import nock from 'nock'; import type { Headers } from '../src/types'; import type { ClientOAuth2Options } from '../src'; import { ClientOAuth2, ClientOAuth2Token } from '../src'; import * as config from './config'; describe('CredentialsFlow', () => { beforeAll(async () => { nock.disableNetConnect(); }); afterAll(() => { nock.restore(); }); beforeEach(() => jest.clearAllMocks()); describe('#getToken', () => { const createAuthClient = ({ scopes, authentication, }: Pick<ClientOAuth2Options, 'scopes' | 'authentication'> = {}) => new ClientOAuth2({ clientId: config.clientId, clientSecret: config.clientSecret, accessTokenUri: config.accessTokenUri, authentication, authorizationGrants: ['credentials'], scopes, }); const mockTokenCall = async ({ requestedScope }: { requestedScope?: string } = {}) => { const nockScope = nock(config.baseUrl) .post( '/login/oauth/access_token', ({ scope, grant_type }) => scope === requestedScope && grant_type === 'client_credentials', ) .once() .reply(200, { access_token: config.accessToken, refresh_token: config.refreshToken, scope: requestedScope, }); return await new Promise<{ headers: Headers; body: unknown }>((resolve) => { nockScope.once('request', (req) => { resolve({ headers: req.headers, body: req.requestBodyBuffers.toString('utf-8'), }); }); }); }; it('should request the token', async () => { const authClient = createAuthClient({ scopes: ['notifications'] }); const requestPromise = mockTokenCall({ requestedScope: 'notifications' }); const user = await authClient.credentials.getToken(); expect(user).toBeInstanceOf(ClientOAuth2Token); expect(user.accessToken).toEqual(config.accessToken); expect(user.tokenType).toEqual('bearer'); expect('notifications'); const { headers, body } = await requestPromise; expect(headers.authorization).toBe('Basic YWJjOjEyMw=='); expect(body).toEqual('grant_type=client_credentials&scope=notifications'); }); it('when scopes are undefined, it should not send scopes to an auth server', async () => { const authClient = createAuthClient(); const requestPromise = mockTokenCall(); const user = await authClient.credentials.getToken(); expect(user).toBeInstanceOf(ClientOAuth2Token); expect(user.accessToken).toEqual(config.accessToken); expect(user.tokenType).toEqual('bearer'); expect(; const { body } = await requestPromise; expect(body).toEqual('grant_type=client_credentials'); }); it('when scopes is an empty array, it should send empty scope string to an auth server', async () => { const authClient = createAuthClient({ scopes: [] }); const requestPromise = mockTokenCall({ requestedScope: '' }); const user = await authClient.credentials.getToken(); expect(user).toBeInstanceOf(ClientOAuth2Token); expect(user.accessToken).toEqual(config.accessToken); expect(user.tokenType).toEqual('bearer'); expect(''); const { body } = await requestPromise; expect(body).toEqual('grant_type=client_credentials&scope='); }); it('should handle authentication = "header"', async () => { const authClient = createAuthClient({ scopes: [] }); const requestPromise = mockTokenCall({ requestedScope: '' }); await authClient.credentials.getToken(); const { headers, body } = await requestPromise; expect(headers?.authorization).toBe('Basic YWJjOjEyMw=='); expect(body).toEqual('grant_type=client_credentials&scope='); }); it('should handle authentication = "body"', async () => { const authClient = createAuthClient({ scopes: [], authentication: 'body' }); const requestPromise = mockTokenCall({ requestedScope: '' }); await authClient.credentials.getToken(); const { headers, body } = await requestPromise; expect(headers?.authorization).toBe(undefined); expect(body).toEqual('grant_type=client_credentials&scope=&client_id=abc&client_secret=123'); }); describe('#sign', () => { it('should be able to sign a standard request object', async () => { const authClient = createAuthClient({ scopes: ['notifications'] }); void mockTokenCall({ requestedScope: 'notifications' }); const token = await authClient.credentials.getToken(); const requestOptions = token.sign({ method: 'GET', url: `${config.baseUrl}/test`, }); expect(requestOptions.headers?.Authorization).toEqual(`Bearer ${config.accessToken}`); }); }); describe('#refresh', () => { const mockRefreshCall = async () => { const nockScope = nock(config.baseUrl) .post( '/login/oauth/access_token', ({ refresh_token, grant_type }) => refresh_token === config.refreshToken && grant_type === 'refresh_token', ) .once() .reply(200, { access_token: config.refreshedAccessToken, refresh_token: config.refreshedRefreshToken, }); return await new Promise<{ headers: Headers; body: unknown }>((resolve) => { nockScope.once('request', (req) => { resolve({ headers: req.headers, body: req.requestBodyBuffers.toString('utf-8'), }); }); }); }; it('should make a request to get a new access token', async () => { const authClient = createAuthClient({ scopes: ['notifications'] }); void mockTokenCall({ requestedScope: 'notifications' }); const token = await authClient.credentials.getToken(); expect(token.accessToken).toEqual(config.accessToken); const requestPromise = mockRefreshCall(); const token1 = await token.refresh(); await requestPromise; expect(token1).toBeInstanceOf(ClientOAuth2Token); expect(token1.accessToken).toEqual(config.refreshedAccessToken); expect(token1.tokenType).toEqual('bearer'); }); it('should make a request to get a new access token with authentication = "body"', async () => { const authClient = createAuthClient({ scopes: ['notifications'], authentication: 'body' }); void mockTokenCall({ requestedScope: 'notifications' }); const token = await authClient.credentials.getToken(); expect(token.accessToken).toEqual(config.accessToken); const requestPromise = mockRefreshCall(); const token1 = await token.refresh(); const { headers, body } = await requestPromise; expect(token1).toBeInstanceOf(ClientOAuth2Token); expect(token1.accessToken).toEqual(config.refreshedAccessToken); expect(token1.tokenType).toEqual('bearer'); expect(headers?.authorization).toBe(undefined); expect(body).toEqual( 'refresh_token=def456token&grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=abc&client_secret=123', ); }); it('should make a request to get a new access token with authentication = "header"', async () => { const authClient = createAuthClient({ scopes: ['notifications'], authentication: 'header', }); void mockTokenCall({ requestedScope: 'notifications' }); const token = await authClient.credentials.getToken(); expect(token.accessToken).toEqual(config.accessToken); const requestPromise = mockRefreshCall(); const token1 = await token.refresh(); const { headers, body } = await requestPromise; expect(token1).toBeInstanceOf(ClientOAuth2Token); expect(token1.accessToken).toEqual(config.refreshedAccessToken); expect(token1.tokenType).toEqual('bearer'); expect(headers?.authorization).toBe('Basic YWJjOjEyMw=='); expect(body).toEqual('refresh_token=def456token&grant_type=refresh_token'); }); }); }); });