import path from 'path'; import { readdirSync, readFileSync } from 'fs'; const BASE_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..'); import type { ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, IDataObject, IDeferredPromise, IExecuteWorkflowInfo, IHttpRequestHelper, IHttpRequestOptions, INode, INodeCredentialsDetails, INodeType, INodeTypes, IRun, ITaskData, IVersionedNodeType, IWorkflowBase, IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData, NodeLoadingDetails, WorkflowTestData, } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { ICredentialsHelper, NodeHelpers, WorkflowHooks, INodeTypeData } from 'n8n-workflow'; import { Credentials } from '@/Credentials'; import { predefinedNodesTypes } from './constants'; export class CredentialsHelper extends ICredentialsHelper { async authenticate( credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, typeName: string, requestParams: IHttpRequestOptions, ): Promise { return requestParams; } async preAuthentication( helpers: IHttpRequestHelper, credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, typeName: string, node: INode, credentialsExpired: boolean, ): Promise { return undefined; } getParentTypes(name: string): string[] { return []; } async getDecrypted( nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails, type: string, ): Promise { return {}; } async getCredentials( nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails, type: string, ): Promise { return new Credentials({ id: null, name: '' }, '', [], ''); } async updateCredentials( nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails, type: string, data: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject, ): Promise {} } class NodeTypesClass implements INodeTypes { nodeTypes: INodeTypeData; constructor(nodeTypes?: INodeTypeData) { if (nodeTypes) { this.nodeTypes = nodeTypes; } else { this.nodeTypes = predefinedNodesTypes; } } getByName(nodeType: string): INodeType | IVersionedNodeType { return this.nodeTypes[nodeType].type; } getByNameAndVersion(nodeType: string, version?: number): INodeType { return NodeHelpers.getVersionedNodeType(this.nodeTypes[nodeType].type, version); } } let nodeTypesInstance: NodeTypesClass | undefined; export function NodeTypes(nodeTypes?: INodeTypeData): NodeTypesClass { if (nodeTypesInstance === undefined || nodeTypes !== undefined) { nodeTypesInstance = new NodeTypesClass(nodeTypes); } return nodeTypesInstance; } export function WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData( waitPromise: IDeferredPromise, nodeExecutionOrder: string[], ): IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData { const hookFunctions = { nodeExecuteAfter: [ async (nodeName: string, data: ITaskData): Promise => { nodeExecutionOrder.push(nodeName); }, ], workflowExecuteAfter: [ async (fullRunData: IRun): Promise => { waitPromise.resolve(fullRunData); }, ], }; const workflowData: IWorkflowBase = { name: '', createdAt: new Date(), updatedAt: new Date(), active: true, nodes: [], connections: {}, }; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-ignore return { credentialsHelper: new CredentialsHelper(''), hooks: new WorkflowHooks(hookFunctions, 'trigger', '1', workflowData), executeWorkflow: async (workflowInfo: IExecuteWorkflowInfo) => {}, sendMessageToUI: (message: string) => {}, restApiUrl: '', encryptionKey: 'test', timezone: 'America/New_York', webhookBaseUrl: 'webhook', webhookWaitingBaseUrl: 'webhook-waiting', webhookTestBaseUrl: 'webhook-test', userId: '123', }; } const preparePinData = (pinData: IDataObject) => { const returnData = Object.keys(pinData).reduce( (acc, key) => { const data = pinData[key] as IDataObject[]; acc[key] = [data]; return acc; }, {} as { [key: string]: IDataObject[][]; }, ); return returnData; }; const readJsonFileSync = (filePath: string) => JSON.parse(readFileSync(path.join(BASE_DIR, filePath), 'utf-8')) as T; export function getNodeTypes(testData: WorkflowTestData[] | WorkflowTestData) { if (!Array.isArray(testData)) { testData = [testData]; } const nodeTypes: INodeTypeData = {}; const nodes = [ Set(testData.flatMap((data) => data.input.workflowData.nodes))]; const nodeNames = => n.type); const knownNodes = readJsonFileSync>( 'nodes-base/dist/known/nodes.json', ); for (const nodeName of nodeNames) { if (!nodeName.startsWith('n8n-nodes-base.')) { throw new Error(`Unknown node type: ${nodeName}`); } const loadInfo = knownNodes[nodeName.replace('n8n-nodes-base.', '')]; if (!loadInfo) { throw new Error(`Unknown node type: ${nodeName}`); } const sourcePath = loadInfo.sourcePath.replace(/^dist\//, './').replace(/\.js$/, '.ts'); const nodeSourcePath = path.join(BASE_DIR, 'nodes-base', sourcePath); const node = new (require(nodeSourcePath)[loadInfo.className])() as INodeType; nodeTypes[nodeName] = { sourcePath: '', type: node, }; } return nodeTypes; } const getWorkflowFilenames = (dirname: string, testFolder = 'workflows') => { const workflows: string[] = []; const filenames: string[] = readdirSync(`${dirname}${path.sep}${testFolder}`); filenames.forEach((file) => { if (file.endsWith('.json')) { workflows.push(path.join('core', 'test', testFolder, file)); } }); return workflows; }; export const workflowToTests = (dirname: string, testFolder = 'workflows') => { const workflowFiles: string[] = getWorkflowFilenames(dirname, testFolder); const testCases: WorkflowTestData[] = []; for (const filePath of workflowFiles) { const description = filePath.replace('.json', ''); const workflowData = readJsonFileSync(filePath); if (workflowData.pinData === undefined) { throw new Error('Workflow data does not contain pinData'); } const nodeData = preparePinData(workflowData.pinData); delete workflowData.pinData; const input = { workflowData }; const output = { nodeData }; testCases.push({ description, input, output }); } return testCases; };