/** * @jest-environment jsdom */ import { arrayExtensions } from '../../src/Extensions/ArrayExtensions'; import { evaluate } from './Helpers'; describe('Data Transformation Functions', () => { describe('Array Data Transformation Functions', () => { test('.randomItem() should work correctly on an array', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [1,2,3].randomItem() }}')).not.toBeUndefined(); }); test('.isNotEmpty() should work correctly on an array', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [1,2,3, "imhere"].isNotEmpty() }}')).toEqual(true); }); test('.pluck() should work correctly on an array', () => { expect( evaluate(`={{ [ { value: 1, string: '1' }, { value: 2, string: '2' }, { value: 3, string: '3' }, { value: 4, string: '4' }, { value: 5, string: '5' }, { value: 6, string: '6' }, { value: { something: 'else' } } ].pluck("value") }}`), ).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, { something: 'else' }])); }); test('.pluck() should work correctly for multiple values', () => { expect( evaluate(`={{ [ { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', phone: { home: '111-222', office: '333-444' } }, { firstName: 'Jane', lastName: 'Doe', phone: { office: '555-666' } } ].pluck("firstName", "lastName") }}`), ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ ['John', 'Doe'], ['Jane', 'Doe'], ]), ); }); test('.pluck() should work return everything with no args', () => { expect( evaluate(`={{ [ { value: 1, string: '1' }, { value: 2, string: '2' }, { value: 3, string: '3' }, { value: 4, string: '4' }, { value: 5, string: '5' }, { value: 6, string: '6' }, { value: { something: 'else' } } ].pluck() }}`), ).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ { value: 1, string: '1' }, { value: 2, string: '2' }, { value: 3, string: '3' }, { value: 4, string: '4' }, { value: 5, string: '5' }, { value: 6, string: '6' }, { value: { something: 'else' } }, ]), ); }); test('.unique() should work correctly on an array', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ ["repeat","repeat","a","b","c"].unique() }}')).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining(['repeat', 'repeat', 'a', 'b', 'c']), ); }); test('.unique() should work on an arrays containing nulls, objects and arrays', () => { expect( evaluate('={{ [1, 2, 3, "as", {}, {}, 1, 2, [1,2], "[sad]", "[sad]", null].unique() }}'), ).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 'as', {}, [1, 2], '[sad]', null]); }); test('.isEmpty() should work correctly on an array', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [].isEmpty() }}')).toEqual(true); }); test('.isEmpty() should work correctly on an array', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [1].isEmpty() }}')).toEqual(false); }); test('.last() should work correctly on an array', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ ["repeat","repeat","a","b","c"].last() }}')).toEqual('c'); }); test('.first() should work correctly on an array', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ ["repeat","repeat","a","b","c"].first() }}')).toEqual('repeat'); }); test('.merge() should work correctly on an array', () => { expect( evaluate( '={{ [{ test1: 1, test2: 2 }, { test1: 1, test3: 3 }].merge([{ test1: 2, test3: 3 }, { test4: 4 }]) }}', ), ).toEqual({ test1: 1, test2: 2, test3: 3, test4: 4 }); }); test('.merge() should work correctly without arguments', () => { expect( evaluate( '={{ [{ a: 1, some: null }, { a: 2, c: "something" }, 2, "asds", { b: 23 }, null, [1, 2]].merge() }}', ), ).toEqual({ a: 1, some: null, c: 'something', b: 23 }); }); test('.smartJoin() should work correctly on an array of objects', () => { expect( evaluate( '={{ [{ name: "test1", value: "value1" }, { name: "test2", value: null }].smartJoin("name", "value") }}', ), ).toEqual({ test1: 'value1', test2: null, }); }); test('.renameKeys() should work correctly on an array of objects', () => { expect( evaluate( '={{ [{ test1: 1, test2: 2 }, { test1: 1, test3: 3 }].renameKeys("test1", "rename1", "test3", "rename3") }}', ), ).toEqual([ { rename1: 1, test2: 2 }, { rename1: 1, rename3: 3 }, ]); }); test('.sum() should work on an array of numbers', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].sum() }}')).toEqual(21); expect(() => evaluate('={{ ["1", 2, 3, 4, 5, "bad"].sum() }}')).toThrow(); }); test('.average() should work on an array of numbers', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].average() }}')).toEqual(3.5); expect(() => evaluate('={{ ["1", 2, 3, 4, 5, "bad"].average() }}')).toThrow(); }); test('.min() should work on an array of numbers', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].min() }}')).toEqual(1); expect(() => evaluate('={{ ["1", 2, 3, 4, 5, "bad"].min() }}')).toThrow(); }); test('.max() should work on an array of numbers', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].max() }}')).toEqual(6); expect(() => evaluate('={{ ["1", 2, 3, 4, 5, "bad"].max() }}')).toThrow(); }); test('.union() should work on an array of objects', () => { expect( evaluate( '={{ [{ test1: 1 }, { test2: 2 }].union([{ test1: 1, test3: 3 }, { test2: 2 }, { test4: 4 }]) }}', ), ).toEqual([{ test1: 1 }, { test2: 2 }, { test1: 1, test3: 3 }, { test4: 4 }]); }); test('.union() should work on an arrays containing nulls, objects and arrays', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [1, 2, "dd", {}, null].union([1, {}, null, 3]) }}')).toEqual([ 1, 2, 'dd', {}, null, 3, ]); }); test('.intersection() should work on an array of objects', () => { expect( evaluate( '={{ [{ test1: 1 }, { test2: 2 }].intersection([{ test1: 1, test3: 3 }, { test2: 2 }, { test4: 4 }]) }}', ), ).toEqual([{ test2: 2 }]); }); test('.intersection() should work on an arrays containing nulls, objects and arrays', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [1, 2, "dd", {}, null].intersection([1, {}, null]) }}')).toEqual([ 1, {}, null, ]); }); test('.difference() should work on an array of objects', () => { expect( evaluate( '={{ [{ test1: 1 }, { test2: 2 }].difference([{ test1: 1, test3: 3 }, { test2: 2 }, { test4: 4 }]) }}', ), ).toEqual([{ test1: 1 }]); expect( evaluate('={{ [{ test1: 1 }, { test2: 2 }].difference([{ test1: 1 }, { test2: 2 }]) }}'), ).toEqual([]); }); test('.difference() should work on an arrays containing nulls, objects and arrays', () => { expect( evaluate('={{ [1, 2, "dd", {}, null, ["a", 1]].difference([1, {}, null, ["a", 1]]) }}'), ).toEqual([2, 'dd']); }); test('.compact() should work on an array', () => { expect( evaluate( '={{ [{ test1: 1, test2: undefined, test3: null }, null, undefined, 1, 2, 0, { test: "asdf" }].compact() }}', ), ).toEqual([{ test1: 1 }, 1, 2, 0, { test: 'asdf' }]); }); test('.chunk() should work on an array', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ numberList(1, 20).chunk(5) }}')).toEqual([ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [11, 12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19, 20], ]); }); test('.toJsonString() should work on an array', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ [true, 1, "one", {foo: "bar"}].toJsonString() }}')).toEqual( '[true,1,"one",{"foo":"bar"}]', ); }); describe('Conversion methods', () => { test('should exist but return undefined (to not break expressions with mixed data)', () => { expect(evaluate('={{ numberList(1, 20).toInt() }}')).toBeUndefined(); expect(evaluate('={{ numberList(1, 20).toFloat() }}')).toBeUndefined(); expect(evaluate('={{ numberList(1, 20).toBoolean() }}')).toBeUndefined(); expect(evaluate('={{ numberList(1, 20).toDateTime() }}')).toBeUndefined(); }); test('should not have a doc (hidden from autocomplete)', () => { expect(arrayExtensions.functions.toInt.doc).toBeUndefined(); expect(arrayExtensions.functions.toFloat.doc).toBeUndefined(); expect(arrayExtensions.functions.toBoolean.doc).toBeUndefined(); expect(arrayExtensions.functions.toDateTime.doc).toBeUndefined(); }); }); }); });