import { UserSettingsController } from '@/controllers/userSettings.controller'; import type { NpsSurveyRequest } from '@/requests'; import type { UserService } from '@/services/user.service'; import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import type { NpsSurveyState } from 'n8n-workflow'; const NOW = 1717607016208; jest.useFakeTimers({ now: NOW, }); describe('UserSettingsController', () => { const userService = mock(); const controller = new UserSettingsController(userService); describe('NPS Survey', () => { test.each([ [ 'updates user settings, setting response state to done', { responded: true, lastShownAt: 1717607016208, }, [], ], [ 'updates user settings, setting response state to done, ignoring other keys like waitForResponse', { responded: true, lastShownAt: 1717607016208, waitingForResponse: true, }, ['waitingForResponse'], ], [ 'updates user settings, setting response state to done, ignoring other keys like ignoredCount', { responded: true, lastShownAt: 1717607016208, ignoredCount: 1, }, ['ignoredCount'], ], [ 'updates user settings, setting response state to done, ignoring other unknown keys', { responded: true, lastShownAt: 1717607016208, x: 1, }, ['x'], ], [ 'updates user settings, updating ignore count', { waitingForResponse: true, lastShownAt: 1717607016208, ignoredCount: 1, }, [], ], [ 'updates user settings, reseting to waiting state', { waitingForResponse: true, ignoredCount: 0, lastShownAt: 1717607016208, }, [], ], [ 'updates user settings, updating ignore count, ignoring unknown keys', { waitingForResponse: true, lastShownAt: 1717607016208, ignoredCount: 1, x: 1, }, ['x'], ], ])('%s', async (_, toUpdate, toIgnore: string[] | undefined) => { const req = mock(); = '1'; req.body = toUpdate; await controller.updateNpsSurvey(req); const npsSurvey = Object.keys(toUpdate).reduce( (accu, key) => { if ((toIgnore ?? []).includes(key)) { return accu; } accu[key] = (toUpdate as Record)[key]; return accu; }, {} as Record, ); expect(userService.updateSettings).toHaveBeenCalledWith('1', { npsSurvey }); }); it('updates user settings, setting response state to done', async () => { const req = mock(); = '1'; const npsSurvey: NpsSurveyState = { responded: true, lastShownAt: 1717607016208, }; req.body = npsSurvey; await controller.updateNpsSurvey(req); expect(userService.updateSettings).toHaveBeenCalledWith('1', { npsSurvey }); }); it('updates user settings, updating ignore count', async () => { const req = mock(); = '1'; const npsSurvey: NpsSurveyState = { waitingForResponse: true, lastShownAt: 1717607016208, ignoredCount: 1, }; req.body = npsSurvey; await controller.updateNpsSurvey(req); expect(userService.updateSettings).toHaveBeenCalledWith('1', { npsSurvey }); }); test.each([ ['is missing', {}], ['is undefined', undefined], ['is responded but missing lastShownAt', { responded: true }], ['is waitingForResponse but missing lastShownAt', { waitingForResponse: true }], [ 'is waitingForResponse but missing ignoredCount', { lastShownAt: 123, waitingForResponse: true }, ], ])('thows error when request payload is %s', async (_, payload) => { const req = mock(); = '1'; req.body = payload; await expect(controller.updateNpsSurvey(req)).rejects.toThrowError(); }); }); });