import type { IAuthenticateGeneric, ICredentialTestRequest, ICredentialType, INodeProperties, } from 'n8n-workflow'; export class FreshworksCrmApi implements ICredentialType { name = 'freshworksCrmApi'; displayName = 'Freshworks CRM API'; documentationUrl = 'freshdesk'; properties: INodeProperties[] = [ { displayName: 'API Key', name: 'apiKey', type: 'string', typeOptions: { password: true }, default: '', placeholder: 'BDsTn15vHezBlt_XGp3Tig', }, { displayName: 'Domain', name: 'domain', type: 'string', default: '', placeholder: 'n8n-org', description: 'Domain in the Freshworks CRM org URL. For example, in <code></code>, the domain is <code>n8n-org</code>.', }, ]; authenticate: IAuthenticateGeneric = { type: 'generic', properties: { headers: { Authorization: '=Token token={{$credentials?.apiKey}}', }, }, }; test: ICredentialTestRequest = { request: { baseURL: '=https://{{$credentials?.domain}}', url: '/tasks', method: 'GET', }, }; }