import { CookieOptions, Response } from 'express'; import type { Repository } from 'typeorm'; import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken'; import { mock, anyObject, captor } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import type { ILogger } from 'n8n-workflow'; import type { IExternalHooksClass, IInternalHooksClass } from '@/Interfaces'; import type { User } from '@db/entities/User'; import { MeController } from '@/controllers'; import { AUTH_COOKIE_NAME } from '@/constants'; import { BadRequestError } from '@/ResponseHelper'; import type { AuthenticatedRequest, MeRequest } from '@/requests'; describe('MeController', () => { const logger = mock(); const externalHooks = mock(); const internalHooks = mock(); const userRepository = mock>(); let controller: MeController; beforeAll(() => { controller = new MeController({ logger, externalHooks, internalHooks, repositories: { User: userRepository }, }); }); describe('updateCurrentUser', () => { it('should throw BadRequestError if email is missing in the payload', async () => { const req = mock({}); expect(controller.updateCurrentUser(req, mock())).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError('Email is mandatory'), ); }); it('should throw BadRequestError if email is invalid', async () => { const req = mock({ body: { email: 'invalid-email' } }); expect(controller.updateCurrentUser(req, mock())).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError('Invalid email address'), ); }); it('should update the user in the DB, and issue a new cookie', async () => { const user = mock({ id: '123', password: 'password', authIdentities: [], globalRoleId: '1', }); const reqBody = { email: '', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Potato' }; const req = mock({ user, body: reqBody }); const res = mock(); userRepository.findOneOrFail.mockResolvedValue(user); jest.spyOn(jwt, 'sign').mockImplementation(() => 'signed-token'); await controller.updateCurrentUser(req, res); expect(userRepository.update).toHaveBeenCalled(); const cookieOptions = captor(); expect(res.cookie).toHaveBeenCalledWith(AUTH_COOKIE_NAME, 'signed-token', cookieOptions); expect(cookieOptions.value.httpOnly).toBe(true); expect(cookieOptions.value.sameSite).toBe('lax'); expect('user.profile.update', [, anyObject(), ]); }); it('should not allow updating any other fields on a user besides email and name', async () => { const user = mock({ id: '123', password: 'password', authIdentities: [], globalRoleId: '1', }); const reqBody = { email: '', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Potato' }; const req = mock({ user, body: reqBody }); const res = mock(); userRepository.findOneOrFail.mockResolvedValue(user); jest.spyOn(jwt, 'sign').mockImplementation(() => 'signed-token'); // Add invalid data to the request payload Object.assign(reqBody, { id: '0', globalRoleId: '42' }); await controller.updateCurrentUser(req, res); expect(userRepository.update).toHaveBeenCalled(); const updatedUser = userRepository.update.mock.calls[0][1]; expect(; expect(updatedUser.firstName).toBe(reqBody.firstName); expect(updatedUser.lastName).toBe(reqBody.lastName); expect('0'); expect(updatedUser.globalRoleId).not.toBe('42'); }); }); describe('updatePassword', () => { const passwordHash = '$2a$10$ffitcKrHT.Ls.m9FfWrMrOod76aaI0ogKbc3S96Q320impWpCbgj6'; // Hashed 'old_password' it('should throw if the user does not have a password set', async () => { const req = mock({ user: mock({ password: undefined }), body: { currentPassword: '', newPassword: '' }, }); expect(controller.updatePassword(req, mock())).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError('Requesting user not set up.'), ); }); it("should throw if currentPassword does not match the user's password", async () => { const req = mock({ user: mock({ password: passwordHash }), body: { currentPassword: 'not_old_password', newPassword: '' }, }); expect(controller.updatePassword(req, mock())).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError('Provided current password is incorrect.'), ); }); describe('should throw if newPassword is not valid', () => { Object.entries({ pass: 'Password must be 8 to 64 characters long. Password must contain at least 1 number. Password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter.', password: 'Password must contain at least 1 number. Password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter.', password1: 'Password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter.', }).forEach(([newPassword, errorMessage]) => { it(newPassword, async () => { const req = mock({ user: mock({ password: passwordHash }), body: { currentPassword: 'old_password', newPassword }, }); expect(controller.updatePassword(req, mock())).rejects.toThrowError( new BadRequestError(errorMessage), ); }); }); }); it('should update the password in the DB, and issue a new cookie', async () => { const req = mock({ user: mock({ password: passwordHash }), body: { currentPassword: 'old_password', newPassword: 'NewPassword123' }, }); const res = mock();; jest.spyOn(jwt, 'sign').mockImplementation(() => 'new-signed-token'); await controller.updatePassword(req, res); expect(req.user.password).not.toBe(passwordHash); const cookieOptions = captor(); expect(res.cookie).toHaveBeenCalledWith(AUTH_COOKIE_NAME, 'new-signed-token', cookieOptions); expect(cookieOptions.value.httpOnly).toBe(true); expect(cookieOptions.value.sameSite).toBe('lax'); expect('user.password.update', [, req.user.password, ]); expect(internalHooks.onUserUpdate).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ user: req.user, fields_changed: ['password'], }); }); }); describe('API Key methods', () => { let req: AuthenticatedRequest; beforeAll(() => { req = mock({ user: mock>({ id: '123', apiKey: 'test-key' }) }); }); describe('createAPIKey', () => { it('should create and save an API key', async () => { const { apiKey } = await controller.createAPIKey(req); expect(userRepository.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, { apiKey }); }); }); describe('getAPIKey', () => { it('should return the users api key', async () => { const { apiKey } = await controller.getAPIKey(req); expect(apiKey).toEqual(req.user.apiKey); }); }); describe('deleteAPIKey', () => { it('should delete the API key', async () => { await controller.deleteAPIKey(req); expect(userRepository.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, { apiKey: null }); }); }); }); });