import type { TEntitlement, TFeatures, TLicenseBlock } from '@n8n_io/license-sdk'; import { LicenseManager } from '@n8n_io/license-sdk'; import { InstanceSettings, ObjectStoreService } from 'n8n-core'; import Container, { Service } from 'typedi'; import { Logger } from '@/Logger'; import config from '@/config'; import { LICENSE_FEATURES, LICENSE_QUOTAS, N8N_VERSION, SETTINGS_LICENSE_CERT_KEY, UNLIMITED_LICENSE_QUOTA, } from './constants'; import { SettingsRepository } from '@db/repositories/settings.repository'; import type { BooleanLicenseFeature, N8nInstanceType, NumericLicenseFeature } from './Interfaces'; import type { RedisServicePubSubPublisher } from './services/redis/RedisServicePubSubPublisher'; import { RedisService } from './services/redis.service'; import { OrchestrationService } from '@/services/orchestration.service'; import { OnShutdown } from '@/decorators/OnShutdown'; import { LicenseMetricsService } from '@/metrics/license-metrics.service'; type FeatureReturnType = Partial< { planName: string; } & { [K in NumericLicenseFeature]: number } & { [K in BooleanLicenseFeature]: boolean } >; @Service() export class License { private manager: LicenseManager | undefined; private redisPublisher: RedisServicePubSubPublisher; private isShuttingDown = false; constructor( private readonly logger: Logger, private readonly instanceSettings: InstanceSettings, private readonly orchestrationService: OrchestrationService, private readonly settingsRepository: SettingsRepository, private readonly licenseMetricsService: LicenseMetricsService, ) {} /** * Whether this instance should renew the license - on init and periodically. */ private renewalEnabled(instanceType: N8nInstanceType) { if (instanceType !== 'main') return false; const autoRenewEnabled = config.getEnv('license.autoRenewEnabled'); /** * In multi-main setup, all mains start off with `unset` status and so renewal disabled. * On becoming leader or follower, each will enable or disable renewal, respectively. * This ensures the mains do not cause a 429 (too many requests) on license init. */ if (config.getEnv('multiMainSetup.enabled')) { return autoRenewEnabled && this.instanceSettings.isLeader; } return autoRenewEnabled; } async init(instanceType: N8nInstanceType = 'main', forceRecreate = false) { if (this.manager && !forceRecreate) { this.logger.warn('License manager already initialized or shutting down'); return; } if (this.isShuttingDown) { this.logger.warn('License manager already shutting down'); return; } const isMainInstance = instanceType === 'main'; const server = config.getEnv('license.serverUrl'); const offlineMode = !isMainInstance; const autoRenewOffset = config.getEnv('license.autoRenewOffset'); const saveCertStr = isMainInstance ? async (value: TLicenseBlock) => await this.saveCertStr(value) : async () => {}; const onFeatureChange = isMainInstance ? async (features: TFeatures) => await this.onFeatureChange(features) : async () => {}; const collectUsageMetrics = isMainInstance ? async () => await this.licenseMetricsService.collectUsageMetrics() : async () => []; const collectPassthroughData = isMainInstance ? async () => await this.licenseMetricsService.collectPassthroughData() : async () => ({}); const renewalEnabled = this.renewalEnabled(instanceType); try { this.manager = new LicenseManager({ server, tenantId: config.getEnv('license.tenantId'), productIdentifier: `n8n-${N8N_VERSION}`, autoRenewEnabled: renewalEnabled, renewOnInit: renewalEnabled, autoRenewOffset, offlineMode, logger: this.logger, loadCertStr: async () => await this.loadCertStr(), saveCertStr, deviceFingerprint: () => this.instanceSettings.instanceId, collectUsageMetrics, collectPassthroughData, onFeatureChange, }); await this.manager.initialize(); } catch (e: unknown) { if (e instanceof Error) { this.logger.error('Could not initialize license manager sdk', e); } } } async loadCertStr(): Promise { // if we have an ephemeral license, we don't want to load it from the database const ephemeralLicense = config.get('license.cert'); if (ephemeralLicense) { return ephemeralLicense; } const databaseSettings = await this.settingsRepository.findOne({ where: { key: SETTINGS_LICENSE_CERT_KEY, }, }); return databaseSettings?.value ?? ''; } async onFeatureChange(_features: TFeatures): Promise { if (config.getEnv('executions.mode') === 'queue' && config.getEnv('multiMainSetup.enabled')) { const isMultiMainLicensed = _features[LICENSE_FEATURES.MULTIPLE_MAIN_INSTANCES] as | boolean | undefined; this.orchestrationService.setMultiMainSetupLicensed(isMultiMainLicensed ?? false); if ( this.orchestrationService.isMultiMainSetupEnabled && this.orchestrationService.isFollower ) { this.logger.debug( '[Multi-main setup] Instance is follower, skipping sending of "reloadLicense" command...', ); return; } if (this.orchestrationService.isMultiMainSetupEnabled && !isMultiMainLicensed) { this.logger.debug( '[Multi-main setup] License changed with no support for multi-main setup - no new followers will be allowed to init. To restore multi-main setup, please upgrade to a license that supports this feature.', ); } } if (config.getEnv('executions.mode') === 'queue') { if (!this.redisPublisher) { this.logger.debug('Initializing