/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */ /* eslint-disable no-prototype-builtins */ /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/prefer-optional-chain */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment */ /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ /* eslint-disable no-continue */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */ import { CUSTOM_EXTENSION_ENV, UserSettings } from 'n8n-core'; import { CodexData, ICredentialType, ICredentialTypeData, ILogger, INodeType, INodeTypeData, INodeTypeNameVersion, IVersionedNodeType, LoggerProxy, jsonParse, ErrorReporterProxy as ErrorReporter, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { access as fsAccess, readdir as fsReaddir, readFile as fsReadFile, stat as fsStat, } from 'fs/promises'; import glob from 'fast-glob'; import path from 'path'; import pick from 'lodash.pick'; import { IN8nNodePackageJson } from '@/Interfaces'; import { getLogger } from '@/Logger'; import config from '@/config'; import { NodeTypes } from '@/NodeTypes'; import { InstalledPackages } from '@db/entities/InstalledPackages'; import { InstalledNodes } from '@db/entities/InstalledNodes'; import { executeCommand, loadClassInIsolation } from '@/CommunityNodes/helpers'; import { CLI_DIR, RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES } from '@/constants'; import { persistInstalledPackageData, removePackageFromDatabase, } from '@/CommunityNodes/packageModel'; const CUSTOM_NODES_CATEGORY = 'Custom Nodes'; function toJSON() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return return { ...this, authenticate: typeof this.authenticate === 'function' ? {} : this.authenticate, }; } class LoadNodesAndCredentialsClass { nodeTypes: INodeTypeData = {}; credentialTypes: ICredentialTypeData = {}; excludeNodes: string | undefined = undefined; includeNodes: string | undefined = undefined; logger: ILogger; async init() { this.logger = getLogger(); LoggerProxy.init(this.logger); // Make sure the imported modules can resolve dependencies fine. const delimiter = process.platform === 'win32' ? ';' : ':'; process.env.NODE_PATH = module.paths.join(delimiter); // @ts-ignore module.constructor._initPaths(); const nodeModulesPath = await this.getNodeModulesFolderLocation(); this.excludeNodes = config.getEnv('nodes.exclude'); this.includeNodes = config.getEnv('nodes.include'); // Get all the installed packages which contain n8n nodes const nodePackages = await this.getN8nNodePackages(nodeModulesPath); for (const packagePath of nodePackages) { await this.loadDataFromPackage(packagePath); } await this.loadNodesFromDownloadedPackages(); await this.loadNodesFromCustomFolders(); } async getNodeModulesFolderLocation(): Promise { // Get the path to the node-modules folder to be later able // to load the credentials and nodes const checkPaths = [ // In case "n8n" package is in same node_modules folder. path.join(CLI_DIR, '..', 'n8n-workflow'), // In case "n8n" package is the root and the packages are // in the "node_modules" folder underneath it. path.join(CLI_DIR, 'node_modules', 'n8n-workflow'), // In case "n8n" package is installed using npm/yarn workspaces // the node_modules folder is in the root of the workspace. path.join(CLI_DIR, '..', '..', 'node_modules', 'n8n-workflow'), ]; for (const checkPath of checkPaths) { try { await fsAccess(checkPath); // Folder exists, so use it. return path.dirname(checkPath); } catch (_) { // Folder does not exist so get next one } } throw new Error('Could not find "node_modules" folder!'); } async loadNodesFromDownloadedPackages(): Promise { const nodePackages = []; try { // Read downloaded nodes and credentials const downloadedNodesFolder = UserSettings.getUserN8nFolderDownloadedNodesPath(); const downloadedNodesFolderModules = path.join(downloadedNodesFolder, 'node_modules'); await fsAccess(downloadedNodesFolderModules); const downloadedPackages = await this.getN8nNodePackages(downloadedNodesFolderModules); nodePackages.push(...downloadedPackages); } catch (error) { // Folder does not exist so ignore and return return; } for (const packagePath of nodePackages) { try { await this.loadDataFromPackage(packagePath); // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty } catch (error) { ErrorReporter.error(error); } } } async loadNodesFromCustomFolders(): Promise { // Read nodes and credentials from custom directories const customDirectories = []; // Add "custom" folder in user-n8n folder customDirectories.push(UserSettings.getUserN8nFolderCustomExtensionPath()); // Add folders from special environment variable if (process.env[CUSTOM_EXTENSION_ENV] !