import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { NodeApiError } from 'n8n-workflow';

// Interface in n8n
export interface IMarkupKeyboard {
	rows?: IMarkupKeyboardRow[];

export interface IMarkupKeyboardRow {
	row?: IMarkupKeyboardRow;

export interface IMarkupKeyboardRow {
	buttons?: IMarkupKeyboardButton[];

export interface IMarkupKeyboardButton {
	text: string;
	additionalFields?: IDataObject;

// Interface in Telegram
export interface ITelegramInlineReply {
	inline_keyboard?: ITelegramKeyboardButton[][];

export interface ITelegramKeyboardButton {
	[key: string]: string | number | boolean;

export interface ITelegramReplyKeyboard extends IMarkupReplyKeyboardOptions {
	keyboard: ITelegramKeyboardButton[][];

// Shared interfaces
export interface IMarkupForceReply {
	force_reply?: boolean;
	selective?: boolean;

export interface IMarkupReplyKeyboardOptions {
	one_time_keyboard?: boolean;
	resize_keyboard?: boolean;
	selective?: boolean;

export interface IMarkupReplyKeyboardRemove {
	force_reply?: boolean;
	selective?: boolean;

 * Add the additional fields to the body
 * @param {IDataObject} body The body object to add fields to
 * @param {number} index The index of the item
export function addAdditionalFields(
	this: IExecuteFunctions,
	body: IDataObject,
	index: number,
	nodeVersion?: number,
	instanceId?: string,
) {
	const operation = this.getNodeParameter('operation', index);

	// Add the additional fields
	const additionalFields = this.getNodeParameter('additionalFields', index);

	if (operation === 'sendMessage') {
		const attributionText = 'This message was sent automatically with ';
		const link = `${encodeURIComponent(
		)}${instanceId ? '_' + instanceId : ''}`;

		if (nodeVersion && nodeVersion >= 1.1 && additionalFields.appendAttribution === undefined) {
			additionalFields.appendAttribution = true;

		if (!additionalFields.parse_mode) {
			additionalFields.parse_mode = 'Markdown';

		const regex = /(https?|ftp|file):\/\/\S+|www\.\S+|\S+\.\S+/;
		const containsUrl = regex.test(body.text as string);

		if (!containsUrl) {
			body.disable_web_page_preview = true;

		if (additionalFields.appendAttribution) {
			if (additionalFields.parse_mode === 'Markdown') {
				body.text = `${body.text}\n\n_${attributionText}_[n8n](${link})`;
			} else if (additionalFields.parse_mode === 'HTML') {
				body.text = `${body.text}\n\n<em>${attributionText}</em><a href="${link}" target="_blank">n8n</a>`;

		if (
			nodeVersion &&
			nodeVersion >= 1.2 &&
			additionalFields.disable_web_page_preview === undefined
		) {
			body.disable_web_page_preview = true;

		delete additionalFields.appendAttribution;

	Object.assign(body, additionalFields);

	// Add the reply markup
	let replyMarkupOption = '';
	if (operation !== 'sendMediaGroup') {
		replyMarkupOption = this.getNodeParameter('replyMarkup', index) as string;
		if (replyMarkupOption === 'none') {

	body.reply_markup = {} as
		| IMarkupForceReply
		| IMarkupReplyKeyboardRemove
		| ITelegramInlineReply
		| ITelegramReplyKeyboard;
	if (['inlineKeyboard', 'replyKeyboard'].includes(replyMarkupOption)) {
		let setParameterName = 'inline_keyboard';
		if (replyMarkupOption === 'replyKeyboard') {
			setParameterName = 'keyboard';

		const keyboardData = this.getNodeParameter(replyMarkupOption, index) as IMarkupKeyboard;

		// @ts-ignore
		(body.reply_markup as ITelegramInlineReply | ITelegramReplyKeyboard)[setParameterName] =
			[] as ITelegramKeyboardButton[][];
		let sendButtonData: ITelegramKeyboardButton;
		if (keyboardData.rows !== undefined) {
			for (const row of keyboardData.rows) {
				const sendRows: ITelegramKeyboardButton[] = [];
				if (row.row?.buttons === undefined) {
				for (const button of row.row.buttons) {
					sendButtonData = {};
					sendButtonData.text = button.text;
					if (button.additionalFields) {
						Object.assign(sendButtonData, button.additionalFields);

				// @ts-ignore
				const array = (body.reply_markup as ITelegramInlineReply | ITelegramReplyKeyboard)[
				] as ITelegramKeyboardButton[][];
	} else if (replyMarkupOption === 'forceReply') {
		const forceReply = this.getNodeParameter('forceReply', index) as IMarkupForceReply;
		body.reply_markup = forceReply;
	} else if (replyMarkupOption === 'replyKeyboardRemove') {
		const forceReply = this.getNodeParameter(
		) as IMarkupReplyKeyboardRemove;
		body.reply_markup = forceReply;

	if (replyMarkupOption === 'replyKeyboard') {
		const replyKeyboardOptions = this.getNodeParameter(
		) as IMarkupReplyKeyboardOptions;
		Object.assign(body.reply_markup, replyKeyboardOptions);

 * Make an API request to Telegram
export async function apiRequest(
	this: IHookFunctions | IExecuteFunctions | ILoadOptionsFunctions | IWebhookFunctions,
	method: IHttpRequestMethods,
	endpoint: string,
	body: IDataObject,
	query?: IDataObject,
	option: IDataObject = {},
): Promise<any> {
	const credentials = await this.getCredentials('telegramApi');

	query = query || {};

	const options: IRequestOptions = {
		headers: {},
		uri: `${credentials.baseUrl}/bot${credentials.accessToken}/${endpoint}`,
		qs: query,
		json: true,

	if (Object.keys(option).length > 0) {
		Object.assign(options, option);

	if (Object.keys(body).length === 0) {
		delete options.body;

	if (Object.keys(query).length === 0) {
		delete options.qs;

	try {
		return await this.helpers.request(options);
	} catch (error) {
		throw new NodeApiError(this.getNode(), error as JsonObject);

export function getImageBySize(photos: IDataObject[], size: string): IDataObject | undefined {
	const sizes = {
		small: 0,
		medium: 1,
		large: 2,
		extraLarge: 3,
	} as IDataObject;

	const index = sizes[size] as number;

	return photos[index];

export function getPropertyName(operation: string) {
	return operation.replace('send', '').toLowerCase();

export function getSecretToken(this: IHookFunctions | IWebhookFunctions) {
	// Only characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _ and - are allowed.
	const secret_token = `${this.getWorkflow().id}_${this.getNode().id}`;
	return secret_token.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+/g, '');