{ "node": "n8n-nodes-base.slack", "nodeVersion": "1.0", "codexVersion": "1.0", "categories": ["Communication", "HITL"], "subcategories": { "HITL": ["Human in the Loop"] }, "alias": ["human", "form", "wait", "hitl", "approval"], "resources": { "credentialDocumentation": [ { "url": "https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/builtin/credentials/slack/" } ], "primaryDocumentation": [ { "url": "https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/builtin/app-nodes/n8n-nodes-base.slack/" } ], "generic": [ { "label": "6 e-commerce workflows to power up your Shopify s", "icon": "store", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/no-code-ecommerce-workflow-automations/" }, { "label": "Automate your data processing pipeline in 9 steps", "icon": "⚙️", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/automate-your-data-processing-pipeline-in-9-steps-with-n8n/" }, { "label": "How to get started with CRM automation (with 3 no-code workflow ideas", "icon": "👥", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/how-to-get-started-with-crm-automation-and-no-code-workflow-ideas/" }, { "label": "5 tasks you can automate with the new Notion API ", "icon": "⚡️", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/5-tasks-you-can-automate-with-notion-api/" }, { "label": "Build your own virtual assistant with n8n: A step by step guide", "icon": "👦", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/build-your-own-virtual-assistant-with-n8n-a-step-by-step-guide/" }, { "label": "How to automatically give kudos to contributors with GitHub, Slack, and n8n", "icon": "👏", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/how-to-automatically-give-kudos-to-contributors-with-github-slack-and-n8n/" }, { "label": "How Common Knowledge use workflow automation for activism", "icon": "✨", "url": "https://n8n.io/blog/automations-for-activists/" } ] } }