceOwnerSetUp() { const { value } = await Db.collections.Settings!.findOneOrFail({ key: 'userManagement.isInstanceOwnerSetUp', }); return Boolean(value); } // ---------------------------------- // SMTP // ---------------------------------- /** * Get an SMTP test account from to test sending emails. */ export const getSmtpTestAccount = util.promisify(createTestAccount);