== undefined) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const customExtensionFolders = process.env[CUSTOM_EXTENSION_ENV]!.split(';'); customDirectories.push(...customExtensionFolders); } for (const directory of customDirectories) { await this.loadDataFromDirectory('CUSTOM', directory); } } /** * Returns all the names of the packages which could * contain n8n nodes * */ async getN8nNodePackages(baseModulesPath: string): Promise { const getN8nNodePackagesRecursive = async (relativePath: string): Promise => { const results: string[] = []; const nodeModulesPath = `${baseModulesPath}/${relativePath}`; for (const file of await fsReaddir(nodeModulesPath)) { const isN8nNodesPackage = file.indexOf('n8n-nodes-') === 0; const isNpmScopedPackage = file.indexOf('@') === 0; if (!isN8nNodesPackage && !isNpmScopedPackage) { continue; } if (!(await fsStat(nodeModulesPath)).isDirectory()) { continue; } if (isN8nNodesPackage) { results.push(`${baseModulesPath}/${relativePath}${file}`); } if (isNpmScopedPackage) { results.push(...(await getN8nNodePackagesRecursive(`${relativePath}${file}/`))); } } return results; }; return getN8nNodePackagesRecursive(''); } /** * Loads credentials from a file * * @param {string} credentialName The name of the credentials * @param {string} filePath The file to read credentials from */ loadCredentialsFromFile(credentialName: string, filePath: string): void { let tempCredential: ICredentialType; try { tempCredential = loadClassInIsolation(filePath, credentialName); // Add serializer method "toJSON" to the class so that authenticate method (if defined) // gets mapped to the authenticate attribute before it is sent to the client. // The authenticate property is used by the client to decide whether or not to // include the credential type in the predefined credentials (HTTP node) Object.assign(tempCredential, { toJSON }); if (tempCredential.icon && tempCredential.icon.startsWith('file:')) { // If a file icon gets used add the full path tempCredential.icon = `file:${path.join( path.dirname(filePath), tempCredential.icon.substr(5), )}`; } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof TypeError) { throw new Error( `Class with name "${credentialName}" could not be found. Please check if the class is named correctly!`, ); } else { throw e; } } this.credentialTypes[tempCredential.name] = { type: tempCredential, sourcePath: filePath, }; } async loadNpmModule(packageName: string, version?: string): Promise { const downloadFolder = UserSettings.getUserN8nFolderDownloadedNodesPath(); const command = `npm install ${packageName}${version ? `@${version}` : ''}`; await executeCommand(command); const finalNodeUnpackedPath = path.join(downloadFolder, 'node_modules', packageName); const loadedNodes = await this.loadDataFromPackage(finalNodeUnpackedPath); if (loadedNodes.length > 0) { const packageFile = await this.readPackageJson(finalNodeUnpackedPath); // Save info to DB try { const installedPackage = await persistInstalledPackageData( packageFile.name, packageFile.version, loadedNodes, this.nodeTypes, packageFile.author?.name, packageFile.author?.email, ); this.attachNodesToNodeTypes(installedPackage.installedNodes); return installedPackage; } catch (error) { LoggerProxy.error('Failed to save installed packages and nodes', { error, packageName }); throw error; } } else { // Remove this package since it contains no loadable nodes const removeCommand = `npm remove ${packageName}`; try { await executeCommand(removeCommand); } catch (error) { // Do nothing } throw new Error(RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES.PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_NODES); } } async removeNpmModule(packageName: string, installedPackage: InstalledPackages): Promise { const command = `npm remove ${packageName}`; await executeCommand(command); void (await removePackageFromDatabase(installedPackage)); this.unloadNodes(installedPackage.installedNodes); } async updateNpmModule( packageName: string, installedPackage: InstalledPackages, ): Promise { const downloadFolder = UserSettings.getUserN8nFolderDownloadedNodesPath(); const command = `npm i ${packageName}@latest`; try { await executeCommand(command); } catch (error) { if (error.message === RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES.PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND) { throw new Error(`The npm package "${packageName}" could not be found.