/** * @jest-environment jsdom */ import { DateTime } from 'luxon'; import { getGlobalState } from '@/GlobalState'; import { evaluate, getLocalISOString } from './Helpers'; const { defaultTimezone } = getGlobalState(); describe('Data Transformation Functions', () => { describe('Date Data Transformation Functions', () => { test('.isWeekend() should work correctly on a date', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ DateTime.local(2023, 1, 20).isWeekend() }}')).toBe(false); expect(evaluate('={{ DateTime.local(2023, 1, 21).isWeekend() }}')).toBe(true); expect(evaluate('={{ DateTime.local(2023, 1, 22).isWeekend() }}')).toBe(true); expect(evaluate('={{ DateTime.local(2023, 1, 23).isWeekend() }}')).toBe(false); }); test('.beginningOf("week") should work correctly on a date', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ DateTime.local(2023, 1, 20).beginningOf("week") }}')).toEqual( DateTime.local(2023, 1, 16, { zone: defaultTimezone }), ); expect(evaluate('={{ new Date(2023, 0, 20).beginningOf("week") }}')).toEqual( DateTime.local(2023, 1, 16, { zone: defaultTimezone }).toJSDate(), ); }); test('.beginningOf("week") should work correctly on a string', () => { const evaluatedDate = evaluate('={{ "2023-01-30".toDate().beginningOf("week") }}'); const expectedDate = DateTime.local(2023, 1, 23, { zone: defaultTimezone }).toJSDate(); if (evaluatedDate && evaluatedDate instanceof Date) { expect(evaluatedDate.toDateString()).toEqual(expectedDate.toDateString()); } }); test('.beginningOf("month") should work correctly on a string', () => { const evaluatedDate = evaluate('={{ "2023-06-16".toDate().beginningOf("month") }}'); const expectedDate = DateTime.local(2023, 6, 1, { zone: defaultTimezone }).toJSDate(); if (evaluatedDate && evaluatedDate instanceof Date) { expect(evaluatedDate.toDateString()).toEqual(expectedDate.toDateString()); } }); test('.beginningOf("year") should work correctly on a string', () => { const evaluatedDate = evaluate('={{ "2023-01-30".toDate().beginningOf("year") }}'); const expectedDate = DateTime.local(2023, 1, 1, { zone: defaultTimezone }).toJSDate(); if (evaluatedDate && evaluatedDate instanceof Date) { expect(evaluatedDate.toDateString()).toEqual(expectedDate.toDateString()); } }); test('.endOfMonth() should work correctly on a date', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ DateTime.local(2023, 1, 16).endOfMonth() }}')).toEqual( DateTime.local(2023, 1, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, { zone: defaultTimezone }), ); expect(evaluate('={{ new Date(2023, 0, 16).endOfMonth() }}')).toEqual( DateTime.local(2023, 1, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999, { zone: defaultTimezone }).toJSDate(), ); }); test('.extract("day") should work correctly on a date', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ DateTime.local(2023, 1, 20).extract("day") }}')).toEqual(20); }); test('.extract() should extract week for no args', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ DateTime.local(2023, 1, 20).extract() }}')).toEqual(3); }); test('.format("yyyy LLL dd") should work correctly on a date', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ DateTime.local(2023, 1, 16).format("yyyy LLL dd") }}')).toEqual( '2023 Jan 16', ); }); test('.toDate() should work on a string', () => { const date = new Date(2022, 0, 3); expect(evaluate(`={{ "${getLocalISOString(date)}".toDate() }}`)).toEqual(date); }); test('.inBetween() should work on string and Date', () => { expect(evaluate("={{ $now.isBetween('2023-06-23'.toDate(), '2023-06-23') }}")).toBeDefined(); }); test('.inBetween() should work on string and DateTime', () => { expect(evaluate("={{ $now.isBetween($now, '2023-06-23') }}")).toBeDefined(); }); test('.inBetween() should not work for invalid strings', () => { expect(evaluate("={{ $now.isBetween($now, 'invalid') }}")).toBeUndefined(); }); test('.inBetween() should not work for numbers', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ $now.isBetween($now, 1) }}')).toBeUndefined(); }); test('.inBetween() should not work for a single argument', () => { expect(() => evaluate('={{ $now.isBetween($now) }}')).toThrow(); }); test('.inBetween() should not work for a more than two arguments', () => { expect(() => evaluate("={{ $now.isBetween($now, '2023-06-23', '2023-09-21'.toDate()) }}"), ).toThrow(); }); }); });