Redis publisher for License Service'); this.redisPublisher = await Container.get(RedisService).getPubSubPublisher(); } await this.redisPublisher.publishToCommandChannel({ command: 'reloadLicense', }); } const isS3Selected = config.getEnv('binaryDataManager.mode') === 's3'; const isS3Available = config.getEnv('binaryDataManager.availableModes').includes('s3'); const isS3Licensed = _features['feat:binaryDataS3']; if (isS3Selected && isS3Available && !isS3Licensed) { this.logger.debug( 'License changed with no support for external storage - blocking writes on object store. To restore writes, please upgrade to a license that supports this feature.', ); Container.get(ObjectStoreService).setReadonly(true); } } async saveCertStr(value: TLicenseBlock): Promise { // if we have an ephemeral license, we don't want to save it to the database if (config.get('license.cert')) return; await this.settingsRepository.upsert( { key: SETTINGS_LICENSE_CERT_KEY, value, loadOnStartup: false, }, ['key'], ); } async activate(activationKey: string): Promise { if (!this.manager) { return; } await this.manager.activate(activationKey); } async reload(): Promise { if (!this.manager) { return; } this.logger.debug('Reloading license'); await this.manager.reload(); } async renew() { if (!this.manager) { return; } await this.manager.renew(); } @OnShutdown() async shutdown() { // Shut down License manager to unclaim any floating entitlements // Note: While this saves a new license cert to DB, the previous entitlements are still kept in memory so that the shutdown process can complete this.isShuttingDown = true; if (!this.manager) { return; } await this.manager.shutdown(); } isFeatureEnabled(feature: BooleanLicenseFeature) { return this.manager?.hasFeatureEnabled(feature) ?? false; } isSharingEnabled() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.SHARING); } isLogStreamingEnabled() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.LOG_STREAMING); } isLdapEnabled() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.LDAP); } isSamlEnabled() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.SAML); } isAdvancedExecutionFiltersEnabled() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.ADVANCED_EXECUTION_FILTERS); } isAdvancedPermissionsLicensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.ADVANCED_PERMISSIONS); } isDebugInEditorLicensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.DEBUG_IN_EDITOR); } isBinaryDataS3Licensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.BINARY_DATA_S3); } isMultipleMainInstancesLicensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.MULTIPLE_MAIN_INSTANCES); } isVariablesEnabled() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.VARIABLES); } isSourceControlLicensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.SOURCE_CONTROL); } isExternalSecretsEnabled() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.EXTERNAL_SECRETS); } isWorkflowHistoryLicensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.WORKFLOW_HISTORY); } isAPIDisabled() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.API_DISABLED); } isWorkerViewLicensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.WORKER_VIEW); } isProjectRoleAdminLicensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.PROJECT_ROLE_ADMIN); } isProjectRoleEditorLicensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.PROJECT_ROLE_EDITOR); } isProjectRoleViewerLicensed() { return this.isFeatureEnabled(LICENSE_FEATURES.PROJECT_ROLE_VIEWER); } getCurrentEntitlements() { return this.manager?.getCurrentEntitlements() ?? []; } getFeatureValue(feature: T): FeatureReturnType[T] { return this.manager?.getFeatureValue(feature) as FeatureReturnType[T]; } getManagementJwt(): string { if (!this.manager) { return ''; } return this.manager.getManagementJwt(); } /** * Helper function to get the main plan for a license */ getMainPlan(): TEntitlement | undefined { if (!this.manager) { return undefined; } const entitlements = this.getCurrentEntitlements(); if (!entitlements.length) { return undefined; } return entitlements.find( (entitlement) => (entitlement.productMetadata?.terms as { isMainPlan?: boolean })?.isMainPlan, ); } getConsumerId() { return this.manager?.getConsumerId() ?? 'unknown'; } // Helper functions for computed data getUsersLimit() { return this.getFeatureValue(LICENSE_QUOTAS.USERS_LIMIT) ?? UNLIMITED_LICENSE_QUOTA; } getTriggerLimit() { return this.getFeatureValue(LICENSE_QUOTAS.TRIGGER_LIMIT) ?? UNLIMITED_LICENSE_QUOTA; } getVariablesLimit() { return this.getFeatureValue(LICENSE_QUOTAS.VARIABLES_LIMIT) ?? UNLIMITED_LICENSE_QUOTA; } getWorkflowHistoryPruneLimit() { return ( this.getFeatureValue(LICENSE_QUOTAS.WORKFLOW_HISTORY_PRUNE_LIMIT) ?? UNLIMITED_LICENSE_QUOTA ); } getTeamProjectLimit() { return this.getFeatureValue(LICENSE_QUOTAS.TEAM_PROJECT_LIMIT) ?? 0; } getPlanName(): string { return this.getFeatureValue('planName') ?? 'Community'; } getInfo(): string { if (!this.manager) { return 'n/a'; } return this.manager.toString(); } isWithinUsersLimit() { return this.getUsersLimit() === UNLIMITED_LICENSE_QUOTA; } async reinit() { this.manager?.reset(); await this.init('main', true); } }