import { NodeVM, makeResolverFromLegacyOptions } from '@n8n/vm2'; import type { IExecuteFunctions, INodeExecutionData } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ValidationError } from './ValidationError'; import { ExecutionError } from './ExecutionError'; import type { SandboxContext } from './Sandbox'; import { Sandbox } from './Sandbox'; const { NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_BUILTIN: builtIn, NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_EXTERNAL: external } = process.env; export const vmResolver = makeResolverFromLegacyOptions({ external: external ? { modules: external.split(','), transitive: false, } : false, builtin: builtIn?.split(',') ?? [], }); export class JavaScriptSandbox extends Sandbox { private readonly vm: NodeVM; constructor( context: SandboxContext, private jsCode: string, itemIndex: number | undefined, helpers: IExecuteFunctions['helpers'], ) { super( { object: { singular: 'object', plural: 'objects', }, }, itemIndex, helpers, ); this.vm = new NodeVM({ console: 'redirect', sandbox: context, require: vmResolver, }); this.vm.on('console.log', (...args: unknown[]) => this.emit('output', ...args)); } async runCodeAllItems(): Promise { const script = `module.exports = async function() {${this.jsCode}\n}()`; let executionResult: INodeExecutionData | INodeExecutionData[]; try { executionResult = await, __dirname); } catch (error) { // anticipate user expecting `items` to pre-exist as in Function Item node if (error.message === 'items is not defined' && !/(let|const|var) items =/.test(script)) { const quoted = error.message.replace('items', '`items`'); error.message = (quoted as string) + '. Did you mean `$input.all()`?'; } throw new ExecutionError(error); } if (executionResult === null) return []; return this.validateRunCodeAllItems(executionResult); } async runCodeEachItem(): Promise { const script = `module.exports = async function() {${this.jsCode}\n}()`; const match = this.jsCode.match(/\$input\.(?first|last|all|itemMatching)/); if (match?.groups?.disallowedMethod) { const { disallowedMethod } = match.groups; const lineNumber = this.jsCode.split('\n').findIndex((line) => { return line.includes(disallowedMethod) && !line.startsWith('//') && !line.startsWith('*'); }) + 1; const disallowedMethodFound = lineNumber !== 0; if (disallowedMethodFound) { throw new ValidationError({ message: `Can't use .${disallowedMethod}() here`, description: "This is only available in 'Run Once for All Items' mode", itemIndex: this.itemIndex, lineNumber, }); } } let executionResult: INodeExecutionData; try { executionResult = await, __dirname); } catch (error) { // anticipate user expecting `item` to pre-exist as in Function Item node if (error.message === 'item is not defined' && !/(let|const|var) item =/.test(script)) { const quoted = error.message.replace('item', '`item`'); error.message = (quoted as string) + '. Did you mean `$input.item.json`?'; } throw new ExecutionError(error, this.itemIndex); } if (executionResult === null) return; return this.validateRunCodeEachItem(executionResult); } }