export interface ExpressionText { type: 'text'; text: string; } export interface ExpressionCode { type: 'code'; text: string; // tmpl has different behaviours if the last expression // doesn't close itself. hasClosingBrackets: boolean; } export type ExpressionChunk = ExpressionCode | ExpressionText; const OPEN_BRACKET = /(?\\|)(?\{\{)/; const CLOSE_BRACKET = /(?\\|)(?\}\})/; export const escapeCode = (text: string): string => { return text.replace('\\}}', '}}'); }; export const splitExpression = (expression: string): ExpressionChunk[] => { const chunks: ExpressionChunk[] = []; let searchingFor: 'open' | 'close' = 'open'; let activeRegex = OPEN_BRACKET; let buffer = ''; let index = 0; while (index < expression.length) { const expr = expression.slice(index); const res = activeRegex.exec(expr); // No more brackets. If it's a closing bracket // this is sort of valid so we accept it but mark // that it has no closing bracket. if (!res?.groups) { buffer += expr; if (searchingFor === 'open') { chunks.push({ type: 'text', text: buffer, }); } else { chunks.push({ type: 'code', text: escapeCode(buffer), hasClosingBrackets: false, }); } break; } if (res.groups.escape) { buffer += expr.slice(0, res.index + 3); index += res.index + 3; } else { buffer += expr.slice(0, res.index); if (searchingFor === 'open') { chunks.push({ type: 'text', text: buffer, }); searchingFor = 'close'; activeRegex = CLOSE_BRACKET; } else { chunks.push({ type: 'code', text: escapeCode(buffer), hasClosingBrackets: true, }); searchingFor = 'open'; activeRegex = OPEN_BRACKET; } index += res.index + 2; buffer = ''; } } return chunks; }; // Expressions only have closing brackets escaped const escapeTmplExpression = (part: string) => { return part.replace('}}', '\\}}'); }; export const joinExpression = (parts: ExpressionChunk[]): string => { return parts .map((chunk) => { if (chunk.type === 'code') { return `{{${escapeTmplExpression(chunk.text)}${chunk.hasClosingBrackets ? '}}' : ''}`; } return chunk.text; }) .join(''); };