import { OptionsWithUri } from 'request'; import { IHookFunctions, IWebhookFunctions } from 'n8n-core'; import { ICredentialsDecrypted, ICredentialTestFunctions, IDataObject, ILoadOptionsFunctions, INodeCredentialTestResult, INodePropertyOptions, INodeType, INodeTypeDescription, IWebhookResponseData, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { bitbucketApiRequest, bitbucketApiRequestAllItems } from './GenericFunctions'; export class BitbucketTrigger implements INodeType { description: INodeTypeDescription = { displayName: 'Bitbucket Trigger', name: 'bitbucketTrigger', icon: 'file:bitbucket.svg', group: ['trigger'], version: 1, description: 'Handle Bitbucket events via webhooks', defaults: { name: 'Bitbucket Trigger', }, inputs: [], outputs: ['main'], credentials: [ { name: 'bitbucketApi', required: true, testedBy: 'bitbucketApiTest', }, ], webhooks: [ { name: 'default', httpMethod: 'POST', responseMode: 'onReceived', path: 'webhook', }, ], properties: [ { displayName: 'Resource', name: 'resource', type: 'options', noDataExpression: true, required: true, options: [ { name: 'Repository', value: 'repository', }, { name: 'Workspace', value: 'workspace', }, ], default: 'workspace', }, { displayName: 'Workspace Name or ID', name: 'workspace', type: 'options', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['workspace', 'repository'], }, }, typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getWorkspaces', }, required: true, default: '', description: 'The repository of which to listen to the events. Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>.', }, { displayName: 'Event Names or IDs', name: 'events', type: 'multiOptions', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['workspace'], }, }, typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getWorkspaceEvents', }, options: [], required: true, default: [], description: 'The events to listen to. Choose from the list, or specify IDs using an <a href="">expression</a>.', }, { displayName: 'Repository Name or ID', name: 'repository', type: 'options', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['repository'], }, }, typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getRepositories', loadOptionsDependsOn: ['workspace'], }, required: true, default: '', description: 'The repository of which to listen to the events. Choose from the list, or specify an ID using an <a href="">expression</a>.', }, { displayName: 'Event Names or IDs', name: 'events', type: 'multiOptions', displayOptions: { show: { resource: ['repository'], }, }, typeOptions: { loadOptionsMethod: 'getRepositoriesEvents', }, options: [], required: true, default: [], description: 'The events to listen to. Choose from the list, or specify IDs using an <a href="">expression</a>.', }, ], }; methods = { credentialTest: { async bitbucketApiTest( this: ICredentialTestFunctions, credential: ICredentialsDecrypted, ): Promise<INodeCredentialTestResult> { const credentials =; const options: OptionsWithUri = { method: 'GET', auth: { user: credentials!.username as string, password: credentials!.appPassword as string, }, uri: '', json: true, timeout: 5000, }; try { const response = await this.helpers.request(options); if (!response.username) { return { status: 'Error', message: `Token is not valid: ${response.error}`, }; } } catch (error) { return { status: 'Error', message: `Settings are not valid: ${error}`, }; } return { status: 'OK', message: 'Authentication successful!', }; }, }, loadOptions: { async getWorkspaceEvents(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const events = await this, 'values', 'GET', '/hook_events/workspace', ); for (const event of events) { returnData.push({ name: event.event, value: event.event, description: event.description, }); } return returnData; }, async getRepositoriesEvents(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const events = await this, 'values', 'GET', '/hook_events/repository', ); for (const event of events) { returnData.push({ name: event.event, value: event.event, description: event.description, }); } return returnData; }, async getRepositories(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const workspace = this.getCurrentNodeParameter('workspace') as string; const repositories = await this, 'values', 'GET', `/repositories/${workspace}`, ); for (const repository of repositories) { returnData.push({ name: repository.slug, value: repository.slug, description: repository.description, }); } return returnData; }, async getWorkspaces(this: ILoadOptionsFunctions): Promise<INodePropertyOptions[]> { const returnData: INodePropertyOptions[] = []; const workspaces = await this, 'values', 'GET', `/workspaces`, ); for (const workspace of workspaces) { returnData.push({ name:, value: workspace.slug, }); } return returnData; }, }, }; // @ts-ignore webhookMethods = { default: { async checkExists(this: IHookFunctions): Promise<boolean> { let endpoint = ''; const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; const workspace = this.getNodeParameter('workspace', 0) as string; const webhookUrl = this.getNodeWebhookUrl('default'); const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); if (resource === 'workspace') { endpoint = `/workspaces/${workspace}/hooks`; } if (resource === 'repository') { const repository = this.getNodeParameter('repository', 0) as string; endpoint = `/repositories/${workspace}/${repository}/hooks`; } const { values: hooks } = await, 'GET', endpoint); for (const hook of hooks) { if (webhookUrl === hook.url && === true) { webhookData.webhookId = hook.uuid.replace('{', '').replace('}', ''); return true; } } return false; }, async create(this: IHookFunctions): Promise<boolean> { let responseData; let endpoint = ''; const webhookUrl = this.getNodeWebhookUrl('default'); const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); const events = this.getNodeParameter('events') as string[]; const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; const workspace = this.getNodeParameter('workspace', 0) as string; if (resource === 'workspace') { endpoint = `/workspaces/${workspace}/hooks`; } if (resource === 'repository') { const repository = this.getNodeParameter('repository', 0) as string; endpoint = `/repositories/${workspace}/${repository}/hooks`; } const body: IDataObject = { description: 'n8n webhook', url: webhookUrl, active: true, events, }; responseData = await, 'POST', endpoint, body); webhookData.webhookId = responseData.uuid.replace('{', '').replace('}', ''); return true; }, async delete(this: IHookFunctions): Promise<boolean> { let endpoint = ''; const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); const workspace = this.getNodeParameter('workspace', 0) as string; const resource = this.getNodeParameter('resource', 0) as string; if (resource === 'workspace') { endpoint = `/workspaces/${workspace}/hooks/${webhookData.webhookId}`; } if (resource === 'repository') { const repository = this.getNodeParameter('repository', 0) as string; endpoint = `/repositories/${workspace}/${repository}/hooks/${webhookData.webhookId}`; } try { await, 'DELETE', endpoint); } catch (error) { return false; } delete webhookData.webhookId; return true; }, }, }; async webhook(this: IWebhookFunctions): Promise<IWebhookResponseData> { const req = this.getRequestObject(); const headerData = this.getHeaderData() as IDataObject; const webhookData = this.getWorkflowStaticData('node'); if (headerData['x-hook-uuid'] !== webhookData.webhookId) { return {}; } return { workflowData: [this.helpers.returnJsonArray(req.body)], }; } }