import assign from 'lodash/assign'; import assignWith from 'lodash/assignWith'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import merge from 'lodash/merge'; import mergeWith from 'lodash/mergeWith'; import type { GenericValue, IBinaryKeyData, IDataObject, INodeExecutionData, IPairedItemData, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ApplicationError } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { fuzzyCompare, preparePairedItemDataArray } from '@utils/utilities'; import type { ClashResolveOptions, MatchFieldsJoinMode, MatchFieldsOptions } from './interfaces'; type PairToMatch = { field1: string; field2: string; }; type EntryMatches = { entry: INodeExecutionData; matches: INodeExecutionData[]; }; type CompareFunction = <T, U>(a: T, b: U) => boolean; export function addSuffixToEntriesKeys(data: INodeExecutionData[], suffix: string) { return => { const json: IDataObject = {}; Object.keys(entry.json).forEach((key) => { json[`${key}_${suffix}`] = entry.json[key]; }); return { ...entry, json }; }); } function findAllMatches( data: INodeExecutionData[], lookup: IDataObject, disableDotNotation: boolean, isEntriesEqual: CompareFunction, ) { return data.reduce((acc, entry2, i) => { if (entry2 === undefined) return acc; for (const key of Object.keys(lookup)) { const excpectedValue = lookup[key]; let entry2FieldValue; if (disableDotNotation) { entry2FieldValue = entry2.json[key]; } else { entry2FieldValue = get(entry2.json, key); } if (!isEntriesEqual(excpectedValue, entry2FieldValue)) { return acc; } } return acc.concat({ entry: entry2, index: i, }); }, [] as IDataObject[]); } function findFirstMatch( data: INodeExecutionData[], lookup: IDataObject, disableDotNotation: boolean, isEntriesEqual: CompareFunction, ) { const index = data.findIndex((entry2) => { if (entry2 === undefined) return false; for (const key of Object.keys(lookup)) { const excpectedValue = lookup[key]; let entry2FieldValue; if (disableDotNotation) { entry2FieldValue = entry2.json[key]; } else { entry2FieldValue = get(entry2.json, key); } if (!isEntriesEqual(excpectedValue, entry2FieldValue)) { return false; } } return true; }); if (index === -1) return []; return [{ entry: data[index], index }]; } export function findMatches( input1: INodeExecutionData[], input2: INodeExecutionData[], fieldsToMatch: PairToMatch[], options: MatchFieldsOptions, ) { const data1 = [...input1]; const data2 = [...input2]; const isEntriesEqual = fuzzyCompare(options.fuzzyCompare as boolean); const disableDotNotation = options.disableDotNotation || false; const multipleMatches = (options.multipleMatches as string) || 'all'; const filteredData = { matched: [] as EntryMatches[], matched2: [] as INodeExecutionData[], unmatched1: [] as INodeExecutionData[], unmatched2: [] as INodeExecutionData[], }; const matchedInInput2 = new Set<number>(); matchesLoop: for (const entry1 of data1) { const lookup: IDataObject = {}; fieldsToMatch.forEach((matchCase) => { let valueToCompare; if (disableDotNotation) { valueToCompare = entry1.json[matchCase.field1]; } else { valueToCompare = get(entry1.json, matchCase.field1); } lookup[matchCase.field2] = valueToCompare; }); for (const fieldValue of Object.values(lookup)) { if (fieldValue === undefined) { filteredData.unmatched1.push(entry1); continue matchesLoop; } } const foundedMatches = multipleMatches === 'all' ? findAllMatches(data2, lookup, disableDotNotation, isEntriesEqual) : findFirstMatch(data2, lookup, disableDotNotation, isEntriesEqual); const matches = => match.entry) as INodeExecutionData[]; => matchedInInput2.add(match.index as number)); if (matches.length) { if ( options.outputDataFrom === 'both' || options.joinMode === 'enrichInput1' || options.joinMode === 'enrichInput2' ) { matches.forEach((match) => { filteredData.matched.push({ entry: entry1, matches: [match], }); }); } else { filteredData.matched.push({ entry: entry1, matches, }); } } else { filteredData.unmatched1.push(entry1); } } data2.forEach((entry, i) => { if (matchedInInput2.has(i)) { filteredData.matched2.push(entry); } else { filteredData.unmatched2.push(entry); } }); return filteredData; } export function selectMergeMethod(clashResolveOptions: ClashResolveOptions) { const mergeMode = clashResolveOptions.mergeMode