`); } throw error; } this.unloadNodes(installedPackage.installedNodes); const finalNodeUnpackedPath = path.join(downloadFolder, 'node_modules', packageName); const loadedNodes = await this.loadDataFromPackage(finalNodeUnpackedPath); if (loadedNodes.length > 0) { const packageFile = await this.readPackageJson(finalNodeUnpackedPath); // Save info to DB try { await removePackageFromDatabase(installedPackage); const newlyInstalledPackage = await persistInstalledPackageData( packageFile.name, packageFile.version, loadedNodes, this.nodeTypes, packageFile.author?.name, packageFile.author?.email, ); this.attachNodesToNodeTypes(newlyInstalledPackage.installedNodes); return newlyInstalledPackage; } catch (error) { LoggerProxy.error('Failed to save installed packages and nodes', { error, packageName }); throw error; } } else { // Remove this package since it contains no loadable nodes const removeCommand = `npm remove ${packageName}`; try { await executeCommand(removeCommand); } catch (error) { // Do nothing } throw new Error(RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGES.PACKAGE_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_NODES); } } /** * Loads a node from a file * * @param {string} packageName The package name to set for the found nodes * @param {string} nodeName Tha name of the node * @param {string} filePath The file to read node from */ loadNodeFromFile( packageName: string, nodeName: string, filePath: string, ): INodeTypeNameVersion | undefined { let tempNode: INodeType | IVersionedNodeType; let nodeVersion = 1; try { tempNode = loadClassInIsolation(filePath, nodeName); this.addCodex({ node: tempNode, filePath, isCustom: packageName === 'CUSTOM' }); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console, @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions console.error(`Error loading node "${nodeName}" from: "${filePath}" - ${error.message}`); throw error; } const fullNodeName = `${packageName}.${tempNode.description.name}`; tempNode.description.name = fullNodeName; if (tempNode.description.icon !== undefined && tempNode.description.icon.startsWith('file:')) { // If a file icon gets used add the full path tempNode.description.icon = `file:${path.join( path.dirname(filePath), tempNode.description.icon.substr(5), )}`; } if (tempNode.hasOwnProperty('nodeVersions')) { const versionedNodeType = (tempNode as IVersionedNodeType).getNodeType(); this.addCodex({ node: versionedNodeType, filePath, isCustom: packageName === 'CUSTOM' }); nodeVersion = (tempNode as IVersionedNodeType).currentVersion; if ( versionedNodeType.description.icon !== undefined && versionedNodeType.description.icon.startsWith('file:') ) { // If a file icon gets used add the full path versionedNodeType.description.icon = `file:${path.join( path.dirname(filePath), versionedNodeType.description.icon.substr(5), )}`; } if (versionedNodeType.hasOwnProperty('executeSingle')) { this.logger.warn( `"executeSingle" will get deprecated soon. Please update the code of node "${packageName}.${nodeName}" to use "execute" instead!`, { filePath }, ); } } else { // Short renaming to avoid type issues const tmpNode = tempNode as INodeType; nodeVersion = Array.isArray(tmpNode.description.version) ? tmpNode.description.version.slice(-1)[0] : tmpNode.description.version; } if (this.includeNodes !== undefined && !this.includeNodes.includes(fullNodeName)) { return; } // Check if the node should be skipped if (this.excludeNodes !