import type { Scope } from '@n8n/permissions'; import type { AiAssistantSDK } from '@n8n_io/ai-assistant-sdk'; import type express from 'express'; import type { BannerName, ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, IDataObject, ILoadOptions, INodeCredentialTestRequest, INodeCredentials, INodeParameters, INodeTypeNameVersion, IPersonalizationSurveyAnswersV4, IUser, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { CredentialsEntity } from '@/databases/entities/credentials-entity'; import type { Project, ProjectType } from '@/databases/entities/project'; import type { AssignableRole, GlobalRole, User } from '@/databases/entities/user'; import type { Variables } from '@/databases/entities/variables'; import type { WorkflowEntity } from '@/databases/entities/workflow-entity'; import type { WorkflowHistory } from '@/databases/entities/workflow-history'; import type { PublicUser, SecretsProvider, SecretsProviderState } from '@/interfaces'; import type { ProjectRole } from './databases/entities/project-relation'; import type { ScopesField } from './services/role.service'; export type APIRequest< RouteParams = {}, ResponseBody = {}, RequestBody = {}, RequestQuery = {}, > = express.Request & { browserId?: string; }; export type AuthlessRequest< RouteParams = {}, ResponseBody = {}, RequestBody = {}, RequestQuery = {}, > = APIRequest; export type AuthenticatedRequest< RouteParams = {}, ResponseBody = {}, RequestBody = {}, RequestQuery = {}, > = Omit, 'user' | 'cookies'> & { user: User; cookies: Record; headers: express.Request['headers'] & { 'push-ref': string; }; }; // ---------------------------------- // list query // ---------------------------------- export namespace ListQuery { export type Request = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, Params> & { listQueryOptions?: Options; }; export type Params = { filter?: string; skip?: string; take?: string; select?: string; }; export type Options = { filter?: Record; select?: Record; skip?: number; take?: number; }; /** * Slim workflow returned from a list query operation. */ export namespace Workflow { type OptionalBaseFields = 'name' | 'active' | 'versionId' | 'createdAt' | 'updatedAt' | 'tags'; type BaseFields = Pick & Partial>; type SharedField = Partial>; type OwnedByField = { ownedBy: SlimUser | null; homeProject: SlimProject | null }; export type Plain = BaseFields; export type WithSharing = BaseFields & SharedField; export type WithOwnership = BaseFields & OwnedByField; type SharedWithField = { sharedWith: SlimUser[]; sharedWithProjects: SlimProject[] }; export type WithOwnedByAndSharedWith = BaseFields & OwnedByField & SharedWithField & SharedField; export type WithScopes = BaseFields & ScopesField & SharedField; } export namespace Credentials { type OwnedByField = { homeProject: SlimProject | null }; type SharedField = Partial>; type SharedWithField = { sharedWithProjects: SlimProject[] }; export type WithSharing = CredentialsEntity & SharedField; export type WithOwnedByAndSharedWith = CredentialsEntity & OwnedByField & SharedWithField & SharedField; export type WithScopes = CredentialsEntity & ScopesField & SharedField; } } type SlimUser = Pick; export type SlimProject = Pick; export function hasSharing( workflows: ListQuery.Workflow.Plain[] | ListQuery.Workflow.WithSharing[], ): workflows is ListQuery.Workflow.WithSharing[] { return workflows.some((w) => 'shared' in w); } // ---------------------------------- // /credentials // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace CredentialRequest { type CredentialProperties = Partial<{ id: string; // deleted if sent name: string; type: string; data: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject; projectId?: string; }>; type Create = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, CredentialProperties>; type Get = AuthenticatedRequest<{ credentialId: string }, {}, {}, Record>; type GetMany = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, ListQuery.Params & { includeScopes?: string }> & { listQueryOptions: ListQuery.Options; }; type Delete = Get; type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { filter: string }>; type Update = AuthenticatedRequest<{ credentialId: string }, {}, CredentialProperties>; type NewName = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { name?: string }>; type Test = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, INodeCredentialTestRequest>; type Share = AuthenticatedRequest<{ credentialId: string }, {}, { shareWithIds: string[] }>; type Transfer = AuthenticatedRequest< { credentialId: string }, {}, { destinationProjectId: string } >; type ForWorkflow = AuthenticatedRequest< {}, {}, {}, { workflowId: string } | { projectId: string } >; } // ---------------------------------- // /api-keys // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace ApiKeysRequest { export type DeleteAPIKey = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }>; } // ---------------------------------- // /me // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace MeRequest { export type