as string; if (clashResolveOptions.overrideEmpty) { function customizer(targetValue: GenericValue, srcValue: GenericValue) { if (srcValue === undefined || srcValue === null || srcValue === '') { return targetValue; } } if (mergeMode === 'deepMerge') { return (target: IDataObject, ...source: IDataObject[]) => { const targetCopy = Object.assign({}, target); return mergeWith(targetCopy, ...source, customizer); }; } if (mergeMode === 'shallowMerge') { return (target: IDataObject, ...source: IDataObject[]) => { const targetCopy = Object.assign({}, target); return assignWith(targetCopy, ...source, customizer); }; } } else { if (mergeMode === 'deepMerge') { return (target: IDataObject, ...source: IDataObject[]) => merge({}, target, ...source); } if (mergeMode === 'shallowMerge') { return (target: IDataObject, ...source: IDataObject[]) => assign({}, target, ...source); } } return (target: IDataObject, ...source: IDataObject[]) => merge({}, target, ...source); } export function mergeMatched( matched: EntryMatches[], clashResolveOptions: ClashResolveOptions, joinMode?: MatchFieldsJoinMode, ) { const returnData: INodeExecutionData[] = []; let resolveClash = clashResolveOptions.resolveClash as string; const mergeIntoSingleObject = selectMergeMethod(clashResolveOptions); for (const match of matched) { let { entry, matches } = match; let json: IDataObject = {}; let binary: IBinaryKeyData = {}; let pairedItem: IPairedItemData[] = []; if (resolveClash === 'addSuffix') { const suffix1 = '1'; const suffix2 = '2'; [entry] = addSuffixToEntriesKeys([entry], suffix1); matches = addSuffixToEntriesKeys(matches, suffix2); json = mergeIntoSingleObject({ ...entry.json }, => item.json)); binary = mergeIntoSingleObject( { ...entry.binary }, => item.binary as IDataObject), ); pairedItem = [ ...preparePairedItemDataArray(entry.pairedItem), => preparePairedItemDataArray(item.pairedItem)).flat(), ]; } else { const preferInput1 = 'preferInput1'; const preferInput2 = 'preferInput2'; if (resolveClash === undefined) { if (joinMode !== 'enrichInput2') { resolveClash = 'preferInput2'; } else { resolveClash = 'preferInput1'; } } if (resolveClash === preferInput1) { const [firstMatch, ...restMatches] = matches; json = mergeIntoSingleObject( { ...firstMatch.json }, => item.json), entry.json, ); binary = mergeIntoSingleObject( { ...firstMatch.binary }, => item.binary as IDataObject), entry.binary as IDataObject, ); pairedItem = [ ...preparePairedItemDataArray(firstMatch.pairedItem), => preparePairedItemDataArray(item.pairedItem)).flat(), ...preparePairedItemDataArray(entry.pairedItem), ]; } if (resolveClash === preferInput2) { json = mergeIntoSingleObject({ ...entry.json }, => item.json)); binary = mergeIntoSingleObject( { ...entry.binary }, => item.binary as IDataObject), ); pairedItem = [ ...preparePairedItemDataArray(entry.pairedItem), => preparePairedItemDataArray(item.pairedItem)).flat(), ]; } } returnData.push({ json, binary, pairedItem, }); } return returnData; } export function checkMatchFieldsInput(data: IDataObject[]) { if (data.length === 1 && data[0].field1 === '' && data[0].field2 === '') { throw new ApplicationError( 'You need to define at least one pair of fields in "Fields to Match" to match on', { level: 'warning' }, ); } for (const [index, pair] of data.entries()) { if (pair.field1 === '' || pair.field2 === '') { throw new ApplicationError( `You need to define both fields in "Fields to Match" for pair ${index + 1}, field 1 = '${pair.field1}' field 2 = '${pair.field2}'`, { level: 'warning' }, ); } } return data as PairToMatch[]; } export function checkInput( input: INodeExecutionData[], fields: string[], disableDotNotation: boolean, inputLabel: string, ) { for (const field of fields) { const isPresent = (input || []).some((entry) => { if (disableDotNotation) { return entry.json.hasOwnProperty(field); } return get(entry.json, field, undefined) !== undefined; }); if (!isPresent) { throw new ApplicationError( `Field '${field}' is not present in any of items in '${inputLabel}'`, { level: 'warning' }, ); } } return input; } export function addSourceField(data: INodeExecutionData[], sourceField: string) { return => { const json = { ...entry.json, _source: sourceField, }; return { ...entry, json, }; }); }