import { parseRangeQuery } from '@/executions/parse-range-query.middleware'; import { mock } from 'jest-mock-extended'; import type { NextFunction } from 'express'; import type * as express from 'express'; import type { ExecutionRequest } from '@/executions/execution.types'; describe('`parseRangeQuery` middleware', () => { const res = mock<express.Response>({ status: () => mock<express.Response>({ json: jest.fn() }), }); const nextFn: NextFunction = jest.fn(); beforeEach(() => { jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); describe('errors', () => { test('should fail on invalid JSON', () => { const statusSpy = jest.spyOn(res, 'status'); const req = mock<ExecutionRequest.GetMany>({ query: { filter: '{ "status": ["waiting }', limit: undefined, firstId: undefined, lastId: undefined, }, }); parseRangeQuery(req, res, nextFn); expect(nextFn).toBeCalledTimes(0); expect(statusSpy).toBeCalledWith(400); }); test('should fail on invalid schema', () => { const statusSpy = jest.spyOn(res, 'status'); const req = mock<ExecutionRequest.GetMany>({ query: { filter: '{ "status": 123 }', limit: undefined, firstId: undefined, lastId: undefined, }, }); parseRangeQuery(req, res, nextFn); expect(nextFn).toBeCalledTimes(0); expect(statusSpy).toBeCalledWith(400); }); }); describe('filter', () => { test('should parse status and mode fields', () => { const req = mock<ExecutionRequest.GetMany>({ query: { filter: '{ "status": ["waiting"], "mode": "manual" }', limit: undefined, firstId: undefined, lastId: undefined, }, }); parseRangeQuery(req, res, nextFn); expect(req.rangeQuery.status).toEqual(['waiting']); expect(req.rangeQuery.mode).toEqual('manual'); expect(nextFn).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); test('should parse date-related fields', () => { const req = mock<ExecutionRequest.GetMany>({ query: { filter: '{ "startedBefore": "2021-01-01", "startedAfter": "2020-01-01", "waitTill": "true" }', limit: undefined, firstId: undefined, lastId: undefined, }, }); parseRangeQuery(req, res, nextFn); expect(req.rangeQuery.startedBefore).toBe('2021-01-01'); expect(req.rangeQuery.startedAfter).toBe('2020-01-01'); expect(req.rangeQuery.waitTill).toBe(true); expect(nextFn).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); test('should parse ID-related fields', () => { const req = mock<ExecutionRequest.GetMany>({ query: { filter: '{ "id": "123", "workflowId": "456" }', limit: undefined, firstId: undefined, lastId: undefined, }, }); parseRangeQuery(req, res, nextFn); expect('123'); expect(req.rangeQuery.workflowId).toBe('456'); expect(nextFn).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); test('should delete invalid fields', () => { const req = mock<ExecutionRequest.GetMany>({ query: { filter: '{ "id": "123", "test": "789" }', limit: undefined, firstId: undefined, lastId: undefined, }, }); parseRangeQuery(req, res, nextFn); expect('123'); expect('test' in req.rangeQuery).toBe(false); expect(nextFn).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); }); describe('range', () => { test('should parse first and last IDs', () => { const req = mock<ExecutionRequest.GetMany>({ query: { filter: undefined, limit: undefined, firstId: '111', lastId: '999', }, }); parseRangeQuery(req, res, nextFn); expect(req.rangeQuery.range.firstId).toBe('111'); expect(req.rangeQuery.range.lastId).toBe('999'); expect(nextFn).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); test('should parse limit', () => { const req = mock<ExecutionRequest.GetMany>({ query: { filter: undefined, limit: '50', firstId: undefined, lastId: undefined, }, }); parseRangeQuery(req, res, nextFn); expect(req.rangeQuery.range.limit).toEqual(50); expect(nextFn).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); test('should default limit to 20 if absent', () => { const req = mock<ExecutionRequest.GetMany>({ query: { filter: undefined, limit: undefined, firstId: undefined, lastId: undefined, }, }); parseRangeQuery(req, res, nextFn); expect(req.rangeQuery.range.limit).toEqual(20); expect(nextFn).toBeCalledTimes(1); }); }); });