import { useStorage } from '@vueuse/core'; import type { RouteLocation, RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'; import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'; import type { IPermissions } from './Interface'; import { isAuthorized, LOGIN_STATUS, ROLE, runExternalHook } from '@/utils'; import { useSettingsStore } from './stores/'; import { useUsersStore } from './stores/'; import { useTemplatesStore } from './stores/'; import { useUIStore } from '@/stores/'; import { useSSOStore } from './stores/'; import { useWebhooksStore } from '@/stores/'; import { EnterpriseEditionFeature, VIEWS } from '@/constants'; import { useTelemetry } from '@/composables'; const ChangePasswordView = async () => import('./views/ChangePasswordView.vue'); const ErrorView = async () => import('./views/ErrorView.vue'); const ForgotMyPasswordView = async () => import('./views/ForgotMyPasswordView.vue'); const MainHeader = async () => import('@/components/MainHeader/MainHeader.vue'); const MainSidebar = async () => import('@/components/MainSidebar.vue'); const NodeView = async () => import('@/views/NodeView.vue'); const WorkflowExecutionsList = async () => import('@/components/ExecutionsView/ExecutionsList.vue'); const ExecutionsLandingPage = async () => import('@/components/ExecutionsView/ExecutionsLandingPage.vue'); const ExecutionPreview = async () => import('@/components/ExecutionsView/ExecutionPreview.vue'); const SettingsView = async () => import('./views/SettingsView.vue'); const SettingsLdapView = async () => import('./views/SettingsLdapView.vue'); const SettingsPersonalView = async () => import('./views/SettingsPersonalView.vue'); const SettingsUsersView = async () => import('./views/SettingsUsersView.vue'); const SettingsCommunityNodesView = async () => import('./views/SettingsCommunityNodesView.vue'); const SettingsApiView = async () => import('./views/SettingsApiView.vue'); const SettingsLogStreamingView = async () => import('./views/SettingsLogStreamingView.vue'); const SettingsFakeDoorView = async () => import('./views/SettingsFakeDoorView.vue'); const SetupView = async () => import('./views/SetupView.vue'); const SigninView = async () => import('./views/SigninView.vue'); const SignupView = async () => import('./views/SignupView.vue'); const TemplatesCollectionView = async () => import('@/views/TemplatesCollectionView.vue'); const TemplatesWorkflowView = async () => import('@/views/TemplatesWorkflowView.vue'); const TemplatesSearchView = async () => import('@/views/TemplatesSearchView.vue'); const CredentialsView = async () => import('@/views/CredentialsView.vue'); const ExecutionsView = async () => import('@/views/ExecutionsView.vue'); const WorkflowsView = async () => import('@/views/WorkflowsView.vue'); const VariablesView = async () => import('@/views/VariablesView.vue'); const SettingsUsageAndPlan = async () => import('./views/SettingsUsageAndPlan.vue'); const SettingsSso = async () => import('./views/SettingsSso.vue'); const SignoutView = async () => import('@/views/SignoutView.vue'); const SamlOnboarding = async () => import('@/views/SamlOnboarding.vue'); const SettingsSourceControl = async () => import('./views/SettingsSourceControl.vue'); const SettingsExternalSecrets = async () => import('./views/SettingsExternalSecrets.vue'); const SettingsAuditLogs = async () => import('./views/SettingsAuditLogs.vue'); const WorkflowHistory = async () => import('@/views/WorkflowHistory.vue'); const WorkflowOnboardingView = async () => import('@/views/WorkflowOnboardingView.vue'); interface IRouteConfig { meta: { nodeView?: boolean; templatesEnabled?: boolean; getRedirect?: () => { name: string } | false; permissions: IPermissions; telemetry?: { disabled?: true; getProperties: (route: RouteLocation) => object; }; scrollOffset?: number; }; } function getTemplatesRedirect(defaultRedirect: VIEWS[keyof VIEWS]) { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const isTemplatesEnabled: boolean = settingsStore.isTemplatesEnabled; if (!isTemplatesEnabled) { return { name: defaultRedirect || VIEWS.NOT_FOUND }; } return false; } export const routes = [ { path: '/', name: VIEWS.HOMEPAGE, redirect: (to) => { return { name: VIEWS.WORKFLOWS }; }, meta: { permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/collections/:id', name: VIEWS.COLLECTION, components: { default: TemplatesCollectionView, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { templatesEnabled: true, telemetry: { getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { const templatesStore = useTemplatesStore(); return { collection_id:, wf_template_repo_session_id: templatesStore.currentSessionId, }; }, }, getRedirect: getTemplatesRedirect, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/templates/:id', name: VIEWS.TEMPLATE, components: { default: TemplatesWorkflowView, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { templatesEnabled: true, getRedirect: getTemplatesRedirect, telemetry: { getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { const templatesStore = useTemplatesStore(); return { template_id:, wf_template_repo_session_id: templatesStore.currentSessionId, }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/templates/', name: VIEWS.TEMPLATES, components: { default: TemplatesSearchView, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { templatesEnabled: true, getRedirect: getTemplatesRedirect, // Templates view remembers it's scroll position on back scrollOffset: 0, telemetry: { getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { const templatesStore = useTemplatesStore(); return { wf_template_repo_session_id: templatesStore.currentSessionId, }; }, }, setScrollPosition(pos: number) { this.scrollOffset = pos; }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/credentials', name: VIEWS.CREDENTIALS, components: { default: CredentialsView, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/variables', name: VIEWS.VARIABLES, components: { default: VariablesView, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/executions', name: VIEWS.EXECUTIONS, components: { default: ExecutionsView, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/workflows', name: VIEWS.WORKFLOWS, components: { default: WorkflowsView, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/workflow/:name/debug/:executionId', name: VIEWS.EXECUTION_DEBUG, components: { default: NodeView, header: MainHeader, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { nodeView: true, keepWorkflowAlive: true, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, deny: { shouldDeny: () => !useSettingsStore().isEnterpriseFeatureEnabled(EnterpriseEditionFeature.DebugInEditor), }, }, }, }, { path: '/workflow/:name/executions', name: VIEWS.WORKFLOW_EXECUTIONS, components: { default: WorkflowExecutionsList, header: MainHeader, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { keepWorkflowAlive: true, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, children: [ { path: '', name: VIEWS.EXECUTION_HOME, components: { executionPreview: ExecutionsLandingPage, }, meta: { keepWorkflowAlive: true, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: ':executionId', name: VIEWS.EXECUTION_PREVIEW, components: { executionPreview: ExecutionPreview, }, meta: { keepWorkflowAlive: true, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, ], }, { path: '/workflow/:workflowId/history/:versionId?', name: VIEWS.WORKFLOW_HISTORY, components: { default: WorkflowHistory, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, deny: { shouldDeny: () => !useSettingsStore().isEnterpriseFeatureEnabled( EnterpriseEditionFeature.WorkflowHistory, ), }, }, }, }, { path: '/workflows/templates/:id', name: VIEWS.TEMPLATE_IMPORT, components: { default: NodeView, header: MainHeader, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { templatesEnabled: true, keepWorkflowAlive: true, getRedirect: getTemplatesRedirect, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/workflows/onboarding/:id', name: VIEWS.WORKFLOW_ONBOARDING, components: { default: WorkflowOnboardingView, header: MainHeader, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { templatesEnabled: true, keepWorkflowAlive: true, getRedirect: () => getTemplatesRedirect(VIEWS.NEW_WORKFLOW), permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/workflow/new', name: VIEWS.NEW_WORKFLOW, components: { default: NodeView, header: MainHeader, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { nodeView: true, keepWorkflowAlive: true, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/workflows/demo', name: VIEWS.DEMO, components: { default: NodeView, }, meta: { permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/workflow/:name', name: VIEWS.WORKFLOW, components: { default: NodeView, header: MainHeader, sidebar: MainSidebar, }, meta: { nodeView: true, keepWorkflowAlive: true, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/workflow', redirect: '/workflow/new', }, { path: '/signin', name: VIEWS.SIGNIN, components: { default: SigninView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'auth', }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedOut], }, }, }, }, { path: '/signup', name: VIEWS.SIGNUP, components: { default: SignupView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'auth', }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedOut], }, }, }, }, { path: '/signout', name: VIEWS.SIGNOUT, components: { default: SignoutView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'auth', }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: '/setup', name: VIEWS.SETUP, components: { default: SetupView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'auth', }, permissions: { allow: { role: [ROLE.Default], }, }, }, }, { path: '/forgot-password', name: VIEWS.FORGOT_PASSWORD, components: { default: ForgotMyPasswordView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'auth', }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedOut], }, }, }, }, { path: '/change-password', name: VIEWS.CHANGE_PASSWORD, components: { default: ChangePasswordView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'auth', }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedOut], }, }, }, }, { path: '/settings', component: SettingsView, props: true, children: [ { path: 'usage', name: VIEWS.USAGE, components: { settingsView: SettingsUsageAndPlan, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { return { feature: 'usage', }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, deny: { shouldDeny: () => { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); return ( settingsStore.settings.hideUsagePage || settingsStore.settings.deployment?.type === 'cloud' ); }, }, }, }, }, { path: 'personal', name: VIEWS.PERSONAL_SETTINGS, components: { settingsView: SettingsPersonalView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { return { feature: 'personal', }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, deny: { role: [ROLE.Default], }, }, }, }, { path: 'users', name: VIEWS.USERS_SETTINGS, components: { settingsView: SettingsUsersView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { return { feature: 'users', }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { role: [ROLE.Owner], }, }, }, }, { path: 'api', name: VIEWS.API_SETTINGS, components: { settingsView: SettingsApiView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { return { feature: 'api', }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, deny: { shouldDeny: () => { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); return !settingsStore.isPublicApiEnabled; }, }, }, }, }, { path: 'environments', name: VIEWS.SOURCE_CONTROL, components: { settingsView: SettingsSourceControl, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { return { feature: 'environments', }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { role: [ROLE.Owner], }, }, }, }, { path: 'external-secrets', name: VIEWS.EXTERNAL_SECRETS_SETTINGS, components: { settingsView: SettingsExternalSecrets, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', getProperties(route: Route) { return { feature: 'external-secrets', }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { role: [ROLE.Owner], }, }, }, }, { path: 'sso', name: VIEWS.SSO_SETTINGS, components: { settingsView: SettingsSso, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { return { feature: 'sso', }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { role: [ROLE.Owner], }, deny: { shouldDeny: () => { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); return settingsStore.isDesktopDeployment; }, }, }, }, }, { path: 'log-streaming', name: VIEWS.LOG_STREAMING_SETTINGS, components: { settingsView: SettingsLogStreamingView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', }, permissions: { allow: { role: [ROLE.Owner], }, deny: { role: [ROLE.Member], }, }, }, }, { path: 'community-nodes', name: VIEWS.COMMUNITY_NODES, components: { settingsView: SettingsCommunityNodesView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', }, permissions: { allow: { role: [ROLE.Owner], }, deny: { shouldDeny: () => { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); return !settingsStore.isCommunityNodesFeatureEnabled; }, }, }, }, }, { path: 'coming-soon/:featureId', name: VIEWS.FAKE_DOOR, components: { settingsView: SettingsFakeDoorView, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { return { feature: route.params.featureId, }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, }, }, }, { path: 'ldap', name: VIEWS.LDAP_SETTINGS, components: { settingsView: SettingsLdapView, }, meta: { permissions: { allow: { role: [ROLE.Owner], }, deny: { role: [ROLE.Member], }, }, }, }, { path: 'audit-logs', name: VIEWS.AUDIT_LOGS, components: { settingsView: SettingsAuditLogs, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'settings', getProperties(route: RouteLocation) { return { feature: 'audit-logs', }; }, }, permissions: { allow: { role: [ROLE.Owner], }, deny: { shouldDeny: () => !useStorage('audit-logs', undefined).value, }, }, }, }, ], }, { path: '/saml/onboarding', name: VIEWS.SAML_ONBOARDING, components: { default: SamlOnboarding, }, meta: { telemetry: { pageCategory: 'auth', }, permissions: { allow: { loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn], }, deny: { shouldDeny: () => { const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const ssoStore = useSSOStore(); return ( !ssoStore.isEnterpriseSamlEnabled || settingsStore.isCloudDeployment || settingsStore.isDesktopDeployment ); }, }, }, }, }, { path: '/:pathMatch(.*)*', name: VIEWS.NOT_FOUND, component: ErrorView, props: { messageKey: 'error.pageNotFound', errorCode: 404, redirectTextKey: 'error.goBack', redirectPage: VIEWS.HOMEPAGE, }, meta: { nodeView: true, telemetry: { disabled: true, }, permissions: { allow: { // TODO: Once custom permissions are merged, this needs to be updated with index validation loginStatus: [LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedIn, LOGIN_STATUS.LoggedOut], }, }, }, }, ] as Array; const router = createRouter({ history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.DEV ? '/' : window.BASE_PATH ?? '/'), scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) { // saved position == null means the page is NOT visited from history (back button) if (savedPosition === null && === VIEWS.TEMPLATES && to.meta) { // for templates view, reset scroll position in this case to.meta.setScrollPosition(0); } }, routes, }); router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => { /** * Initialize stores before routing */ const settingsStore = useSettingsStore(); const usersStore = useUsersStore(); await settingsStore.initialize(); await usersStore.initialize(); /** * Redirect to setup page. User should be redirected to this only once */ if (settingsStore.showSetupPage) { if ( === VIEWS.SETUP) { return next(); } return next({ name: VIEWS.SETUP }); } /** * Verify user permissions for current route */ const currentUser = usersStore.currentUser; const permissions = to.meta?.permissions as IPermissions; const canUserAccessCurrentRoute = permissions && isAuthorized(permissions, currentUser); if (canUserAccessCurrentRoute) { return next(); } /** * If user cannot access the page and is not logged in, redirect to sign in */ if (!currentUser) { const redirect = to.query.redirect || encodeURIComponent(`${window.location.pathname}${}`); return next({ name: VIEWS.SIGNIN, query: { redirect } }); } /** * If user cannot access page but is logged in, respect sign in redirect */ if ( === VIEWS.SIGNIN && typeof to.query.redirect === 'string') { const redirect = decodeURIComponent(to.query.redirect); if (redirect.startsWith('/')) { // protect against phishing return next(redirect); } } /** * Otherwise, redirect to home page */ return next({ name: VIEWS.HOMEPAGE }); }); router.afterEach((to, from) => { const telemetry = useTelemetry(); const uiStore = useUIStore(); const templatesStore = useTemplatesStore(); /** * Run external hooks */ void runExternalHook('main.routeChange', useWebhooksStore(), { from, to }); /** * Track current view for telemetry */ uiStore.currentView = ( as string) ?? ''; if (to.meta?.templatesEnabled) { templatesStore.setSessionId(); } else { templatesStore.resetSessionId(); // reset telemetry session id when user leaves template pages }; }); export default router;