SurveyAnswers = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, IPersonalizationSurveyAnswersV4>; } export interface UserSetupPayload { email: string; password: string; firstName: string; lastName: string; mfaEnabled?: boolean; mfaSecret?: string; mfaRecoveryCodes?: string[]; } // ---------------------------------- // /owner // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace OwnerRequest { type Post = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, UserSetupPayload, {}>; type DismissBanner = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, Partial<{ bannerName: BannerName }>, {}>; } // ---------------------------------- // password reset endpoints // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace PasswordResetRequest { export type Email = AuthlessRequest<{}, {}, Pick>; export type Credentials = AuthlessRequest<{}, {}, {}, { userId?: string; token?: string }>; export type NewPassword = AuthlessRequest< {}, {}, Pick & { token?: string; userId?: string; mfaCode?: string } >; } // ---------------------------------- // /users // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace UserRequest { export type Invite = AuthenticatedRequest< {}, {}, Array<{ email: string; role?: AssignableRole }> >; export type InviteResponse = { user: { id: string; email: string; inviteAcceptUrl?: string; emailSent: boolean; role: AssignableRole; }; error?: string; }; export type ResolveSignUp = AuthlessRequest< {}, {}, {}, { inviterId?: string; inviteeId?: string } >; export type SignUp = AuthenticatedRequest< { id: string }, { inviterId?: string; inviteeId?: string } >; export type Delete = AuthenticatedRequest< { id: string; email: string; identifier: string }, {}, {}, { transferId?: string; includeRole: boolean } >; export type Get = AuthenticatedRequest< { id: string; email: string; identifier: string }, {}, {}, { limit?: number; offset?: number; cursor?: string; includeRole?: boolean; projectId?: string } >; export type PasswordResetLink = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, {}, {}>; export type Reinvite = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }>; export type Update = AuthlessRequest< { id: string }, {}, { inviterId: string; firstName: string; lastName: string; password: string; } >; } // ---------------------------------- // /login // ---------------------------------- export type LoginRequest = AuthlessRequest< {}, {}, { email: string; password: string; mfaCode?: string; mfaRecoveryCode?: string; } >; // ---------------------------------- // MFA endpoints // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace MFA { type Verify = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { mfaCode: string }, {}>; type Activate = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { mfaCode: string }, {}>; type Disable = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { mfaCode?: string; mfaRecoveryCode?: string }, {}>; type Config = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { login: { enabled: boolean } }, {}>; type ValidateRecoveryCode = AuthenticatedRequest< {}, {}, { recoveryCode: { enabled: boolean } }, {} >; } // ---------------------------------- // oauth endpoints // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace OAuthRequest { namespace OAuth1Credential { type Auth = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { id: string }>; type Callback = AuthenticatedRequest< {}, {}, {}, { oauth_verifier: string; oauth_token: string; state: string } > & { user?: User; }; } namespace OAuth2Credential { type Auth = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { id: string }>; type Callback = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { code: string; state: string }>; } } // ---------------------------------- // /dynamic-node-parameters // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace DynamicNodeParametersRequest { type BaseRequest = AuthenticatedRequest< {}, {}, { path: string; nodeTypeAndVersion: INodeTypeNameVersion; currentNodeParameters: INodeParameters; methodName?: string; credentials?: INodeCredentials; } & RequestBody, {} >; /** POST /dynamic-node-parameters/options */ type Options = BaseRequest<{ loadOptions?: ILoadOptions; }>; /** POST /dynamic-node-parameters/resource-locator-results */ type ResourceLocatorResults = BaseRequest<{ methodName: string; filter?: string; paginationToken?: string; }>; /** POST dynamic-node-parameters/resource-mapper-fields */ type ResourceMapperFields = BaseRequest<{ methodName: string; }>; /** POST /dynamic-node-parameters/action-result */ type ActionResult = BaseRequest<{ handler: string; payload: IDataObject | string | undefined; }>; } // ---------------------------------- // /tags // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace TagsRequest { type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { withUsageCount: string }>; type Create = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { name: string }>; type Update = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, { name: string }>; type Delete = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }>; } // ---------------------------------- // /annotation-tags // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace AnnotationTagsRequest { type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { withUsageCount: string }>; type Create = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { name: string }>; type Update = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, { name: string }>; type Delete = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }>; } // ---------------------------------- // /nodes // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace NodeRequest { type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest; type Post = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { name?: string }>; type Delete = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, {}, { name: string }>; type Update = Post; } // ---------------------------------- // /license // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace LicenseRequest { type Activate = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, { activationKey: string }, {}>; } export type BinaryDataRequest = AuthenticatedRequest< {}, {}, {}, { id: string; action: 'view' | 'download'; fileName?: string; mimeType?: string; } >; // ---------------------------------- // /variables // ---------------------------------- // export declare namespace VariablesRequest { type CreateUpdatePayload = Omit & { id?: unknown }; type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest; type Get = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, {}, {}>; type Create = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, CreateUpdatePayload, {}>; type Update = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }, {}, CreateUpdatePayload, {}>; type Delete = Get; } export declare namespace ExternalSecretsRequest { type GetProviderResponse = Pick & { icon: string; connected: boolean; connectedAt: Date | null; state: SecretsProviderState; data: IDataObject; }; type GetProviders = AuthenticatedRequest; type GetProvider = AuthenticatedRequest<{ provider: string }, GetProviderResponse>; type SetProviderSettings = AuthenticatedRequest<{ provider: string }, {}, IDataObject>; type TestProviderSettings = SetProviderSettings; type SetProviderConnected = AuthenticatedRequest< { provider: string }, {}, { connected: boolean } >; type UpdateProvider = AuthenticatedRequest<{ provider: string }>; } // ---------------------------------- // /workflow-history // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace WorkflowHistoryRequest { type GetList = AuthenticatedRequest< { workflowId: string }, Array>, {}, ListQuery.Options >; type GetVersion = AuthenticatedRequest< { workflowId: string; versionId: string }, WorkflowHistory >; } // ---------------------------------- // /active-workflows // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace ActiveWorkflowRequest { type GetAllActive = AuthenticatedRequest; type GetActivationError = AuthenticatedRequest<{ id: string }>; } // ---------------------------------- // /projects // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace ProjectRequest { type GetAll = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, Project[]>; type Create = AuthenticatedRequest< {}, Project, { name: string; } >; type GetMyProjects = AuthenticatedRequest< {}, Array, {}, { includeScopes?: boolean; } >; type GetMyProjectsResponse = Array< Project & { role: ProjectRole | GlobalRole; scopes?: Scope[] } >; type GetPersonalProject = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, Project>; type ProjectRelationPayload = { userId: string; role: ProjectRole }; type ProjectRelationResponse = { id: string; email: string; firstName: string; lastName: string; role: ProjectRole; }; type ProjectWithRelations = { id: string; name: string | undefined; type: ProjectType; relations: ProjectRelationResponse[]; scopes: Scope[]; }; type Get = AuthenticatedRequest<{ projectId: string }, {}>; type Update = AuthenticatedRequest< { projectId: string }, {}, { name?: string; relations?: ProjectRelationPayload[] } >; type Delete = AuthenticatedRequest<{ projectId: string }, {}, {}, { transferId?: string }>; } // ---------------------------------- // /nps-survey // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace NpsSurveyRequest { // can be refactored to // type NpsSurveyUpdate = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, NpsSurveyState>; // once some schema validation is added type NpsSurveyUpdate = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, unknown>; } // ---------------------------------- // /ai-assistant // ---------------------------------- export declare namespace AiAssistantRequest { type Chat = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, AiAssistantSDK.ChatRequestPayload>; type SuggestionPayload = { sessionId: string; suggestionId: string }; type ApplySuggestionPayload = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, SuggestionPayload>; type AskAiPayload = AuthenticatedRequest<{}, {}, AiAssistantSDK.AskAiRequestPayload>; }