== undefined && this.excludeNodes.includes(fullNodeName)) { return; } this.nodeTypes[fullNodeName] = { type: tempNode, sourcePath: filePath, }; // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return return { name: fullNodeName, version: nodeVersion, } as INodeTypeNameVersion; } /** * Retrieves `categories`, `subcategories`, partial `resources` and * alias (if defined) from the codex data for the node at the given file path. * * @param {string} filePath The file path to a `*.node.js` file */ getCodex(filePath: string): CodexData { // eslint-disable-next-line global-require, import/no-dynamic-require, @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const { categories, subcategories, resources: allResources, alias } = require(`${filePath}on`); // .js to .json const resources = pick(allResources, ['primaryDocumentation', 'credentialDocumentation']); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return return { ...(categories && { categories }), ...(subcategories && { subcategories }), ...(resources && { resources }), ...(alias && { alias }), }; } /** * Adds a node codex `categories` and `subcategories` (if defined) * to a node description `codex` property. * * @param obj.node Node to add categories to * @param obj.filePath Path to the built node * @param obj.isCustom Whether the node is custom */ addCodex({ node, filePath, isCustom, }: { node: INodeType | IVersionedNodeType; filePath: string; isCustom: boolean; }) { try { const codex = this.getCodex(filePath); if (isCustom) { codex.categories = codex.categories ? codex.categories.concat(CUSTOM_NODES_CATEGORY) : [CUSTOM_NODES_CATEGORY]; } node.description.codex = codex; } catch (_) { this.logger.debug(`No codex available for: ${filePath.split('/').pop() ?? ''}`); if (isCustom) { node.description.codex = { categories: [CUSTOM_NODES_CATEGORY], }; } } } /** * Loads nodes and credentials from the given directory * * @param {string} setPackageName The package name to set for the found nodes * @param {string} directory The directory to look in */ async loadDataFromDirectory(setPackageName: string, directory: string): Promise { const files = await glob('**/*.@(node|credentials).js', { cwd: directory, absolute: true, }); for (const filePath of files) { const [fileName, type] = path.parse(filePath).name.split('.'); if (type === 'node') { this.loadNodeFromFile(setPackageName, fileName, filePath); } else if (type === 'credentials') { this.loadCredentialsFromFile(fileName, filePath); } } } async readPackageJson(packagePath: string): Promise { // Get the absolute path of the package const packageFileString = await fsReadFile(path.join(packagePath, 'package.json'), 'utf8'); return jsonParse(packageFileString); } /** * Loads nodes and credentials from the package with the given name * * @param {string} packagePath The path to read data from */ async loadDataFromPackage(packagePath: string): Promise { // Get the absolute path of the package const packageFile = await this.readPackageJson(packagePath); if (!packageFile.n8n) { return []; } const packageName = packageFile.name; const { nodes, credentials } = packageFile.n8n; const returnData: INodeTypeNameVersion[] = []; // Read all node types if (Array.isArray(nodes)) { for (const filePath of nodes) { const tempPath = path.join(packagePath, filePath); const [fileName] = path.parse(filePath).name.split('.'); const loadData = this.loadNodeFromFile(packageName, fileName, tempPath); if (loadData) { returnData.push(loadData); } } } // Read all credential types if (Array.isArray(credentials)) { for (const filePath of credentials) { const tempPath = path.join(packagePath, filePath); const [fileName] = path.parse(filePath).name.split('.'); this.loadCredentialsFromFile(fileName, tempPath); } } return returnData; } unloadNodes(installedNodes: InstalledNodes[]): void { const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); installedNodes.forEach((installedNode) => { nodeTypes.removeNodeType(installedNode.type); delete this.nodeTypes[installedNode.type]; }); } attachNodesToNodeTypes(installedNodes: InstalledNodes[]): void { const nodeTypes = NodeTypes(); installedNodes.forEach((installedNode) => { nodeTypes.attachNodeType( installedNode.type, this.nodeTypes[installedNode.type].type, this.nodeTypes[installedNode.type].sourcePath, ); }); } } let packagesInformationInstance: LoadNodesAndCredentialsClass | undefined; export function LoadNodesAndCredentials(): LoadNodesAndCredentialsClass { if (packagesInformationInstance === undefined) { packagesInformationInstance = new LoadNodesAndCredentialsClass(); } return packagesInformationInstance; }